Mods did you really remove that thread where Chris Hardwick is called out as being a rapist? REALLY? REALLY? Jesus Christ you bunch of no good fucking faggots

235  2018-06-15 by boringoneliner


Chris Hardwick anally raped me while calling me a nigger.

I read that somewhere

It was more like “I’m super stoked to defile such a nigger.”

Hard Dick Hardwick climbing the power rankings

I was sneakily recording from the closet. Unfortunately, I self-combusted and destroyed all evidence :(

Story checks out. Video cassettes were known to shatter irretrievably when the surrounding camcorder suffers a minor impact.

Me too.

That's completely horrible, I've always respected Chris and I had no idea that deep down he behind his persona he was actually a niggerlover

I apologise on behalf of pale faced fungi features.

Why haven't we ditched this shithole with the faggot mods yet? We could all move to r/scorch

They're sitting pretty knowing the community won't all shift to another sub, so they can be fucking dickheads with the thread removals all they like. And are.

Nah go I encourage you to go

why don't you? literally nobody likes you or the "job" you do

I like him.

you first

Please move go I beg you talk all alts with you.

Let's go make /r/Cumtown funnier

Fuck off with the mod hate.

Stop sucking on the mod teat

Faggot-ass niggers tryin to pull us down, 'ight.

Hardwick was removed as a Nerdist mod, does he linger here as a mod?

He does. Damage control where possible.

Just like every other subreddit, or any form of internet media, this sub has been subverted by kikes.

Shoo, Danny Ross!

What's some of them other rapists the mods defended? Aziz Ansari?

Unrepentant Child Infiltrator, Kumail Nanjiani. Given a morally languid pass by our inattentive invigilators.

Whoa genuinely had not heard anything about Kumail! How did I miss this... when was this?

Yesterday, he butt fucked some kid right after his Uber shift

TJ Milluh

Used a razor during sex to mark the drugged desultorous.

Hahaha that was the joke right there! THAT was the joke! WE gotta go to Bill in Long Island BILLL

The mods here are the least funny bunch of cum suckers in the world.

I think I love you too, faggot.

I kinda love him for that line.

No joke I chuckled, first funny thing he's done in ages. I'm used to him SCREAMING ABOUT HOW HE WAS IN SINGLED OUT IN THE 90'S!!! to one person chuckling.

Love you 😍

Look real carefully at the mod roster on r/nerdist. Ya didn't hear it from me.

jesus christ /u/SpaceEdge if that was you, you really are that insufferable fag we all know you to be

Do we have any say in who the mods are? If this is true I would like him removed immediately.

i second that motion.

Yeah, this place is about being your shittiest self if you want to. Deleting anything goes against it.

As gay as it sounds, this is my safe space on reddit. I don't want some fag mod ruining it.

Not a fan of the gays, eh?

As gay as it sounds, this is my safe space on reddit.

Ok, we've reached critical levels of hypocrisy and lack of insight with this comment.

This entire thread is such a massive self-inflicted indictment of all you fucking idiots here. I'm eating it up.

Whats hard to understand? We don't want fags ruining this thread. So beat it!

you can call me a fag all you want...nothing is as gay as the comment you made above. And no, prefacing it with "as gay as this sounds" didn't get you off the hook.

You sound like a fucking tween dipshit. Like, this place actually has value to you in your life. That should scare and embarrass the shit out of you.

nothing is as gay as the comment you made above.

Haven't been here for long, have you?


I love you. 💖

I love you both

I love you both

This should be grounds for a de-modding. He's not proven he can handle it.

Too bad he's a tool-- man...

What the fuck does a shitposting board even need moderators for? What a useless waste of your life to be moderating boards on the internet

Basically the only time they are need are for spam and maybe to prevent brigading so we don't have our sub deleted.

What we don't need is some fine-tuned editorialization. We can handle that ourselves with overly aggressive attacks and downvoting, which this sub has handed out to me and everyone else, without mercy, to whoever posted something shitty.

our sub

And you guys are fond of calling other people "gay". Hilarious.

I miss rapistwithaids, he was a much better troll than you.

Alternatively, mod me and I will ban this queer and everybody else until I am stripped of power or my mom dies and the bank takes this place

Jesus, we don’t question your loyalty Wyatt.

It wasn't me, I don't know what he even said. I just logged on here for the first time in days. Whoever deleted it had their reason if they choose to answer then there you go.

Then tell us who it was

I don't care enough to look through the mod log to look.

But you can post multiple messages and cry about how it wasn't you and be all pissy eyed. But looking at the mod log, oh noes, too much. Fucking liar

Liar whore, liar whore.

what part of he said it wasn't him don't you understand? Some of you are insufferable.

The post that was removed here is still on the front page of r/nerdist though. If SpaceEdge removed it here, why wouldn't he remove it from both subreddits?

hes not the head mod there

I don't know who Chris Hardwick is but I'm sure he rapes

He is an annoying jock that fake nerds.

Chris Hardwick? …. More like Chris HardDICK or sumthin’. Tssssss tssssss


Take us to break piggy-boy!

How about Piss Harddick and he pees all over toilet seats with his boner.

Dayummm shit just got real up in this mug.

Why do I read every post on this sub in Jim Norton’s voice

coz were all complete hypocritical faggots like him

Do you get POINTS for rape?

Beware of any entertainer with a "nice" image, they're all evil.

he's cutting it off at the source, now the story will disappear and no one will talk about it.

brilliant tactics by /u/SpaceEdge

Yes I mod there I have zero Idea what he said and I haven't visited the sub or done anything in ages. I'll bet you $200 it wasn't me, Put up or shut up cunt.

