Nick Di Paolo talking about being punched on Bennington

54  2018-06-19 by YouAintGotToLieCraig


I’m a second in and Nick already sounds like a traumatized faggot. Nice trembly voice, stupid.

glad you noticed that too

what a victim

Victim of the pussification of America. I love that Dipaelo thinks he's this salt of the earth mans man, when in reality he's the coddled show business fruit he claims to hate.

These veterans got PTSD from wearing pink shirts

Reminded him when his mom beat him up for wearing her shoes

Holy shit is Rons daughter awful. Thanks for the upload though.

She’s a real cutie and you leave her alone.

I hope her wrists become a real cutty

She's a massive fatty

Imagine if Nick never recovers from this humiliation and it leads to his suicide.

I would be upset that it wasn't Anthony instead

Dats vulgah!!!

I'm sure Ron would have been saying 'politics don't matter' if it had been a far-right person who punched some black.

It seemed like he was trying to quell the obvious political tension that was growing between Nick and Gail.

Example? All I heard was her being a complete wallflower/head nodder.

I think Ronnie just knew where it was going. Nick is very right winged, Gail is probably far left.

They get along very well. Gail was on his radio show and she always talks about how much she loves Nick.

Used to swap paint with Bavaro. Now he’s pressing charges on broads. What a Hollywood fanook ole whiny Nicky turned out to be. Threw away his career wishing a shooter would show up in a faculty lounge, but couldn’t handle it when a slapper showed up at a comedy lounge. The poor girl was just trying to slap the 1992 out of his act.

If Nick is suing, talking about it on the radio is not smart. He’s not dumb, he acknowledged there’s nothing to gain in court.

Kinda sad to hear Ronnie B with no spirit

I hope this sucker punching cunt at least got arrested for assault. I'm not a Dipaolo fan by any means, but behavior like this deserves some repercussions. Why can't they behave?!

Ron's a fat old faggot.

Day 1 : "I'm an obnoxious asshole who gets paid to piss people off, and I'm proud of it!"

Day 2 : "Mommy, look what they did to me! Whaaaa!"

Mama Fratelli has shitty opinions

Chat shit get banged as the kids say. Nick touched on that sentiment in this video and I gotta tell ya he’s off on this one, Ron too. I do have the right to punch you. Nothing besides the law, public bystander reaction, your reaction, and maybe a conscience stops me from punching you. I think in public situations you need to be aware of your surroundings. Especially if people are drinking and especially if you’re a comedian that says things that upsets people.

Should Nick have been punched? No. I hope he sues and wins. All I’m saying is to be more aware of your environment and maybe you could prevent things like this from happening. Maybe I’m half a retard but I don’t allow for people to stand behind me. I usually try to have my back against a wall. Perhaps people don’t think this could happen to them but everyone could get caught slippin.

It’s called a sucker punch you fucking retard.

“Get caught slippin” really typed that out

2 questions 1) What exactly did I say that upset you? Let’s talk about it instead of you just saying it’s wrong, let me know why. 2) What would you call it?

I think “get caught slippin” is a pretty fucking on the nose way of describing what getting sucker punched is. I also gave you 0 indication that I’m unaware of what a sucker punch is. My point that clearly went over your head is that if he was paying attention to his surroundings he wouldn’t have been the sucker.

dude, he just did a comedy show for people, then went out of his way to do a meet and greet with the fans

you shouldnt have to live like your in prison all the time, especially at your place of work

your off on this one man

Nah nigga, he got caught slippin. Drill time, BANG BANGM

Lmao I’m not saying that but I am acknowledging that people think like that. I’ll give you an example. A woman should not go out at odd hours of the night by themselves in isolated bad areas to avoid the possibility of getting raped. Women need to acknowledge that there are people in this world who rape. You hear about it on the news all the time and could choose to take the “it won’t happen to me approach” but that’s not the smartest thing to do if you ask me.

you shouldn’t have to live like you’re in prison all the time, especially at your place of work

I agree with this but don’t you think that’s the world we live in? I’m sure you’ve seen several videos people getting sucker punched and knocked out. This should tell you that things like this happen. You could choose to think “not to me” but if you don’t take proper steps of prevention it very well could be you.

as a person whos been assaulted many times in his life I recognize how I could have moved differently

at the same time, living in fear isnt living, that ptsd talking

there are situations that you cant control tho, and I feel Nick should have felt safe at his work after a show and not have to worry about a possible attack

I feel you but I’m talking about living in fear. That’s a very different thing than just knowing where you’re at and who is around you. I think human beings take a lot for granted and should pay more attention to their surroundings. I see people walking around everyday looking at their phone not really paying attention to where they are going. That’s just a bad idea. Granted it’s worked out well for you so far but one day someone might sucker punch you and take your sneakers.

Take your own a dice faggot. You babble on like that in the real world for long enough, eventually someone is going to cut your throat.

