Oh, Erick.

33  2018-06-16 by RBuddCumia


Erick Von Krispikreme

If her blood wasn't corrosive I'd have a thing for this broad

Her accent makes me rock hard and ready to disappoint her sexually.

She would swear off men after 5 minutes with me

Another Jew in media, what else is new

All these Jews in Hollywood present a serious problem for young, Christian, Gentile actors trying to make it in show biz.

If only someone could think of a way to remedy this.

A solution for today, tomorrow, and forever.

A... final solution, if you will.

A cleansing of sorts

"Jews are a real PROBLEM"- Jam Nordegren

Another painfully obvious comment skyrockets to the top.

Found the kike


Fawkin triggered

Keep consuming, Erik. Food, toys, marvel movies. Eat. Take in. Do nothing productive. Consume. Fat ass.

Retweeting a picture of a Marvel character, is the same as retweeting a picture from a fast food restaurant.

This is DC you fucking morons

You're right but I'm proud of myself that I didn't know that.

That's the capital you dingleberry

He would thrive in the THX 1138 world

No heavies, not interested

Imagine if she had some beefers. Begone jew!

This over rated kike broad doesn't even have hefty beefers

True enough. I do want to slap her in the face with my dick meat though.

Eric is the ultimate bug man. Never got the appeal

Nice Cosplay. Christina Carter and Chanel Preston are the true Wonder Women.

Christina Carter is underrated as shit.

Fuck this horseshit blocking traffic all over the place

Why doesn’t Erock post his bikini babes here?

I saw one of those deep fake porn things with this woman 'in' it. Was good.

She's an Israeli one of them, so fuck her but still; I would fuck her.

Plus she's banging some beta fag, so any of us has a shot.

She's really gorgeous!😍

Some would say Hawk is the American dream, others call him the great consumer. I just call him tits

Ugly man-face with no tits