What a guy...

298  2018-07-01 by SibHashian13


King of kings

what a handsome hilarious man with a full head of hair

Anthony, comment?

Did he call her that before the jacuzzi?

While I do know what he deserves before the jacuzzi, I can’t speak to the realities of Mel’s pre-jacuzzi routines.


Like a foot or sumthin?

yeh or a bookend go hed you do one

Dis guys gud. Ok wait...

So this is a pro-Mel article, right?

Sophie (((Taylor)))

I saw a documentary on the making of the passion of the Christ and before they started filming he said to Jim Caveizel "ya know, if we make this movie u may never work in this town again..."

Aaand he was wrong. Good movie though. Absurd, but a good.

Jim Caviezel, star of such movies as...um...that one tv show

Oh I know, and now I can’t hate on Chris Pratt either as everything I say negative about him will lead to people accusing me of Christian-hating.

It’s possible he’s not that good. Some prejudice certainly, that goes both ways though. Gibson had an ultra-successful career as an “out” Uber Christian. Eastwood is royalty, Heston did fine. Plenty of professed Christians have done fine in Hollywood. So chill on the victim card oppression bs conspiracy theories.

I think you're confusing success in spite of a bias as proof that there's no bias.

Gibson was blacklisted from directing for years despite being a literal money press. Eastwood has been tied to Warner Bros for decades and is a consistent money maker for them. Chris Pratt only became vocal once he was firmly established as a leading man.

Hollywood is run by a very small cabal. It's no secret that they want like-minded people that believe in the agenda they're pushing. They'll tolerate some bullshit if there's money to be made but they want people to be quiet about it. Loud mouth conservatives are cast out.

Gibson was blacklisted after being exposed for a nutjob. Anyone of any belief system would be blacklisted if they did the same. Gibson was a known nutcase decades before he got blacklisted, just like Cosby. The exposure gets people cast out.

I’m not saying there isnt bias, of course there is. But this is prevalent across all jobs. Everyone is biased. I’m an atheist and I’ve gotten shit plenty of times for not going along with my boss’ inference to faith. Once because I wouldn’t go to Mormon church with the guy.

And yes media in general is has far less believers than compared to other professions. Military, sports, cops is the exact opposite.

But I don’t believe in some spooky bilderbrg cabal as you put it. Like minds that have similar and same goals doesn’t always mean conspiracy.

And I’m tired of victim mentality shit. Especially when it comes from the “right”. Because for them it’s especially hypocritical (claiming to being the manly, tough guy side of personal accountability) and in the case of Christians because their the vast majority.

Also it doesn’t fit logically to me because if it were the case as you put it, I wonder what way Gibson sold out his soul to that cabal to get back in?

I’m an atheist

Go read the Bible, faggot.

Read something else. The fantasy genre has come a very long way in 2000 years. Littlewizardboi

Why would you follow a desert kike religion? Paganism is the religion of the white man.


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lol shut up faggot

So I reduced you to “shut up faggot”. Lol.

Not my fault you’re all hypocritical pussies. I can’t get people to fund my movies, wooomp wooomp.

or i'm just saying 'lol shut up faggot' because i'm not going to write a five paragraph essay on why you're wrong in a subreddit for a dead gay radio show


It’s opinion. It can only be backed up by reasoning and both parties show their reasoning and deduction. Gibson’s career was fine until the tapes, it didn’t crash because of Passion OTC. But yes, this discussion is out of place here.

You dont get to talk to people much.. do ya stupid?

Did it say which town they were in when this conversation took place ? That could really make or break the story.

Des Moines, Iowa.

He's smiling in the picture, so clearly.

"I have plenty of energy to drive over there. Do you understand me?"

''AND I WILL !!!''

(whispers) "No you won't..."

"Your friend would've sucked me off in two seconds! Take that up with her!"

“That cunt bitch Alicia”

"She'd have Blown me in 5 seconds, she's not your friend....."

The way he says, "She's not your friend", with such utter malice in his voice, he turned into a Disney Villian right then for a second


You gotta figure, if he was THAT engaged over not getting blown, that means this Oksana girl must suck a mean Dick.

