Nana Blocked Me

20  2018-06-14 by OpiesInnerCircle

Yesterday, I just submitted two responses disagreeing with what he posted, nothing crazy, and he blocked me. When did he become so thin skinned? At least Opie can take criticism.


See you in obscurity, pal.

Sorry bud, Opie can't take criticism.

Opie just blocks and doesn't DM

I think Opie mutes, and retains followers, while Nana ejaculates an angry outburst.

Opie blocked me a long time ago for just saying something negative about his "Documentary Series".

Neither of these faggots can take criticism, the difference is Opie just blocks and moves on, Neurotic Anthony needs to prove he’s smart because he didn’t graduate high school

When you get to be his age your skin gets so thin it's almost translucent.

Again with the “become” shit. He’s always been this much of a pussy. He tanked message boards just for talking about Spaz.

This. He would bounce people out of Paltalk throughout every O&A show and get people banned on Wackbag.

So much for free speech eh, Nana.

Can I get some more background info on this

Opie & Anthony used to have a stuntboy-type guy called Spaz on the show. Anthony ended up sucking his dick on-air to win a lobster dinner. Those shock jocks were always pushing that envelope...

This is exactly how it happened.

There were times he'd bring the show to a screeching halt just to announce to the world he'd banned someone from paltalk. He's a fucking mental midget.

girls name! girls name! girls name! talks over guy with rational viewpoint more. girls name! girls name! girls name!

the word is 'bitchmade'.

You say "thin skinned", I say "dark skinned".

You say potato i say pedophile

He's so obviously addicted to it.

The really contemptible thing is he blocks all guys who slightly disagree with him, but he's constantly in back-and-forths with broads. He's such a pissy little bitch it's beyond disgusting.

When did Ant ever do anything except attack people who aren't there to defend themselves? He literally made a career of it.

The one time he tried not doing it from behind a screen or a microphone was in Time Square when he tried taking photos of a black hooker approaching potential johns.

That's as close as Ant ever got to someone he didn't like, and it cost him his career.

The man would piss his pants and cry if you pointed a gun at him, even if he was packing himself. Look at the pattern of behavior.

"Become" thin skinned? I see you drank the Kool Aid.

Spit it back out, and ask yourself : When did Ant ever do anything except attack people who aren't there to defend themselves? He literally made a career of it.

Man has a lot to say about a lot of people when they're not in the room. Waited 'til it was over w/ Opie before confronting him from a safe distance.

The closest Anthony ever got to someone he had a problem with was when he took shots of a black hooker; from a safe distance, until she got up in his face.

Then what did he do? Fucking coward ran home to Twitter and lost his career because he literally has no idea how to act when confronted directly by one of his long-distance targets.

Anthony Cumia is a scared, frustrated old man who'd piss his pants and cry if you pointed so much as a finger at him, let alone a weapon. Whether he happened to be packing his own heat or not.

Look at the pattern of behavior. It's all over-compensation when he's alone and whimpering when the enemy's in the room.

That is who Anthony Cumia really is, and why Opie wants nothing to do with him despite his many hypocritical attempts to get Opie to work with him again.

He really is a gutless turd.

The closest Anthony ever got to someone he had a problem with was when he took shots of a black hooker; from a safe distance, until she got up in his face.

The funniest part of Ant's retelling of that whole thing was when he said a group of black guys appeared and he told them "this isn't your show".

Haha is if frail old nana would say a word to a group of black guys. Of course there was no group of black guys to begin with. Nana just had to insert them into the story so he didn't just get beat up by a girl and then ran home to cry about it on Twitter.

And don't forget that it was "five" black guys specifically, the number in the joke that was told in Full Metal Jacket. So he felt emasculated - by a woman no less - and figured he'd toughen his lie up by incorporating references to two classic Vietnam movies.

Nana Nana, Nana Nana, hey hey hey, good bye!

Ever since his mother died, ol pissy eyes has been extra sensitive

When he found out his dad was black.