Damn...she is UGLY

17  2018-07-03 by unclepaul84


No she's not.

Nice ice to rum ratio Btw

don't forget the metal straw.

There's like a 1/2 ounce of captain morgan and 2 ounces of coke in there and it's more than half full.

his house is like a Dave and Buster's. I guess for obvious reasons.

Buster ribs

Buster hymen

What's some of them other busters we got?

(Black guy in the back of the room who isn't on mic)


Fuck off

No, u

Buster haaand, buster phone, buster self-esteem.

Buster asshole dropping them redwoods

Buster boyfriend in bed with a child...

Big nosed turtle faced manbody.

Is that a big nose?

Yes, you can her typical big wop schnoz better in pics taken of her from the side.

Yes, you can see her typical big wop schnoz better in pics taken of her from the side.

yeah i know, makes your dick hard right?

Dude she's cute I don't care what you say.

Fuckable is the word you're looking for. In shape + young is really all it takes. To fall out of the fuckable range given those 2 parameters being met, the butter would have to be truly horrifying.

Why do all girls like The Sims?

So they can kill their children without the social shame.

They can do that IRL until the Kennedy retirement. Why do they have to gum up our vidya????

Yo what up Casey Anthony

Men like 'things' and women like 'people'; sims is a game about people.


Even chimp babies show those preferences which is pretty cool.

You can't call them that anymore

Fine you picky bastard! Even antiquated farm equipment show that preference. Happy?


السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ‬‎

Ummm cause you get to decorate your house duh


House, face, hair, pubic region ... all you cunts ever do is decorate shit.

Simcity 3000 was such a jam.

Good shit. Also really like Cities:Skylines the more recent city clone.

I’d say the Sims (at least the old one) requires some strategy. I can never keep them little nigs alive.

I loved the early Sims, but mainly just the house building.

You're playing in /u/Bams_seed Womb Mode?

They get to play house as adults.

This explains so much. Everytime I try the Sims I think its a game about building a nice house but then these people, these ungrateful homeless people, whom I am like Habitat for Humanity towards, start demanding that I help them find a job or learn guitar, or have a baby, and I can't afford more building supplies unless I do. So I get mad and turn it off for 3 more years until I forget why I got mad at it.

Guaranteed she created an elderly, frail, old faggot character.

She's not ugly, but the important thing to note is that this man is almost 60, and these are his interests.

Yeah he's REAL fuckin interested. He probably has bowls of candy and a rattle in every room.

Anthony, are you a fucking teenager? Is this all you want in life, girls and videogames?

Look around

Honestly that sounds pretty awesome

Actually you know, you’re right, what the fuck am I talking about

Do Tunisians love straws? Fucking old Arab man.

That monitor is awesome.

Kind of looks like a young, husky Denny Falcons.

but does she fuck like one?

I wanna rub my dick on her face.

what is that on the screen? a simulation of where you have to go to sign up as a child predator in the state of New York.

You must be jealous. That's what people tell me if i dare to comment on a bitches hair or shoes

We've seen your hair, you shouldn't be talking shit to anyone else.

Lol my hair is gorgeous motherfuckers ask me where they can buy it

What else?

Are you law enforcement? Why you following me?

We heard you are connected to a string of weave thefts

She's not though. Nana is a twot but we have to be honest here, I'd absolutely sling my hog up this missy; nicolini was hot too. The other 2 were hungry skeletons.


Nana probably can't fuck; has to take viagra; and has intimacy problems; so I doubt he ever really gets a good fuck out of her. Someone will be servicing her once a week - like an old school ex boyfriend or a firefighter she met at a bar.


It's The John McAffee problem: he has enough money to pay for women to hang around. But his dick don't work so he has them shit on him instead. (Literally)

She's very handsome.

Sturdy gal

For a no makeup, and ball cap shot, she's pretty do-able

Name doesn't check out, explain yourself! Boys, ready your bayonets.

Nice mousepad stupid

She also loves cat doodee

Got enough ice in that coke, stupid?

Cold enough for ya?

Its cold out here..

(tries your door)

yeah, thanks keith

Is she sitting on the floor with her legs crammed up against the bottom of the coffee table? That gaming setup is the most retarded shit I've ever seen.

Oh God, his PC is set up on his living room table. What trash.

Nice classy metal straw, stupid.

Hopefully the next time Nana snorts a crushed Xanax through it, Missy will spin kick the back of his head and drive it into his Bud Lite-soaked brain.

Dat monitor doe

She's definitely mousey looking, but I wouldn't go as far as to say ugly. And even as average as she is, she's still way out of Ant's league, she must be damaged mentally and emotionally.

damaged mentally and emotionally.

She buried his possessions in a litter box full of cat shit.

She's my hero now

This is Missy. Missy is a thief.

Back in the O&A days whike Anthony was at work she sneaked onto his home, stole Anthony's credit cards, money and even some camera equipment. Then she vandalized his home.

She's just hanging in there till Anthony's second heart attack snuffs him out then she'll plunder whatever's left of his dwindling fortune.

...and still the sub picks on her.

Boy, are we mis-guided.

You make a great point. It's time we admot we were wrong and praise her for her bodybuilding, oversized shits and willingness to bilk a racist old lady out of her fortune.

No that happened after he got fired. He cheated on her with Dani and that's when the psycho snapped. Anthony had her arrested and now he's back with her. Beta male faggot and his butch thug girlfriend.

If my boyfriend cheated on me with a flea bitten drowned plague rat like Dani, I'd be annoyed, too.

Dani is disgusting, but Missy is no prize either. He cheated on the teenager with Missy. Her opinion of herself is too high to think Anthony would commit to her. She deserved to have her ego crushed.

She's a sorority house 6.

I want Missy and my penis to get to know each other.

The starship Nostromo has been the site of less horrors than the compound.

I remember when I stopped caring if someone was a "Gamer Girl". It was around the same time I grew up from the idea of finding "The One".

The expression on her face sort of reminds me of something.

Perhaps she got lost...

Masculine Missy always pulls faces in her pics. Classic ugly girl move.

She is attractive but she's a right nutter, as you Brits say. She literally has crazy person eyes 24/7. Its only a matter of time before this ends horribly, again.

I'll go against the grain by saying she's pretty.

But so what. She's a nutcase and their relationship is hollow and meaningless and devoid of love.

Lets see your girl.

ME: that's the bit!

Wonder what she's packing?

The only thing ugly I see is the fact that his gaming rig is sitting on a FUCKING COFFEE TABLE. Anthony, if your wet drunken eyes ever roll onto this comment, please just know that they make desks specifically for l33t ep1c g@m3rz like you so you don't have to wreck your back hobbling over your giant monitor.

Can't afford it

I'd tongue her turdcutter.

that monitor is fucking sweet!


Reminder: this shit setup is on the coffee table in the living room, something all psychologically healthy, non-child fucking adults do.

Wtf kind of monitor is that


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As a baby, she had to frantically crawl to the ocean before seagulls could get her.

Only literal retarded people play The Sims.

Nice straw investment, stupid

“Saturday night with a fun girl”? Ewwwwwwww.

The Sims 5: To Catch A Predator

She looks like charlie puth

Wood smash. Damn soyboy invasion. Even better knowing she is a loon.

She looks like every crack head bitch that works at a Shell Station in Mississippi.

"So what you're saying is... all I gotta do to get tons of free shit is pretend to like video games?"

Probably had that same facial expression when she heard the news, too.

Some ass chin on that bitch

I wish I could hangout with friends my own age.

don't forget the metal straw.

There's like a 1/2 ounce of captain morgan and 2 ounces of coke in there and it's more than half full.