Fuck you, nigger.

I'll take you up on that. Now give the name...

Bet you $5,000, cocksucker

Enough with the bets Joe Cumia.

lol what a lil bitch.

Sure I'll take your bet faggot.

Now prove it wasn't you ;)

Ok findva escrow site and let's do it. Or I'll let you off the hook cuz one person that made a big deal about was banned and unbanned to. Apologize

hahah off the hook.

shut the fuck up you old cunt, stop having a hissy fit because your sad existence was highlighted.

Learn to control your adrenalin, your inability to do so is evident.

Praise be the self-mutilation-media.

Fuck off with the Mod hate.

I've started a thread calling for SpaceEdge to be removed. We all know he is a useless shill but this is so gross and lame that he really needs to get gone this time.

So this selfish cunt was going to kill herself by jumping off an overpass onto the 101, and probably kill someone else in the process? Chris treated her with kid gloves.

Her definition of rape is that she wasn't fucking him and he complained about it. The article starts with a trigger warning. She is clearly one of those shitlib-cutter-anorexics just making up a story for attention. Truly a vile whore.

More like Chris i right gang??

There's a certain faggot who's breath is like the balls of a homeless nigger who you might say is part of this sub who you might say is from another world and you might also say he's a dumb fucking cunt. Here I am, on the edge. Just give me some space. Thank you for your time.

I know you retards think it was me since I mod one of his subs that I haven't visited or done anything in years. I also have zero idea what you people are talking about with what happened with him. Haven't been on here in days. If the mod who did it wants to step forward and say it was them then they can otherwise too bad. d

If the mod who did it wants to step forward and say it was them then they can otherwise too bad.

You are really just making it worse. Before you were a fag, now you're a fag and a coward.

Your getting annoying. How many alts do you use to post here. If you think I did it lets lay some cash on it.

Whey should i use alts. I got a new account after my old ones got banned by the admins.

TIL mods can't ban by IP address.

Of course not. Also they would have to ban whole Germany in my case. We don't have static ips


Mode will never get that power. Admins yes, mods not.

I was referring to Germany not using static IPs.


Wasn't referring to that.

Was referring to Germany not using static IPs.


Oh literal Literal_Luke

I heard that they try this if you keep making new accounts to discuss their lust for their own gender through

But how do would you prove it wasn't you? After all you don't care to look at the mod log

Why would I bother to answer the other questions hours after said thread was deleted? If you think I put that much times into this you are out of your little mind.

Put your money where your mouth is and give one of of the regulars mod rights and step down if you care so little. Watching it in mod log takes seconds compared to the minutes you wasted saying ' i don't caaaare' in the true Opie loser fashion. And stop asking for money for 'revealing' who deletes all these threads you discount Danny Ross stinkskc crossbreed.

Nope all mods were hand picked by me people who I knew from other sites and people who contribute actual things to the sub like CCRedd and Braun. So If you can stop replying to me I would appreciate that because you are getting really annoying.

If you could die or be funny that would be nice k thanks

user reports:

1: Being a turbo-fag


Sorry, that's funny.

My guess is 44.


We're all just real upset that youre covering up this sweet young lady's abuse.

How about you just not be a giant faggot and out the retard if it's not you? This subreddit isn't your nerdist safe space dumb cunt.

I upvote this for being straight up in tha face.

How do i become a mod

Suck dicks, lots of dicks.

And lick that bumbum.

If you need help taking care of these fools, unca' Loo is always here. :)


I don't think it's fair that he was Singled Out


Or Kumail Ninjiani and Sofia Hagendahz

Or Uber

I got banned here for linking his name once. Mods are faggots.

LoouisCuCK here. The mod hate is... bordering on unacceptable. Calm it down, or I may have to start laying down the banhammer.

Or worse you could continue making threads.


LouisCK wants his cut.

Watching you idiots fight about this internet soap opera bullshit is like fucking Christmas for me.

As it is for us, dummy

Perhaps for different reasons. I love it because it proves that you're all just as lame as everyone else on Reddit, which completely undercuts the pose most of you try to strike.

Why is it like Christmas for you, dipshit?

Because it's senseless fun

Hmm. Well, I can't accuse you of trying to pretend you're cool, so there's that.

And that's what makes me cool, right?

You' seem like a nice fellow.

He does it for free

She does sound crazy and like she would be a handful


Fuck off with the Mod hate.

If they don't want to be hated maybe they shouldn't be such fags

Wow, if you want a good laugh, read through some of the posts on the Nerdist sub. “Don’t fall off the wagon, Chris!” Who cares about this douche’s sobriety if there’s even a shred of truth to the allegations. He’s probably been a stealth user this entire time and/or grossly exaggerated his addiction story to give his career comeback more gravitas.

Nice thread faggot. Only kids cry about mods like it's their parents being weal mean.

I never thought I'd see mods deleting threads, god I hate internet mods, they're all faggots. Make sure the sub doesn't get deleted and that's it.

i second that motion.

Yeah, this place is about being your shittiest self if you want to. Deleting anything goes against it.

This should be grounds for a de-modding. He's not proven he can handle it.

What the fuck does a shitposting board even need moderators for? What a useless waste of your life to be moderating boards on the internet

Alternatively, mod me and I will ban this queer and everybody else until I am stripped of power or my mom dies and the bank takes this place