Pete Davidson caught in child-bride sex scandal.

44  2018-07-04 by JustPooch


Marijuana addict turns to wine as a coping mechanism.

Thinking same thing. Fake addict. Like norton.

Nah he has been kicked off SNL before because he's a junkie.

Well it’s a good thing he has it under control them

Thoughts and prayers

debilitated by weed, but perfectly under control with alcohol. hmm.

I'd hit it until my dick degloved, and anyone who says otherwise is fag and gay.

God bless Dan Schneider.

So that's what she looked like before she went full-on fake spic

she's actually Italian, not a single piece of spic blood in her.

Deep, dark, Hannibal-fucking Italian.

Italians are spics. Just look at Anthony. That nigga ain't white.

Ant is nothing but middle eastern

That's why I said "fake spic", you clod

Thanks for the jerk-off material, brothaman!

ThTs when she was hot, now she looks like a emaciated... I don't know what but, the bitch looks odd is all I'm saying

Nice quip, stupid

Risky click after "degloved dick" being mentioned but it paid off.

The neighbors will hear screeching fights with two female voices every night.

"My dad died in 9/11!"

"Terrorists literally attacked MY concert."

"UGH, you just dont understand."

Ok, so now I know what they bonded on

I bet both of them have such phoney love for muslims though

What if they both secretly hate Muslims but know they can never say this in public. That would be a huge bonding experience.

WTF are they wearing?

Harry Potter shit

Oh ew.

He's already participating in the Illuminati rituals of the super rich and famous.

Were they both cosplaying as Jedis?

Serious question.

No they are both Illuminati puppets. Google "Zuckerburg hoodie" if you don't believe it. People who think of themselves as wizards, meaning satanists, wear wizard robes to do magic better lol

Dis nigga know wat up.


Give me yore creditcard number so I can send u some money

Not to sound like a potential Faggot, but I still have no idea why so many people consider her so attractive.

Bland features, lifeless dead eyes, blank, dazed demeanor, I've seen corpses that look look more lively (Anthony Cumia)

Just don't get the hype around this hunk of wood.

Neat story

Go watch one of her videos you flaming homosexual

I what?

Now we're sure you're gay

Drive into oncoming traffic.

because they put so much soy and weird shit in the food all the manlets today want an 8th grader with no tits and ass.

Soy is great. Edamame is a whole food and tempeh is easy to flavour without cholesterol or saturated fat

ok, Rod Flanders.

you're wrong. I would steal sound equipment from Walmart, not fasten my child's car seat correctly, go on a chase and crash my car killing my child, then step over the corpse and hide in some bushes.....just to hold her hand for one night.

Now that's a 5 worth ruining your life for.

Arianna Grande is so hot, and she looks like every popular girl in high school who wouldn't have spit on me if my hair was on fire.

I thought homie was sober...

she looks like the popular girl in the middle school of the only wealthy town in mexico.

How long until she's fed up with finding Pete's booger wipes on the couch?

so nice of pete to take his daughter trick or treating like this

She could do so much better than that goofy fuck.

this whole thing is so bizarre.

I hope Pete goes apeshit off the devil's weed one night and I'm a fit of passion outs Dan Schneider for deflowering Ariana. Make a legacy out of knocking out fat Jews with retard haircuts.

I’d still lick her pooper