Russian child killer, Andrei Chikatilo...looks like someone we know.

51  2018-07-25 by McGowan9


What every tranny sees when Norton cums.

I have this exact same tattoo.

"No followers! Ha ha hoe lee...""

No lie this guy looks evil as shit

He really was. There was nothing interesting about him, like with Bundy or some of them. He was just a depraved monster.

while holding down a job as a teacher cmon thats pretty impressive

He was fired after a year or two for molesting students. He should have been caught much earlier but Soviet bureacratic incompetence, the vastness of the country and the fact that he was a registered member of the Communist party (and the profile was affected by propaganda- the killer was profiled as a pedophile or homosexual and probable political dissident) meant that he stayed free for longer than he should and about 40 kids were murdered who could have lived.

oh well, spilled milk and all that

Apparently 4 people who falsely confessed to the murders after brutal interrogation committed suicide as well.

Read through his wiki, this guy was insanely aggressive in his hunt for victims, police reported him moving from person to person trying to convince them to walk with him to the woods or some other shit. Also him only being able to nut when he was stabbing his victims was quite interesting

" Russian "

A Ukrainian with Soviet Nationality.

Between this guy and the Dnepropetrovsk maniacs Ukraine may have Wisconsin beat for breeding psychos.

Ukraine has the psychopaths of Wisconsin, the poverty of Detroit and the rest of Ukraine's problems don't even have American equivalents.

I really just wanted to point out that Wisconsin has some weird fucks.

The poverty of Detroit, yet a murder rate not as high? I wonder what the underlying issue there actually is.


You're right, Sir, I got ahead of myself.

wtf is a Soviet nationality?

wtf is a Soviet nationality?

Citizen X.

Great fucking movie. Stephen Rea and Donald Sutherland were awesome in that.

Great for the spank bank.

This dude chewed on toddler testicles like they were Wrigley's Spearmint gum. Jim, comment?

those are fuckin tough o es

From Wikipedia:

At the onset of puberty. Chikatilo discovered that he suffered from chronic impotence,worsening his social awkwardness and self-hatred. He was shy in the company of women; his first crush, at age 17, had been on a girl named Lilya Barysheva, with whom he had become acquainted through his school newspaper, yet he was chronically nervous in her company and never asked her for a date. The same year, Chikatilo jumped upon an 11-year-old friend of his younger sister and wrestled her to the ground, ejaculating as the girl struggled in his grasp.

Change a few names around, and this could be a description of Norton, to about 90% accuracy.

"Widdout tha pockmarks, its him!..."

Andrei Chipatilo.

Tss tss you wanna walk in the woods or sumpthin?

No, without the chin, it’s him!

Kevin Pollak?

Someones been catching up on their Last Podcast on the Left.

Heard of it but never listened. Saw half a documentary on this piece of shit a couple of weeks ago and had to turn it off his crimes were so heinous - eviscerated and castrated kids etc.

they didn't show crime scene photos did they?

No, not that I saw.

His two front teeth are the smallest ones in his mouth.

Probably broke them biting teenage boys nipples off.

Citizen X looking more like Michael J. Pollard in Tango & Cash.

those are fuckin tough o es