Oh shit.

185  2018-06-21 by RBuddCumia


This sub is truly a den of scum and villainy

Lmao Rave Hitler would be the shit to party with

This is the best thing I've ever seen

Wasn't this the goal for Opie?

Opie has ironically intelligently fucked off. Either that or he just did what bums naturally do.

Can't buy that for a dollar!

Danny Ross, comment?


What a shocker

Just when things are starting to die down, we're thrown this nugget.

This is not a nugget, this is like finding dinosaur bones on mars



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Fuck that let everyone join in on the fun. My Dovid needs all the support he can get!

Dovid Ross.

Dvv dvv fawk yeah

What a passive aggressive cunt.


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getting more passive aggressive by the second.

And drunker.

It's the gin; it makes Nana catty.

She hides the bottle in the blanket that wraps around her legs.


I wrote Afghan but changed it to blanket because i know the audience. I imagine telling the joke to Bobo.

Afghan is a funnier word all around and "invalid leg blanket" is too wordy.

Wasn't it enough that you fucked your "friends" girlfriends, Nana?

Not saying Danny is a saint, but Anthony really is awful waste of pockmarked, pube-transferred, graying flesh.

tss tell us how ya really feel!!

Danny did publicly accuse him of multiple felonies.

And if weren't guilty of all of them, he wouldn't be threatening legal action against Danny and this sub.

Funny, he was tweeting about how he was emailing his lawyer about the impending lawsuits like two months ago. Surprised nothing came of it.

You think Anthony might be guilty? I never thought of that.

No shit, bud. I'm saying that I understand why he might be happy to see someone accusing him of crimes locked away in a mental institution.

With ZERO evidence.

it's funny how ant has no kids and will die alone in his gaudy white trash mcmansion

The bank will take the house away and nice Jewish family will buy it for nice price and Ant will die in the streets covered with old issues of The New York Post outside Opie's apartment.

With a cake that has the slices neatly separated with wax paper. "I earned that!"

There will always be kids around (in the eyes of the law).

I really, legitimately want Anthony to die.

yea its pissy trampa at his best but id also be kinda shitty/celebrating if a guy who accused me of them crimes checked themselves into a crazy house

He's now tweeted about it like six more times since. I daresay Anthony is not a man of impeccable grace.

Long Island black trash.

In his mind, Ant thinks rehab is something you use to get out of a jail sentence for assaulting a young girl. He doesn't understand that some people try to improve their situation and get healthier.

Reminds me of Joe's reaction to killakuhn's son.

This unsporting behavior should be enough to warrant harder attempts to destroy joes music career, as punishment for Anthony's behavior.

Holy fuck, what a complete piece of shit Khumia is.

And as for Danny Ross....



This place pushed him over the edge. Was it the kike stuff, laughing at his podcast or the midget jokes?

He denied it like crazy, but I'd gather the unemployment stuff wasn't far off.

This place pushed him over the edge.

O.k. Danny's alcohol abuse was the deciding factor in all of this, possibly drugs? But when he was sober, he was fine. Then he would get loaded and just snap, he was two different people. So possibly Bi polar?

If he was hanging out with Ant, then definitely bi.

The podcast failing definitely did it imo. Shit was embarrassing.

He finally heard his podcast.

his podcast did worse than that mush mouth black guy. id go insane too

his podcast did worse than that mush mouth black guy.


Vurry good

I’m calling guitar hero failure

He went all in with the podcast

Holy fuck. What next? Gonna mention he fucked his wife as well?

Boy is Danny going to be disappointed when he learns that jewishness is incurable.

They were working on a cure back in the 1940s, but well...you know.

Does dovids father really think he’s doing him any favours by posting this in social media?

Nothing is sacred anymore, and it never was for (((those))).

Really though, people seem to seek sympathy snd attention through any means, no matter how personal the situation. Fuck Danny, though.

Fuck Danny.

His Hebrew name is, Daniel Ben Dovid.

And he tried to claim he wasn't jewish. Their self hatred runs deep cuz they know they deserve it.

Tss daniel ben dover or sumptin

Oh Chippah.



He's begging for money. The Jews have no shame.

His dad probably doesn't know this forum exists

Dovid my Dovid


Will he ever get over that Guitar Hero loss?

To be fair, most people who live in Ohio are servery depressed.

I’m servery depressed

Oh herro yes I am a severy depressed



Dovid? Dovid? You would all be dead if it wasn't for my Dovid.

Stop using emojis you old fuck!

More like Daniel Ben Dover

Or like daniel lets cut off the tip of your dick or sumptin'. i dont know, you go

With Jews, you lose! At the same time it's fucked up of Anthony to doxx this guy. That's worse than defacing a guestbook with Nigel Igger.

Anthony, I know you're reading this. You're a tranny sucking faggot.

Stalker never existed. I followed that rabbit hole 2-3 danny accounts ago.

You'd think claims of a traceable number threatening, nay, promising to kill you and your loved ones while including home addresses would get the police involved. Yet for some strange reason they dismissed the "case" as nothing.

