Rogan about to put up some NUMBAHS bigger than Opie's tits on Friday

198  2018-05-30 by revolvingmonk


Does Norm know he’s a liberal?

So weird seeing Joe Rogan go from “Fear Factor” to actually being respected as a broadcaster

should be inspiration to everyone under 6ft

im pretty sure the world is ending soon

hope so

Louie rules!

A few years back she might have gone on Stern to explain herself.

I remember the dude from The League going on there after his fake 9/11 story was exposed and Jonah Hill going on after he called a papparazzi a faggot or something like that.

Rogan is definitely a more relevant place to start the apology tour though.


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no one listens to stern anymore. not for like... 10 years

Has he even recorded a new episode in like... 10 years?

He’s this generations Howard Stern in terms of media relevance.

Joe “King of All Media” Rogan

Tiny King

First Consul of All Media

Got to say, Howard Stern show was a tiny bit more interesting than Rogan’s boring podcast.

Sure, 40 min commercial breaks to come back to 10 mins of howard telling some chick she has great tits over and over again, back to a quick 25 min commercial break

You gotta wonder what kind of a brainlet enjoys shock jock radio more than the average Joe Rogan podcast episode.

Zing Zang!!! Coming up, this years penthouse pet of the year will take her tits out in studio!!!! INSANE!!!!! Bing bang woooooooooosh

bababooey!!! come in here so i can threaten to fire you for the πth time!!!


Munchking of all media

Jamie pull up doctor zaius pictures, Roseanne have you heard of the stoned ape hypothesis?

"Did you know mushrooms were based on Santa Clause?"

And people under 5 ft

Joe Rogan's success as a broadcaster is pretty amazing.

He doesn't have a set schedule, he doesn't work in any kind of rigid structure, he doesn't do bits or gimmicks, he just talks to people he wants to talk to, and the only real requirement to be on the show is to be passionate about something. He doesn't lock it behind a paywall, he doesn't interrupt the show every twenty minutes with live reads, he keeps all of the ads at the beginning of the podcast, broadcasts on Youtube, and he just throws it out on iTunes and RSS.

In short, the way he does his show runs counter to the norms of radio broadcasting as propagated by retards like Denny. He runs his business in a way that seems counter-intuitive by not charging admission or packing the show with ads. He creates a show that is as streamlined and appealing as possible for the listener and trusts that them liking the show will be enough to make it a success.

He makes Sirius look like shit, he makes Compound look like shit and he makes Opie look like a fucking pudding head. And the best part is he still to this day claims Opie & Anthony as his biggest inspiration. He took what everyone recognizes as the best aspect of that show, when a bunch of people came in the studio and just hung out, and just made that his podcast.

And what's crazy is it's just one thing he's done. His entire career is just him pursuing his interests and making money off of it because he approaches everything with shitloads of enthusiasm. The same qualities that make him a respected broadcaster are what have created such a great career for him.

Joe Rogan just makes all of the O&A drama look silly and retarded. Just get Ant and Jimmy in a room with some mics, stick it online and watch it happen.

In short...

I see what you did there.

Just get Ant and Jimmy in a room with some mics, stick it online and watch it happen.

Maybe I'll hear a line from JAWS that I haven't heard before.

Fuck you I love Jaws.

Me too. You ever heard that quote about the doll's eyes? He says something like, BLACK DOLL EYES.

And then I laugh and laugh and laugh and say "HOOPER DRIVES THE BOAT".


just like you can re-watch a movie like Jaws over and over again because its good, you can hear a joke/impression/quote over and over again if its good. If a J&A show can deliver that, then its a home run.

Does Joe do any Columbo references?I think not sir!

You want to have sex with him.

Why do you want to have intimate time alone with him?

He seems like a generous and curious lover. one's going to get pissy about the insult to Denny?

Proof that no one read this post, or proof that the Denny worship is purely ironic?

I've been out of the Sirius loop since 2014, I have no idea if Denny has become some kind of saint in the "fanbase."


Now watch the twitter journalists trying to take Rogan down by allowing discourse with "a racist". Watch them fail miserably.

They tried when Jordan Peterson was on there.

Somehow Peterson has been called a racist and all these things, and I don't understand why.

The "racist" label is strictly for those who don't fall in line with left-wing ideology.

...and hate-filled wops.

Does Peterson even talk about race? I thought he just got off on talking about trannies.

No. If anything he's more damning of townie white-trash types, because it's his only personal reference point for such things.

When he first came out before he became popular after the Rogan show he'd do interviews for Gavin because nobody cared about him yet. So they may associate him with Proud Boys. Also when he was on the first time he kind of nodded his head as Proud Boys Ballad played like he was feelin' it.

"Clean your room, bucko". What an intellectual powerhouse

He will keep her too. Almost everyone else wouldn’t have the balls and would cancel her.

