Reminder: Soccer is for queers.

16  2018-07-11 by BoboOrbani55

  1. You can’t use your hands.

  2. Someone taps you and you dive on the grass like you may never walk again.

  3. You can tie.

  4. Women are as entertaining to watch play it.

  5. The best players in it are yurotrash, 3rd worlders getting hunted in favelas, or French.

Throw this sport in the trash.

They also do a lot of crying and they pull their shorts up super hard and crush their balls when they get angry... It's a fucking weird and gay thing to do.

Of course, the guy defending it is named Dicky

Also known as the Jim Norton method of anger management.

What about women’s soccer?

Only America cares about that

American here: no we don't

Apolgies.To any sort of degree. America is the big market for the women's game which shows you how little the rest of the world cares for it.

FYI cricket is second biggest sport in the world.

Your little local sports are fine if you want them but we all know America can't do team sports the world gives a fuck about because they lose. Safe spacers.

Cricket is only so popular because Pakistan and India play it and they have a fuck ton of people.

Yeah but its still played across the world. I saw that the Indian premier league now gets more sponsorship money and broadcast fees than the MLB does but the IPL is only 64 games unlike the endless MLB.

India has more people which means they have more viewers for sponsors how do you not get it?

But they shit in the streets?

They spent their sewer pipe money on cricket bats

Indian cricket players don't make anywhere close to what MLB players make...

Congrats on your street shitter sport

Yeah because American always does terrible at the world wide Olympics.

Those are individual sports mostly.

agreed, but it means America has great raw athletes.

So does China in sports nobody gives a fuck about. They are always near the top. Couldn't tell you what sports they actually win.

American Football = Pussified Rugby Basketball = Netball + moving Baseball = Rounders + organ music

Football ( NOT SOCCER) = the most watched, biggest money making sport in the world.

You guys are cute

Fuck you

I don't even like sports and can tell you are a, as your filthy kind would say, "wanker."

All I did was state pyar facts you twot.

Jesus hates you, fam.


Oi Guv'nuh! I'd loike to see your loiscence for that post, chap.

Tell us more about how you don't call the sport soccer, faggot.

Did you make this yourself?

Solid argument

Every time I try to watch soccer I see some guy flailing on the ground after getting bumped into and instantly turn it off

Yes that has ruined the modern game for years now.

They should replace flopping with fights, like hockey

The only reason soccer isn't the worst sport in the world is because cricket exists.



All it takes to play soccer is a ball, an open field, and four trash cans. That’s the only reason that dogshit sport is popular worldwide. Any group of poor niggers can play it, no brain or talent required.

American sports, on the other hand, require practice, an IQ above 85, and equipment that costs money. This keeps all the peons from playing.

In short, soccer is to sports what McDonald’s is to cuisine. Just because it’s everywhere doesn’t mean it’s quality.

Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.

Only a penitent man shall pass

Jehova is spelt with an I!

Of course the yanks hate football. You don't get 7 points for a goal and all this shit. It's an adults game.

Yeah there’s nothing as exciting as a 0-0 game, faggot.

You're right, they can be pretty dull if they don't have a lot of action..but atleast we can handle that and not have to go into overtime and whatever the fuck else you do over there.

Ya, why would you want to determine a winner and a loser in a sporting event?

If both teams are equal, share a point and move on

Okay why don't they do that for the final game in the world cup? I mean if both teams are equal, share the trophy and move on.

Of course a Tournament HAS to determine a winner....I was talking the League season. In American sports every single game has to have a winner

I don't think this seamen slurping sport is for me

Weird how no other countries enjoy or play American sports, while nearly all other sports are either universal (eg. soccer) or shared between at least several countries and cultures (eg. rugby)

Basketball is one of the fastest growing global sports though.

You mean that stupid game where you can't use your feet?

agreed, but it means America has great raw athletes.