Given this news, I'd bet they spent 5 seconds with Dovid and realised he was crazy as fuck.

Nah, I’m willing to believe he had a stalker. I have no problem for a second believing Fred from Brooklyn would send dead animals, make threatening calls, etc for his poker buddy.

Ew i just realized i bet he was playing "mafia man"

Whomever it was, we all had Danny's cell number because of him.

Ant is mad because even Danny has the caring father he never had.

Straight too

Ok faggot, whats next?

Seriously though guys, does anyone else feel kinda bad about this?

No, me neither.

Do they own the Ross clothing stores?


Ladies and gentlemen...
we got 'im.

I thought his parents died

That's terrible; I'm sorry.

The Wilkes Barre fruit tree

Reminder. Ants rage and addiction issues have cost him more money than Danny's mental fuck ups.

Dovid my Dovid.

See, he really does have a very serious stalker and this is the kind of thing he has to do to get away from them if only for a brief while.

Was it the pancakes house failure that set him off?

Psychiatry's just a racket for the Jews.

finally, this sub was starting to get boring

Pancake Hut didn't work out did it

Danny was a good boy, he was scamming goy on the internet bout to get his life back on track

Oh how the miniscule have fallen.

Is this real? Ben Dovid, really? No?

This is delicious

You’re next Nick Mullen

All that meatspinning sent him off the rails

say "checked himself in" more, stupid

Ok why did the father post this on twitter, and why did he have to tell his hebrew name? I'm too old for this shit. I'm out.

That's Facebook you silly goose. Anthony posted the screencap to twitter

I tried messaging him several times to go to meetings or if he wanted any information at all on support groups. I'm glad he finally hit the point where he asked for help. It was getting to the point where he would contradict himself within sentences of each other and couldn't tell reality from the truth. Interestingly enough he had a similar break down after being fired from Rockstar (leaked RDR2 two years ago on reddit).

Jews have a higher rate of developing Schizophrenia... just sayin'. Hopefully he develops late onset Tay-Sachs next.

I hope he receives the help pillow smothering he needs.


With one of the Nopie Punching Pillows the herb was trying to sell here

what would dovid possibly be depressed about? he owns the finest banksy prints, he’s a prolific essay writer and podcast preppper and he was never even mad when he came here, just casually responding as he worked on his car and fucked models.

I can’t imagine a scenario in which people here would cite “Daniel Ben Dovid” in a mocking or disrespectful way. Not memes, not usernames, none of it. We’re way above that.

Obscurity Medical Center

Is this really THE Danny Ross?

Why did he post his Hebrew name? We meant to feel the slightest bit of sympathy with there victim narrative?

They really are defined by there evil religion.

Because he’s asking for prayers.

When they pray for each other they use the full Hebrew name.

Like when you commune with demons you need to use their true names.

"Let's all Bend Danny Over and pray for him, one at a time."


Is it any wonder this happened to Danny since he witnessed the horrific crimes Anthony committed against children in his basement?

Classic case of PTSD

רְפוּאָה שְׁלֵמָה Daniel Ben Dovid

Tss Ben dovid? Like what bendovid and take it in the ass?! Just riffin

This more than makes up for the Kuhn sentencing being postponed.

Do the people subscribed to his patreon get their money back

A yid with psych problems? What a shock!

damn, What about new episodes of Waffle House to listen to??

There aren't that many poor/alcoholic Jews that I have encountered. Danny hit the reverse lottery.

He cancels out a Puerto Rican doctor

Going to Ohio to get un-depressed, what a genius.

Could take a hint from former friend Cumia and go to Florida.

I wonder if any of my posts had to do with it. Wishful thinking I guess.

How did he end up in Ohio?

Even dovids dad is a fucking faggot mooch, begging for shit on the fucking internet.

Cumia taking the high road as usual

I hope his cat is okay.

Poor little mug is probably the happiest he has ever been.

Cookie, cookie, cookie...

He was 14 years old.

So are we saying he's Jewish?

What a drama queen.



Is this really OUR Danny Ross? Could be a common name?

"I rarely ask for prayers". Wow this faggot actually asks for prayers from time to time. Fuck him & Danny.

Severely depressed, he checked himself in

I like how he wrote it as if it were a will

damn, is that really him

please please please sidebar this pic


We should link his account a bunch of times so he's got stuff to read after he gets out.

I hope Big Chief is his roomate

Apparently his first child is not a masculine child.

Today, I pray in thanks to St. George for the felling of another reptile.

Just looked through his dad’s page. He’s very Jewy.

First Dotard now Dovid 2018 has been a great year.

Anthony just killed two birds with one stone. He gave us extremely personal information on Danny and ensured I never have to feel bad about having an effect on 🐜's life again.

That's terrible; I'm sorry.

his podcast did worse than that mush mouth black guy.


Oh Chippah.


With one of the Nopie Punching Pillows the herb was trying to sell here

Classic case of PTSD

Long Island black trash.