Odds of me getting sent to obscurity?

108  2018-06-14 by RBuddCumia


Get your bags packed cuz you just won a one way trip to block island

Obscurity is ranked one of the top destinations according to AAA.

Any should be more worried about the BBB ta be honest wit ya

Watch the lady boys in certain parts of town. Also, it’s second to Thailand if you are looking for you know what. Be careful in some of the areas.

Nice libel avoidance, stupid.

It's ok though.. give it, say.. 10 days or so and you can fuck with him at his next Twitter account

Incoming burn insulting your lack of monetary investment in followers

You can comfort yourself with pizza rolls until your mom shuts the basement light from the top of the stairs.

I have a clapper.I just turn that shit back on.Shes not the boss of me.....

How many followers do you have as that is key in being sent off to the land of obscurity

0 ☹️

You now have a business class ticket to obscurity.

I’m not sure that will do it as Keith takes the brunt of the insult and 🐜 is too self important to be bothered by that. Maybe if you phrased it as, “At least he’s smart enough to hire a real producer instead of....” it would get the job done. I could be wrong though.

You might get a 'wooden shampoo' if you don't watch it...

Fat! Haha! Fuggin BURIED him!

Defending the CM guys again, how unusual and out-of-character for you. ;) With the same lack of results as always.

I don't even care which one of them you are at this point, you're so fucking transparent, your every interaction with this sub exposes the whole CM crew as whiny little girls who need alt accounts to defend themselves here or else it might look like they care.

He called Keith fat, like a catty chick. I don't comment on the funny insults.

At this point it's safe to assume that unless you're blatantly lying to Tranpa about the abysmal quality of his horrendous show/network/life as a whole, or pad your criticisms of his show like this:

"Listen Ant, I'm a huge, HUGE, fan, would gladly suck your cock if you asked me to. I think Missy is smoking hot and she's definitely with you for you, not your bank account. I beg you, your excelency, please don't block me, and I must stress that I say this for your own good. Maybe, MAYBE, it might be prudent, to ease up a tad on the race and political talk? I say this with the purest of intentions my leige, please don't banish me to obscurity!"

...Then you will be sent to obscurity. And even if you grovel to him before you deliver your criticisms, he'll just deny whatever you're criticizing him about.

"Name ONE time I was racist!"

"Politics?! Me and @DaveLandau do a hilarious show!"

"Why do you care how often another grown man is on Twitter?!?!"


"Of course I'm willing to listen to criticism! I'm not like Opie!"

(Offers cited examples of Anth being a nigger.)


This concludes my essay of what I learned over the summer.

Like observing and recording the behavior of some sort of animal with really strange behavior.

Welcome to Obscurity. Population: You.

Is he talking about Matarese?

Rendezvous point for when this place finally gets shut down has to be


Wonderful avatar and screen name. Enjoy an upvote!

Be great if on the next season of Survivor instead of sending people to Ghost Island they name it Obscurity Island.