Any theories as to why Nick DiPaolo wasn't invited to the Tough Crowd secret show at Skankfest. He was the best part of Tough Crowd.

26  2018-07-21 by SkippinTurtles

I think it was the two feminists that organize the show with Luis. No way Luis wouldn't want Nick to be on.


Come to think of it, Patrice O’Neal wasn’t there either. What the fuck?

Lazy you know what.

He's only fourteen: security wouldn't let him through.

He's just late.

Giraldo missed it too.

Nick and Colin talked about this on Nick's show this week.

Colin told Rebecca Trent (Creek and Cave owner) to call up Nick, Norton, Vos, Keith, and Bobby to do Tough Crowd.

Rebecca apparently called everyone except for Nick.

Of course that cunt did

Delegating important tasks to a woman

Colin, please.


I think he said that all the others were already doing shows at skankfest... so I suppose nick got snubbed for the whole festival

Nick said he's been invited to do Skankfest, but turned it down each time.

When Colin told him how packed out it was at a venue with four different shows going on at once, he said he wants to do it next year.

Basically, he didn't get snubbed by Skankfest, but he said no to it. Maybe that's why this lady didn't invite him. Or maybe she forgot in the midst of planning everything.

So Nick bitches every day whenever he can about the hypocrisies of the feminist culture and PC bullshit he has to go through as a comic, yet when someone with the same believes as he does tries to make a comedy Festival that goes against the same things that he’s against he turns it down? What an asshole. Dumb whop deserves what he gets.

Nick plays theaters. He probably turned down Skankfest because they couldn't match what he gets paid elsewhere.

Now that he's looking to turn his podcast into a major revenue source, however, it would make sense for him to do it next year even if it pays a little less.

Its wop. It stands for 'with out papers'



I wouldn't imagine there's necessarily any conspiracy. Norton said he only knew about it happening a couple hours prior. CQ said it was all fairly spontaneous. Gomez is as politically incorrect as DiPaolo so I doubt that's the issue

He's still in recovery from getting beaten up by a woman.

He’s now claiming that she gave him a slight concussion. But he’s only saying that because the lawyers think he wasn’t injured enough to sue her. He’s going to be so heartbroken when she gets pretrial diversion as a first time offender, attends a bullshit anger management class, pays a $500 fine and has the case dismissed without a conviction. He needs to accept that legal reality and cut his losses before he humiliates himself any more. He’s starting to sound like she left him with CTE and PTSD. It’s fine to use it to rant about the bullshit hypocrisy of feminism, but to whine about pain and suffering? Come on, Nick, man up.

Here's an idea for that wop faggot: next time hit the cunt back.


Nicky’s wife likes horses. She loves the accidental orgasms that come with riding a stallion. So Nicky spoiled his babe by taking her to Saratoga for the weekend. He even paid for her to get massaged and finger blasted by some dude. So he got cucked by Colin and a Saratoga centaur. Not a good Sunday for the Galloping Guinea

it's fantastic enough to be plausible

''Truth is stranger than fiction''

Nick has never been the best part of anything.

You obviously didn't listen to his appearances on O&A sparring with patreeky.

I've listened to them many times. He's an amiable enough fellow, but not particularly funny. And definitely not the best part of Patrice's appearances, which should go without saying.

It's not even fucking close, I don't know what this muck is blabbering about.

He's muckin up the works with his lousy opinions.

The Goose might make a comeback?

Thats a tough one man...

They had Ronnie b co host a show with Ant....

Yeah I'll tell ya why

Hollywood is run by fuckin' dykes

Or invited to the Vos Roast

Luis asked Nick to be part of skankfest. Nick thought it was beneath him so he wasn't there when the got the band together

This is the answer as I see it. Listening to Nick's show, he's been invited to Skank related things a few times, and was invited to this. They were keeping the Tough Crowd show a semi-secret, that many people, including the acts had no idea or only a semi-vague one about, which is in line with what Colin and Norton said.

Nick was kind of dismissive and was shocked when Colin told him Skankfest was a great and large show. He thought it was some little podunk thing.

Jim Gaffigan went last year and killed, but it's beneath Nick DiPaulo?

If true, that is pretty funny considering Colin Quinn and Dave Attel didn't think it was beneath them.

Nick refuses to leave that fucking house for anything. He doesn’t even like going to the end of the driveway to get his mail.

No way, conservatives like Nick and Nana never hide their fear of literally everything behind a mask of hate and apathy. I don't believe it.

I guess he really is turning into Anthony.

They both live in NYC. Isn't Brooklyn a bit of a haul from Westchester? Pain in the ass to drive and longer on transit?

He seems like a dick

Nick said NO to Skankfest, The Tough Crowd reunion was put together less than a week before Skankfest. If Nick had accepted the invite to Skankfest he would haver been on the show. Vos, Bobby, Jim & Keith didn't know it was happening either, it was a surprise for everyone. The only reason Nick wasn't there was because he didn't accept the offer to perform at Skankfest, its his own fault.

He was probably invited and forgot. I can't remember who gave him shit for doing that but I heard him and a comedian discuss it on a podcast like a year ago.

Probably a genuine mistake. Pretty big festival tough crowd renunion probably wasn’t much of a priority to anyone setting it up. But yeah fsggot feminist sabotaging everyThing! Grrrrr



Wait. There was a what?!


He was on LOS once when they were at Cumia's NY studio and it was a little awkward. Bit of an age gap. Not contentious or anything, just not a great match.

He did the SDR show about a month ago with Sutton & Big Jay. Nick said the other day that Sutton helped him recentlywhen he had technical problems with the podcast.

That's good. I know on LOS they have brought his name up before and it was always in a positive way.

Skank fest? More like snooze fest. Hegh hegh

Jim Gaffigan went last year and killed, but it's beneath Nick DiPaulo?