You guys think Patrice would've been able to have a productive career in 2018, considering how he treated women and talked about them in his act?

7  2018-06-24 by Martillo_Valentine


He’s black, so he’d be immune.

Even that's not guaranteed immnity these days. Reminds me of the article I saw titled "Straight Black Men Are The White People of Black People."

I think he'd be really popular. Probably a netflix special and guest spots on tv shows like Brooklyn 9-9. Also, he would be able to leech of Kevin Hart and be in his movies and open up his gigs.

Will kevin ever fall off?

it doesn't matter now. He's got so much money, even if he does he'll be rich as hell for the rest of his life. I really feel like he took Patrice's spot.

I disagree. Kevin Hart has family appeal. Even my mom thinks he is funny. Patrice was way too cynical and mean spirited to have wide ranging Kevin hart appeal.

Nah that's Craig Robinson. I like Craig too, especially in Kenny Powers

I know he never would have allowed Keith to do a podcast with Piggy and her 2 cunt friends.

tbh I think patrice was truly on the cusp of fame when he died. that special was really fucking good, and MR.P album was really good also.

The Sheen Roast put him up there too.

He'd be popular amongst a lot of men who are fed up with #metoo and feminism. He would have been a sort of outlet. Also the left doesn't really go after non white people being sexist.

Weird, I think he'd be more fed up with incel faggots.

Ralphie May fucked more than you Jim Norton fucked more than you Same Roberts fucked more than you

You should seriously kill yourself. If Hitler had just killed incels he'd be the most celebrated person in history.

Same Roberts?

Yeah even my auto-correct hates Sam


Black lives matter would have eaten him up.

Eat up as in good, or bad?

He would have been vehemently on their side, listen to the episode where he and Louis are in on Anthonys birthday, despising his companions. I would have loved his opinion on Gamer Gate, me too, 3rd wave feminism, Alt right etc. But the grape soda took him from us at 14. Rip big man.

He wouldve eaten BLM up.

He'd be just fine. I agree with Dipaolo when he says it's easy to not be politically correct when you're black. He'd be revered like Louis CK, but not as wealthy since he'd be blackballed because he never knew how to hide his thoughts.

Nice WWPD post, stupid!

I think Patrice is overrated as fuck... His long winded explanations which always went back to being a black man were boring and hack... There, I said it.

There, you said it. You got it off your chest.

He was developing a show for FX that C.K. was producing, so yeah, he would've been huge. Plus, every woman I've shown his standup to agrees with him. People think all these broads are feminists just bc that's what the corporations promote, but they're not.

Based on whom he connected himself with, he'd be one of our many disappointments. His future just wasn't bright. Let's not fool ourselves because he couldn't even discipline diabetes. He died a lazy, fat man.

As much as I love Patrice there is a lot of truth to this statement. He lived and died burning both ends of the candle; he was reckless with his health; he was a reckless and irresponsible person and part of this is why he was so great. He was unique but he his future was bleak; even without the diabetes. He died when everybody still loved him; everyone has fond memories of him; nobody speaks ill of him. He was a lazy, fat man - true. He'll be remembered fondly though, as he should be.

He would have at least made a killing podcasting. If only he were less fat though.

Possibly; possibly not. I have no idea how Patrice would have handled the O&A spiral into obscurity and all of the drama that has happened since 2011. It would be interesting to hear his take on Nana & tits in 2018.

He made reference to this at some point. He said that if Nana and Tits ever ended up hating each other, he wouldn't pick sides. He'd talk to each of them.

He also spent hours debating whether 9/11 was an inside job. He wasn't consistent nor a genius.I highly doubt Patrice would want to associate with nana had he not died; all this pedo/girl baiting stuff really took off after his death. Nice stroke, stupid.

I couldn't see Patrice sucking up to Opie in the way he would on the radio in 2018 with his complete and utter irrelevance; either. Remember: even Patrice walked on greggshells pre-2011.

Just my 2 cents but I think Patrice would have disassociated himself with nana/tits like most people have; both of them are unbearable and are somehow less receptive to input; more delusional and thinner-skinned than they were in 2011. They have no 'gig' or platform in 2018 that would appeal to Patrice; O&A was a platform he could use/thrive in; can you really see him on compound media or on Opie's whatever-the-fuck-it-is? I can't.

Yeah because he would be able to control it. He would be a killer in todays PC world. Just watch the youtube vids like patrice schools broad on funny etc.

Enough with Patrice, the fat fuck. Who gives a shit?