Netflix: My Next Guest Needs No Introduction - Howard Stern

1  2018-06-03 by crookedmile

Thoroughly enjoyable. Stern can still kill it if he just talks


HooHoo I invented Netflix

Man that joke just never, ever gets old

Opie and Dave are in negotiations at the moment. It's starting to look really good. Just waiting to finalize the deal and for the podcast equipment to arrive.

My Next Guest Needs An Introduction

Pretty sad that the only Opie most people still know of is Ron Howard as a child in the 1950s

You liked it? It was the same stories he always tells, boring AF, with half the jokes landing on silence. A complete waste of time.

Most of his stories have been revealed to be bullshit, too. He was never bullied by blacks, Roosevelt wasn't even as black as he makes the school out to be, he had a very easy upbringing.

I'm not saying blacks are or aren't guilty of this or that, I'm saying Howard Stern loves saying borderline racist shit to get himself over with the whites.

well I thought it was fun, but you took a lot of fun out of that

I was going to watch it but then realised I don't care. I got as far as the crowd giving a TV host a standing ovation and his shitty crowd banter. So not far.

Howard lacks confidence in himself and it shows.

Did he discuss his mortal enemy, Gregg Hughes?