He even finds the need to inject identity politics into a 70 year old battle. What an oaf.

23  2018-06-07 by RBuddCumia


Anthony Cumia, the most masculine, whitest, straightest black man who ever got pegged by a tranny and snuggled up to his large girlfriend

I guess Missy is a rather large woman.

We are in a culture war. Too bad he is on the right side

Though he might be, is he different than the left when he constantly — as he would say — “shoehorns”the subject into every conversation? He’s the “right sides” own diversity obsessed monster.

War is messy

Aint war hell?

War is for fags who can't solve their problems by sucking dick.

Reminder: Ant only became a patriotic republican nationalist in 2014.

Ant's desperate and transparent hustle to stay out of obscurity by latching on this new wave of white identity politics. His peers from the past would appreciate his bravery storming the PC beaches for free speech. Mr. Conservative values has sacrificed so much for his country in his wet brain fantasies.

That's because his career was unjustly taken from him by LIBERAL FAKE NEWS!

His entitlement in co-opting his own mistaken understanding of the glory and achievements of a generation of men he has no relation to is entirely based off of one scene in The Sopranos where Agent Harris references La Cosa Nostra's nominal support in protecting the docks in Elizabeth and Brooklyn during WW2.

Seriously, Ant is hitting new lows recently..he's now all there.

When all you have is a hammer, the world looks like a nail.

But enough about Alena and Jim's ass

He’s not wrong, but fuckups like him shouldn’t be allowed to have strong opinions.

Fix your own life before you go out yelling at the world about how it should behave.

How do you think a ww2 paratrooper would view someone who is addicted to social media, hm?

He is wrong, in principle at least. Given who the Americans were fighting against.

Wait, you're patriotic now, Tranth? Don't you proudly collect and dress your bought & paid for girlfriends up in Nazi regalia?

And are also prone to devoting whole show segments to the support of eugenics?

Stop shoehorning your political beliefs into everything you dolt

Ant's desperate and transparent hustle to stay out of obscurity by latching on this new wave of white identity politics. His peers from the past would appreciate his bravery storming the PC beaches for free speech. Mr. Conservative values has sacrificed so much for his country in his wet brain fantasies.

From shockjock to drunken boomerposting

I found it funny.

Can you imagine what a sniveling, hated coward he'd have been in WW2?

He’d make the same references then that he does now.

Of course he likes this picture. There are two dudes in black face

sittin on the dock of the bay...

Funny. You insane fucks make it a thing.

whos his audience? twitter is just awful noise.

Ant is so conflicted it's scary His drunk right wing old school racist side came from his dad. However, Ant had an Afro, hung out (fucked?) with a tranny, smoked crack with his mom, sold coke, etc.

You can remove the question mark.

Anthony would have been one of the solider who ended up shell shocked because Patton bitch slapped them.

"White privilege" "toxic masculinity" "triggered" "safe spaces" "diversity"

What a pandering, unoriginal bore

Wow, you guys are easy to trigger. He's making fun of SJW culture, and how wimpy people are today compared to then.

Tell us more about how great Anthony is.

Follow every comment I write, why don't you?

The word "every" doesn't mean what you think it does.

Neither do a lot of other words.

Try your reverse psychology again, see if that works better. After all, we established a fucking long time ago what an absolute genius you are. ;)

I've never told anyone to stop making fun of Anthony. I make fun of their stupid reasons for making fun of Anthony, or their fake moral outrage.

Oh, are we just outright lying to avoid embarrassment now? ;-) Very presidential, I like it.

What embarrassment? Do you actually get embarrassed if some anonymous block of text says something about you?

I know you are but what am I?

...is essentially what you just did. You're even worse at this than Mersh and Danny are.

No, I didn't do that. You accused me of being embarrassed, to which I responded that I am indeed not embarrassed. I then inquired if you yourself ever do get genuinely embarrassed by what a faceless stranger writes on a website that 99.999999% of the world will never see. How this in your head translates to "I know you are, but what am I?" Is beyond me.

You don't see it? Somehow I'm not surprised, you're not exactly the sharpest knife in this sub's drawer, know what I mean? ;)

I laid it out step by step for you. Where are you getting confused?

"You must be embarrassed" "No, I am not embarrassed. Do you ever get embarrassed" "Aahhhhh! You just said 'I know you are but what am I?', GOTCHA!!"

I asked a question, I did not level an accusation.

I'm not confused one bit :) You're confusing me with you again.

How this in your head translates to "I know you are, but what am I?" Is beyond me.

And it will continue to be, because you're an idiot.

Fine, we'll do it your way.

Nu-uh, you're the idiot. Fuggin BURIED that sockcucka

Damn, it's fun getting under your skin. ;)

No no, I am clearly under your skin. You are, once again, commenting on what I say, first.

Hey, your delusions are your own to play with. I'm not responsible for your fantasy life.

And yes, you can copy this insult too. It's kinda what you do. ;)

You're the one who is obsessed with me. And Anthony. WOW are you creepily obsessed with Anthony.

Uh huh. :)

Go mention me in some other threads. Spread the word of how obsessed you, and only you, are with me. Nobody else gives a shit, only you.




He certainly remembers men, by taste.

Follow every comment I write, why don't you?

I laid it out step by step for you. Where are you getting confused?

"You must be embarrassed" "No, I am not embarrassed. Do you ever get embarrassed" "Aahhhhh! You just said 'I know you are but what am I?', GOTCHA!!"

I asked a question, I did not level an accusation.