The kind that makes your toes cave in

She envisions her alimony numbers going up with every stroke of his cock.

The first phonecall Mel was pissed about her fake tits. The man must have handled some prime meat in his day

In the 80's, with the Mad Max, Lethal Weapon, and all the dramas in-between, dude must've getting more head than pillow.

His fellatio standards are probably different than most other people's.

“Blow me. ‘Cause I deserve it” so much fellatio from so many women he learnt it was a basic right.

I'm dying to know who Alicia is! Witt? Silverstone? Just some random cunt named Alicia?! I must know!

"A Pain in the Ass!!"

A feeling I'm sure both Jimmy and Anthony know about.....

And Sam, and Erock, and Denny, and Sal, and Travis, and Roland. Should I name more people?

Steve C?


(whispers) "No you won't..."

At least he doesn't shoplift you degenerate.

I been caught stealing once, when I was 5. I enjoy stealing its just as simple as that.

I hope you walk right through the door into traffic.

I hope he walks right throught that traffic into a therapist's office to get the professional help he so desperately needs

Once after we stole a bunch stuff me n my friends sat around the pile, and we started to laugh, and wave it all up into the air. My girl stole a skirt, she even got a razor for me.

Negroid detected.

Hey alright, but if I get by, it's MINE! Mine oh mine!!

Lord, may this demon be burnt away with your cleansing fire

In the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit, Amen

Ever steal a Vizio soundbar?

One day when I get a Jeep (the perfect get away car) I'm gonna go for it.

You will need an unreliable point man.

Do you have a 2 year old son that you dont care about but other people love with all there heart?

Being a racist homophobe = not illegal. Shoplifting = illegal.

Who's the real model human?

I'm getting a tattoo of him

I support this.

I'm With Mel

He's been known to be a racist forever. This outrage piece only adds that he's funny.

He's also not fond of Jews, if I've read between the lines correctly.

nah, he just loves roasting them.

Winona Ryder confirms Mel Gibson not denying the holocaust is what this tells me. Mel's not as bad as (((they))) say!

born Winona Laura Horowitz

Don't get carried away. I think Mel knows it didn't happen, he just wanted to get under her skin.

Yeah because there are no actual holocaust deniers. They all know it happened, they just pretend to deny it so their Nazi ideology doesn't seem as vile as it actually is.

I never knew Winona was a Christ killer. Danny Ross should get her on his podcast.

born Winona Laura Horowitz

Man, that is jewy.

She'd be one of "Mengele's Children" had she been born back in the good ol' days, no doubt.

Mel was right. If her relatives had failed to dodge the ovens, she would not be here to make shitty movies.

of course she is a Horowitz

We can only speculate about the "rider" part..

"You breastfeed our baby with those FAKERS!"

"I became an actor despite that. But with this look, who's going to think I'm gay? It would be hard to take me for someone like that. Do I sound like a homosexual? Do I talk like them? Do I move like them? They take it up the ass. [pointing at his posterior] This is only for taking a shit."

Mel Gibson discussing homosexuals in an interview with El Pais magazine, December 1991.

[pointing at his posterior]

mel Gibson is god

He's really a good boy.


I haven't heard so many good points being brought up since 1930's Germany.

He pointed to his boo-ty.

Fucking legend

My asshole is just for shitting

Anthony Cumia would vehemently disagree with Mr. Gibson's remarks

Ahahahaha, I love Mel. No homo, of course.


Mel delivers. He should start a podcast.

"A blacklisted and shunned actor said something problematic to me 20 years ago, that can in no way be proven or disproven, but mentioning it gets my forgotten and irrelevant name back in the news for two minutes." --- A Known Thief

Except she stars in one of the most popular shows in recent history, and there's no reason to doubt he said it.

You mean the show where the two fag brothers that run it sexually harass and berate everyone?

She said this in 2010 when she was forgotten, guess it worked.

Nobody gives a shit about her character.

I hope to god he said it. That makes him a good egg in my book.

Mel Gibson hasn't built up enough good will with you already? Tough crowd...

