Tony's book signings will be the literary equivalent to Opie's Pop Up shows.

39  2018-06-22 by RoundImage4

Can some of you locals save those delicious failures on video?


The thought of having to spend 30 minutes in a bookstore without a drink is weighing on him heavily right now.

20 minutes to set up the table and chair and unpack the books, 10 minutes to sign the three books and chit chat.

He really doesn't need to leave his house to sign books for Big A, Fred from Brooklyn, and Bobo.

Good point.

To be fair, Bobo and Big A can get them signed at the compound that weekend, so technically, it'll probably be just 1 book in-store.

Parallel thinking?

My father had this problem. So the "tea" on his desk was apricot brandy. Nobody thinks it's booze when there's a little spoon in it.

He can always fall back on the Stanhope special. Pour out half a bottle of Tropicana and fill it back up with vodka. "Oh this? Just getting my daily vitamin C fix! Haha!"

Lucky for him, his only signing date is at Bayway Liquors.

Dude will arrive wasted; you really think he's going to socialize with the plebes sober? This is why we need boots on the ground, filming.

None of his audience read a book at least since 4th grade, why is he releasing a book? what could he possibly tell us?

It sure looks like some hood negro wants to be recognized by society as a literate respectable man that he never was.

His dad threw a plate of spaghetti one time, and said he had pissy eyes!!!

Exactly this is a poor thing to market to his demographic. Flabby failures who wear muscle tees tend to not be the biggest readers.

It’s probably going to be some political bullshit, he’s seeing all the other well-respected pundits around him making a fortune on book deals.

He should've written a book right after he was fired and used the tell-all to launch his new show. Now he's already beat Greggshells to death, and isn't even allowed on Fox News and Sirius. LOL.

Guarantee his book tour wont leave Long Island

Who the fuck wants to know this guy’s life story?

People who have heard every story he’s got to tell for free on the radio for 20 years.

If u/killakuhn was free, imagine the cancellations he could cause.

Pour a little liquor out for the homie.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

At least he chose a good name for it. "Permanently Suspended" fucking yuck.

I expect to see a lot of "Lonely Anthony" pics on here.

Not really. Opie was at random places filming himself for Facebook. Ant would be selling a product. Book signings tend to increase book sales. Most authors do it. Opie’s has no business savvy.

Nice try with the hate tho

If Opie does a pop up show from one of Ant’s book signings, I’ll take back several mean things I’ve said about him. Seriously, all he would have to do is stand in line and get a book signed by Anthony and put that on Facebook live and that would be the funniest thing he’s done in years.

It'd be a real shame if a bunch of BLM and feminist groups were informed of this

How can you write a book when you've never read one?