Come on, Ari. Opie stole your podcasting style and now he’s beating you in the rankings.

3  2018-05-30 by OpieIsUnemployable


If that faggot Ari gets beat by one person in the ratings it should be Opie.

he beat up bobby lee

thats like kicking a dog

ari is a jerk

If dogs weren't meant to be kicked, why do they grow punt height?

god damnit, when your right your right

I'm gonna need you to go ahead and pop an e on those.

if i edit now, the children will never learn from my humiliation

He also beat up Natasha Legerro. So you gotta take the good with the bad.

Did he really? I know he beat up Bobby Lee over her but did he give her the ol' right there Fred as well?

You spelled Jew wrong

Ari is a faggot and. caught aids in Thailand

I liked when Bobby and Joe List were busting Ari’s balls about how much Rogan overhyped what an eccentric Ari is for going “aggressively off-the-grid” in Asia. Bobby will never be invited on Rigan’s Podcast

Hey, have ya heard that Ari still uses a flip phone? I can’t believe that I haven’t heard anyone talk about that ever!

I liked when Bobby and Joe List were busting Ari’s balls about how much Rogan overhyped what an eccentric Ari is for going “aggressively off-the-grid” in Asia. Bobby will never be invited on Rigan’s Podcast