He’s already a good egg. That would make him a gooder egg

and there's no reason to doubt he said it.

"Listen and believe" vs "Innocent until proven guilty"

What a dumb thing to say.

hell fucking yeah

Which one of these two is the delusional drug addict again?


She gets in the oven first, before the fuckin' jacuzzi.

Clearly living his formative years in Australia influenced the way he turned out.

We'll still claim him as one of us.

When I have sons, I want to raise them in Australia.

Even if it only increases their odds of turning out like Mel by 1%, I'll consider it worth the expense.

If they want to be alcoholics when they're older, bear in mind that the cheapest bottle of 700ml liquor in Australia is about 20 US dollars.



What the fuck has her religion got to do with the article exactly? Divisive Cunt.

I love his recorded rantings. Id like to buy him some drinks

When I grow up I wanna be just like him.

"because that's what she is!!!"

Mel Called her a over dodger, meh not even top 10 in Mel Gibson Offensive quotes

I think he is trying to say she is lucky she didn't get stuck a prep cook in the food industry. I don't see any other reference that could exist in this context.

This guy is one of the funniest dude's around.

"Nigga, I made Apocalypto." -MG


He made a movie about Jesus or sumptin'

Mel is a national treasure, you klepto piece of shit.

Now show us your honkers.

In an industry full of phonies, Mel Gibson has no fucks to give

Listen up you pre jacuzzi blowing bitch,swallow.

He just keeps on giving. Love it

Mel is the fucking man.


Why, cuz she doesn't like to cook or sumthin?

Being a racist homophobe = not illegal. Shoplifting = illegal.

Who's the real model human?

He cant be racist. He made apocolypto

Didn’t read the article, but this guy looks way better as a woman

born Winona Laura Horowitz

You mean the show where the two fag brothers that run it sexually harass and berate everyone?

She said this in 2010 when she was forgotten, guess it worked.

Jim Caviezel, star of such movies as...um...that one tv show

Oh I know, and now I can’t hate on Chris Pratt either as everything I say negative about him will lead to people accusing me of Christian-hating.

It’s possible he’s not that good. Some prejudice certainly, that goes both ways though. Gibson had an ultra-successful career as an “out” Uber Christian. Eastwood is royalty, Heston did fine. Plenty of professed Christians have done fine in Hollywood. So chill on the victim card oppression bs conspiracy theories.

"She'd have Blown me in 5 seconds, she's not your friend....."

The way he says, "She's not your friend", with such utter malice in his voice, he turned into a Disney Villian right then for a second


Gibson was blacklisted after being exposed for a nutjob. Anyone of any belief system would be blacklisted if they did the same. Gibson was a known nutcase decades before he got blacklisted, just like Cosby. The exposure gets people cast out.

I’m not saying there isnt bias, of course there is. But this is prevalent across all jobs. Everyone is biased. I’m an atheist and I’ve gotten shit plenty of times for not going along with my boss’ inference to faith. Once because I wouldn’t go to Mormon church with the guy.

And yes media in general is has far less believers than compared to other professions. Military, sports, cops is the exact opposite.

But I don’t believe in some spooky bilderbrg cabal as you put it. Like minds that have similar and same goals doesn’t always mean conspiracy.

And I’m tired of victim mentality shit. Especially when it comes from the “right”. Because for them it’s especially hypocritical (claiming to being the manly, tough guy side of personal accountability) and in the case of Christians because their the vast majority.

Also it doesn’t fit logically to me because if it were the case as you put it, I wonder what way Gibson sold out his soul to that cabal to get back in?

Nobody gives a shit about her character.

I hope to god he said it. That makes him a good egg in my book.

I'm dying to know who Alicia is! Witt? Silverstone? Just some random cunt named Alicia?! I must know!

Once after we stole a bunch stuff me n my friends sat around the pile, and we started to laugh, and wave it all up into the air. My girl stole a skirt, she even got a razor for me.

and there's no reason to doubt he said it.

"Listen and believe" vs "Innocent until proven guilty"

One day when I get a Jeep (the perfect get away car) I'm gonna go for it.