This is the extent of what he’ll have to say on the show.

40  2018-06-08 by RBuddCumia


Mr. dare not say anything critical has lubed wrestler steroid sphincters up to the point he can drop right into them at any time.

Already got some pre on the tip?


Wow, he is horrible at mimicking human emotions.

Well, he isn't human and has no emotions, so it is hardly surprising.

That's the bit!

It is shocking how little I care about Sam's opinion on anything. You have to be a real piece of shit to tune in every morning to hear that simple-minded dullard's opinion on anything

Nice ending your sentences with the same word, stupid. Still upvoted

I really am a verbose idiot. Thansk for upvoting

Is he quoting everyone who smells his breath?

That was contrived.

I mean. it just sucks to lose anybody, ya know? Especially a guy who you felt like you knew! Great guy!

Love ya, miss ya Tony.

"Yeah that's a fucking rough one, man."

I wonder what Carl will say on Twitter. Because I think his boss Guy Fieri had a beef with Anthony Burdain.

"That's terrible, I'm sorry"

Man fuck this guy. I get suicide and why people do it and I'm fine with it but you don't get that option when you have an 11 year old daughter to take care of.

I get suicide

Yeah man I’m super cool too. Stay safe brother.

suicide is for faggots and queers. Bourdain said 'bake the cake' now he's just another dead jew. let this be a lesson to you about the dangers of shill faggotry

I get suicide and why people do it and I'm fine with it but you don't get that option when you have an 11 year old daughter to take care of.

So in other words, you don't "get" suicide at all. I'm sure Anthony Bourdain never once thought about his daughter, or if he did he thought to himself "man, fuck that bitch. I'm going to make her grow up without a father!!!" while sporting a gigantic spite boner and then hanging himself.

Well when u put it like that maybe ur right.

Yeah, it's a tough one. He really motherfucked his daughter. What a sssssscumbag.

and I think any life insurance doesn't pay out if the death is from suicide.

A bit off topic, but I've always considered Jimmy to be a risk for middle-aged suicide.

he just pours a bunch of salt over his head

Salts has sugar in it you monster

And do you have any idea how much caffeine is in salt? You'll keep him up all night!

yeah....we get it.

The people that's willing to suicide are people that has a sense of responsibility, weasels like Morton would never do it, but they will keep threatening you about it to keep your hostage

The people that's willing to suicide

That are willing, mumble mouth.

Also, suicide is not a verb.

A man who is afraid to drink is also afraid to kill himself.

Tss Anthony boardin a plain to heaven or somethin

God is stupid and took the wrong Anthony.


Fuck you god, you Jew fuck

Well, that sucks. Of all the "celebrity chefs", Bourdain was about the only one who didn't seem like a complete fagola and was actually worth watching.

That's a tough one, man.

Now onto 45min sneaker talk

How can he empathize or even begin to understand a man like Bourdain who led such an extraordinary life. All he does is watches wrestling and collects sneakers; his pallet consists of pizza, fish sticks and tendies.

go mop the floors

Why couldn’t it of been him instead?!!

People like him and Hemingway off themselves. Sam doesn’t think enough to consider it.

He and Jim will make some awful attempt at psycho analyzing him.

"A guy like him, I mean, he's been all over the world, you know? He probably saw some really fucked up stuff. It probably finally got to him. And he had a drug problem. It's a shitty situation, man. Damn."

"As an alcoholic, I know what he's going through. But you just can't give up like that, man."

There goes Bonnie's chance at a undeserved career

Deep Thoughts by Sam Handy.

Salts has sugar in it you monster

"As an alcoholic, I know what he's going through. But you just can't give up like that, man."