Of all people in the o&a universe Joe Cumia is by far the biggest piece of shit.

130  2018-07-02 by TheWelfareMan

No one is worse.


He’s classic Long Island garbage.

Long Islanders really just low-life bags of shit.

Patton Oswalt killed his wife and replaced her like a roll of toilet paper and he is a smug, liberal, nerd culture douchebag. I don’t hate him one tenth of how much I hate parasitic sissy Joe Cumia.

I pondered this for a few minutes and I'd nominate Lady Di as the most worthless person in the O&A universe.

Joe at least has a job (of sorts). He does actively raise his kid, while Di abandoned hers. And even Joe is smarter than Lady Di.

Joe may very well be #2 though.

His ex specifically said he abandoned his kid and doesn't pay child support.

And made her tardy 72 times in one semester. I hate that my estimate is even remotely close.

Where can this be found?

A few posters here are friends with her on Facebook. She posted it there and someone posted a screenshot a while ago.

Di abandoning her kid is not a negative. The kid is grateful that Di had the foresight to realize she would be a terrible mother.

Lady Di has given me far more joy than Joe. Joe could never be entertaining and has to pretend to be other people to get anyone to watch him “perform”. Lady Di was a mess but she wasn’t worthless.

Di is just a drunk bum, Joe is a drunk bum racist leach who hits women and stole from the military and constantly votes against his own best interest because of how much he hates the niggers, even when he is one.

Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can’t ride you unless your back is bent.

Eh, you could lie on your back too

100% agreed.

He is a lazy stupid wife beater who criticizes black people for being, lazy, stupid, and violent.

Joe is the reason I began to hate Anthony. Anthony is now the reason I hate Anthony. They are truly garbage people with zero self awareness.

Ehhh, can't agree with that. He's not even the worst Cumia.

Joe sucks at everything in life and will never be more than second in my books. Fuck him and his African heritage.

Ummmm sorry sweaty, he's a VETERAN. Show some respect

He served potatoes with honor.

What about Diana orbani

Rear Admiral Orbani is a hero dedicated to protecting our great nation

She's single handedly winning the war on terror.

Semper cirrhosis

What do you mean? He just got a new guitar for the basement wall...

I honestly wanted to make this identical thread earlier today

At least he can enter into contracts

Has this been confirmed?

The honorable Judge Topless said so

Thank you.

At least he goes first with these long Island white trash skanks plus when he beats a bitch he gets it done with a frying pan. I submit to you Anthony is worse.

Opie is worthless, Jim is a faggot, most of the hangers on are complete trash, Nana is an alcoholic, child grooming, woman beating, race obsessed pedophile.

Now Joseph Cumia is worse than all of these things including a pedophile. But Joseph Cumia is not a pedophile!

Seems like you pay way too much attention to this person.

Seems like you're a fag.

Got em

he gets under their skin and they get angry. pretty pathetic

Rich vos is playing somewhere

moral outrage at a 70 year old boomer conservative is hip as fuck my dude

Idk why some of you hate BroJo with such a passion,he is inadvertently one of the funniest guy in this shit universe. He made Ant marry one of his many side pieces, he made Ant sing in his rhcp meets the eagles in a puddle of aids band, pretends to be responsible for Ant's money,demands payment in perpetuity from Antwan, pretends to be a outlaw biker in a pretend biker gang,pretends to be some guitarist from some band.

Extorts Anthony but in a funny way not like Keiththecop or Danny "Dovid" Ross. His long winded endless posts that you guys post from his twitter/fb are awesome.

The fact that he thought that murdering your own child(allegedly ,Free Kuhn(tm)) is fitting punishment for getting one of his live appearances cancelled and decided to post his feelings publicly for all the world,his friends and family to see is something with a bobo level autism. Speaking of the Kuhn thing, I did notice that a lot of you who hate Brojo more than say Ant or Opie are a bit of stab-my-childs-mother-with-a-rusty-screwdriver level of emotion. The fact that Kuhn thought that fucking with JenKemJoe's gigs is actually a way to fight the White Patriarchyyy maaaahn and not just some funny shit for the sub is slightly unsettling esp with Kurt Love level of allegations against Ant.

Although if that dude that posted after Kuhn got arrested about his alleged grooming of young White chicks as some sort of revenge against Whites is to be believed,he's probably fine with that

This began to fall apart in the third paragraph and the wheels were completely off by the fourth and fifth

Well he’s an endless source of trashy entertainment so I like him.

Sorry,Opie holds that title. Joe's a fuckin civilian.

His ex specifically said he abandoned his kid and doesn't pay child support.

Di abandoning her kid is not a negative. The kid is grateful that Di had the foresight to realize she would be a terrible mother.

Lady Di has given me far more joy than Joe. Joe could never be entertaining and has to pretend to be other people to get anyone to watch him “perform”. Lady Di was a mess but she wasn’t worthless.

Di is just a drunk bum, Joe is a drunk bum racist leach who hits women and stole from the military and constantly votes against his own best interest because of how much he hates the niggers, even when he is one.