Very real person has 10 Tweets ever. All retweets except two which are praising Opie’s podcast.

94  2018-06-07 by SpudsCuckley


I wonder how many sock puppet Twitter accounts will be actually has? Feels like a lot.

Piss sock puppet accounts.

Can you imagine cleaning up piss with your socks when you have a child that licks the floors and windows? Scuuuuuumbag.

Titty-Sock Puppet accounts...

‘Gerard Debliek’ is one of those names that is so obviously randomly generated by a program written by a brown person who doesn’t speak a lick of English.

I enjoyed Bobson Dugnutt

I went to school with a Shown Furcotte.

Mike Truk's sister gave me syphilis!

I'm partial to Rey McSriff

Scott Dourque (prononced "dorky" of course)

He was SO close with Dean Wesrey.

Jefferson Budweiser McNuggets Jr., a patriot and a real American.

Pretty common name in Belgium.

You may be factually accurate, but unfortunately, no one really gives a shit. Thanks for trying to contribute though.

It's ok. Nobody should care about Belgium, it's a legit shithole.

Gerald Deblick is a great American


This guy might actually be dumb enough to be a real opester fan.

hol-ee shit, only 10 tweets! Back to obscurity with you

More like DeBleech tss tss

can we get every tweet from this guy more likes than Opie tweets? C'mon gang, lets get this trending today!

He's definitely real. A real criminal.

Weed fiend, brothaman.

Probably a rollarblader.

More than a taste.

Tagged as Transgender

I really hope he's being paid by Westwood One for these podcasts, because Opie is going to need to afford a lot more sock puppet accounts.

Check the numbers!

What am I fffffuuuuckin stoppid?? You don't start with the praise first tweet ya dope, way too obvious!

No no he's real. I know him. He's a good guy. A better kisser.

The desperation for a 5 star review is nauseating. Tits is constantly asking for it, this fake twitter is, and even the fucking promos beg for 5 star reviews. Maybe put out a good show and it will happen on its own?

Just a quick search on zabasearch and

Gerard Debliek does not exist. This is a non-person.

If Westwood had the same connections with bot farms that SXM does, Opie wouldn't have to resort to sock puppet accounts.

Bot farms will give you 100s of RTs, likes and follows for pretty cheap if you buy 'em in bulk for all your talent, like SXM does.

At 2 AM and 3 AM...

It's ok. Nobody should care about Belgium, it's a legit shithole.