Congrats on the sub's first confirmed case of sending someone to a mental hospital

171  2018-06-21 by Single_Action_Army


Joe Cumia's next.

Anthony refuses to pay for another rehab.

Joe would need a shred of self-awareness and/or humility first. He has the preening ego and self-centeredness of a two year old.

If Bro Joe gets sectioned, I might finally die at peace.


So that was actually real?

I cant be bothered to go back through my post history, but there is a really great interaction i had with Daniel where i was gaslighting him into revealing more dirt. I dont think he did, but i feel like i at least contributed to his mental degradation

There should have been a different type of gas lighting

For real though, i was so proud of my efforts goading him, telling how "fucked up it is erock wont even hang with you man!!" Etc. It really was a thrilling exchange

you did your country proud, son.

I was a navy weasel.

thank you for your service!

He's probably running his index finger up and down his lips making crazy person noises.

That was his podcast, sir. I doubt he's recording new episodes at such a serious time.

It's not confirmed. Somebody named Daniel Ross had a mental breakdown. You don't know if it's the same guy, champ.

A.C.'s tweet isn't proof.

Do you have some proof that it isn't him?

Maybe the fact that his twitter profile is still tweeting and even brought this scenario up?

You don't get to use twitter in the mental hospital folks.

What are we all turning into Opie now? Yeesssssss

Don't hurt people's faggot pride.

Ant may be sending people to obscurity, but we send people to the mental facility. Step up your game, nana.

If we’re being honest, by posting here you’re already mentally ill before anyone goes and attacks you.

I hope he visits us again next time he gets internet access

This is the happiest day of my life.

Grave - check Prison - check Mental hospital - check Off of SiriusXM - check Obscurity - check

I'm actually surprised it took this long.


So who went crazy?

Just when this sub is fizzling out we get a terrific morale boost like this.

Anthony actually did something funny once more by unearthing this vital information

Right? I thought nothing would top sending one of the show's pathetic coattail-riders to a second-rate court tv show, but here we are.

and the guy that sent him there killed his son proving more content from the sub , this place is great!

He's serving in the Navy with Lady Di now.

You act like Danny wasn’t batshit fucking crazy a decade ago when he was still on the radio.

Let's stay retarded in here!

Where wasn it confirmed at that he's in the Nut-Hut?

I believe it, but still, need proof, before I pop open the champagne

Anthony said he spoke to Danny's dad on the phone (who confirmed it) when Danny denied it. Danny has been silent since. Thats good enough confirmation for me.

Good enough for me.

Pops open champagne

(Anthony was talking to Danny's Dad? Whoa.....)

First confirmed case but the estimated numbers are staggering

If by "confirmed" you mean you got trolled by Ant, sure.

Less than a week after Kuhn's case dies down too. Hopefully we can ride this one out for a while.

You never know, it might parlay into a suicide! Cross those Flamin' Hot Cheeto stained fingers.