Who says I don’t take my own advice? Quite the assumption by you

I believe the phrase you are looking for is “Keep your head on a swivel,” as a wise swine man once said.

Sure, that’s a good way of putting it. Just be aware of your surroundings is all really.


The problem is everyone knows all you're really trying to do is brag about being capable of navigating the jungle, implying that you've been through a lot. No one gives a shit.

Not even a little bit am I trying to do that.

Haha, shit - it's real out in these streets nigga! My name is my name!

Nice dissertation, stupid. Please write more lengthy waffle. Your essays are enthralling.

It’s not an essay tho it’s like 2 paragraphs that I’m writing on my phone which takes me like 45 seconds to draft up

He's thinking of taking this to court? Are right wingers also complete faggots?


Anyone who cares deeply about politics is a complete faggot

Why let a girl punch you in the face without legal ramifications? You can’t hit her back, I know you’d love to and so would I, but if you do that you definitely will face worse consequences.

Anthony: gets beat up by a chick; loses his job Paolo: loses his job; gets beat up by a chick

Seems to me like there's a pattern with these 2 nutjobs

Opie loses his job and his chick, gets beat up by life.

Can we lock them all in the Compound for a new reality series called Big Brother Maaan?

Couldn't possibly be the crazy feminist and hooker who would go punching people, you fucking retard.

Colin Quinn has never been attacked by bleeders after his shows. Loud guys who can't back up their bullshit attract this type of abuse

Colin once got chased down the street by his crowd after a show.

I'd like to see somebody try this on Rich Vos on June 28th at the Albany funny bone.

Rich would probably roundhouse kick that bitch in the cunt.

Plot twist, it was Gail Bennington

Nick should reconsider close up shots of his face. Why can’t he show us a normal photo of his face? Why behave like a drama queen, documenting this on social media & seeking out the public’s sympathy? I suppose that punch created dark circles under his other eye too...

Ronnie is all class

Ron is a fat, stupid old faggot.

Nick should have clocked her father in the jaw and stomped on his head when he hit the ground.

After that maybe she would think twice before sucker punching someone that can't hit back to brag with her friends that she hit a "nazi".

Jew broad.

Hit the bitch and be a legend. The pub would've been huge, and most people would've agreed with him.

While I certainly don't condone what the unstable bitch who hit him did, DiPaolo really is a faggot for whining about this. Another fake wop tough guy. I bet this is the first time he's ever been punched in the face too. It shows. Sam is another who has clearly never been belted in the face. The shit talkers usually never have.

Yes, but it's always worth it for when they do eventually get rocked. It's a defining moment for shit talkers when they actually take a hit. I shit talked my way into a fight with a guy I didn't realize was a decent kick boxer. All the fights (mostly in middle and HS) I'd been in I won or it was broken up. This was different and I realized my mistake immediately when I took a kick to the head. Sometimes violence is a great learning experience.

I hear you. I boxed through my teens and early 20s. Fancied myself as a bit of a hard case as a teenager. Nothing is more sobering and humbling than getting battered, especially if it's by a guy who didn't really look like shit before that first left hook comes out of nowhere.

Oh definitely, I wrestled for 3 years and that skinny thai kid beat me in like 25 seconds. A few punches and I went to shoot on him and pretty much got knocked out by a head kick in front of 20 people. I was humiliated for weeks but looking back, It was deserved and I learned a valuable lesson. Everybody should have their ass beat once, women included.

How is it "whining." Dude got assaulted in a club. I don't think he antagonizes quite as much as everyone posits here; if Hillary Clinton punched him in the face, I could maybe see it. People can't think shit like this is ok, because you disagree with any comic's point of view you can punch them in them in the face? This fucking cunt should get felony assault charges, and fuck her piece of shit father for just letting it happen. How can people NOT stand up for Nick, like him or not he's one of the last voices out there not regurgitating the same tired bullshit, or at least representing another point of view.

Read the first half of the first sentence I wrote. I don't disagree that she was wrong and should be charged (If he wants to do that.)

He's whining because it's just a fucking punch in the face, not the end of the world. And it was a female. Personally, if I got caught hard enough by a woman that she gave me a black eye (even most professional female boxers telegraph horribly. It's not their fault though, it's their hips), I wouldn't be too keen on telling anyone, let alone phoning into a national radio show and moaning about it. Now he's the guy who got clocked by a chick. And suing anyone over a punch just seems so bitch like. Like something Sam Roberts would do. Must be an American thing, the litigious part I mean.

Did they hold hands when Nick cried?

Gail the hole added nothing

she added

" no people on the right are sensitive as well."


Fair enough

Good grief, his daughter's awful: pointless interjections for the sake of inserting herself into the conversation

I would be upset that it wasn't Anthony instead

Dats vulgah!!!

Take your own a dice faggot. You babble on like that in the real world for long enough, eventually someone is going to cut your throat.

It’s not an essay tho it’s like 2 paragraphs that I’m writing on my phone which takes me like 45 seconds to draft up