I have a strong feeling this was a late addition, she probably reached out and wants to use his platform. I didnt see her on the expected guest list:

but I couldnt have overlooked it since before the cancellation I wouldn't have cared much for another Roseanne episode and I cant find an artived version of the site from before ABC pulled the plug to confirm.

rogan we finally interview someone his own size

Because he's fat, you see.

No, wait a minute...

Cool minus the 10 minutes they spend on the show going under, it should be just as unlistenable as the last time she was on there rambling incoherently for two hours. She thinks lizard people are in the government.

She just likes salesmen.

r/JoeRogan is full of dumb faggots.

Compared to the rest of reddit it's full of geniuses. Also considering how many people here hate colin flaherty yet are 100% behind calling black people apes, it's not like this sub isn't full of faggots too

Also considering how many people here hate colin flaherty yet are 100% behind calling black people apes

All while shitting on Anthony for his hacky racist material.

It's because Anthony is more of a nigger than any black person out there.

this sub has two kinds of people

  1. youtube clip watchers in their 20's-30's
  2. truckers/Hvac installers who actually paid for sirius and listened to the show live

one group thinks racism is hacky and the other group is on here putting three parentheses around every other word.


Just because he also hates the nigs doesn't give him a pass to be a bloated head dumb fuck mick.

huh? so i cant be a racist and also not like clin flaherty? What are you saying that all racists are the same? oh how very nice fearlessFlash very nice!

Flaherty got hate because he is a humorless douchebag. He could have said all of the racist shit he wanted if he'd just have gone with the flow of the show and not just pouted until the subject went back to niggerhating. Nobody likes a one dimensional racist. Like Bro Joe.

You have to be a nuanced racist to post here.

barry white supremacy

Reddit is full of faggots in general, they'll be swarming in to rogans sub from all corners to rage.

Are you trying to tell me Joe Rogan is some kind of Mech like a voltron or power rangers being controlled inside by dumb faggots?

Roseanne has actually been tweeting more after the fake apology and retweeting people who are saying the cunt wasn't even black.

Imagine if Roseanne smashes this whole thing wide open and says some Alex Jones type shit and he breaks through Rogan's brick wall like the kool aid man and they all smoke weed and watch 9/11 videos together, jamie pull up that clip of Tower 7

She's pretty black

To us humans, true.

not the type you would leave your wallet around if you went to the toilet

As the brothers say, "high yella"

Anthony is blacker than her.

Hell someone twetmeted Roseanne looking blacker than her haha

Roseanne thought she was Iranian.

I would watch tiny mans podcast if that happened.

i just want to hear jews discussed honestly for once

Rogan had Steven Tyler on recently....that guy is batshit insane now, you really have to check it out. It's on YouTube, look it up yourselves.

Dude is out of his mind, he just breaks out in song at random moments in between telling Rohan how much he loves him

Honestly as much shit as he was taking for over 30 years he's lucky he isn't like Lady Di or Crackhead Bob. That man was the world champion of coke n' dope.

You forgot Jimmy. Don’t you dare undermine his long road to recovery.

He's clearly had vampire facials and stem cells put into his face to make him look younger. He has the face of the 13 year old boy.

Did Rohan call for aid?

Steven Tyler comes from the same genetic makeup as the Cumias. One of Those people.

Steven Tyler is not Tunisian, sir.

One of the few Rogan interviews I had to bail after about 10 mins.

"I'm not a racist, that's what so insane about this".

"One of my best friends is black"

Boy King of all media. Good fa him

I'm excited

what did she tweet?

she said some monkey looking bitch looked like "planet of the apes"

oh, so she said an individual person looked like an individual character from planet of the apes? would have thought she said it about a whole race of people or something, if people are calling her racist for it...

She said, "Rich Vos will be appearing at the Borgata in Atlantic City, May 30th and 31st, the Westbury Music Fair on June 1st, and Yonkers Comedy Club on June 2nd."

thank you for your service.

I cant for the life of me understand why controversial people like Nick, Ant and Roseanne still use Twitter in this day and age where you can losecyour career over a an off the cuff bad joke.

Rosie thought being a member of the tribe would keep her clean

The Seminole tribe?

I believe it's the Oyvey branch of the Takeyagold tribe.


"It's Jews alright! I learned it by watching Jews!"

She went after Soros. That's what got her nailed. The VJ stuff is a smokescreen.

I bet that if she'd have gone after VJ alone, and kept to the usual "we don't attack our own" edict, she'd still have her show.

To be fair, ant was never making jokes with the shit that got him.fired

Twitter is a left-leaning corporation. It has to be if it's catering to other nations. I think we all get and understand that.

The question is, why are all the right-wing leaders and influencers kneeling in front of Twitter's altar instead of rolling up their hard-working, American sleeves to launch a better rival product?

Isn't that the very foundation of capitalism and everything the right stands for?

Instead, they continuously choose the path of least resistance by bending the knee to those they secretly despise. How is the right not completely disgusted with itself and its heroes?

Words hurt, Roseanne.

If you're a pussy.



Didn’t she do some thing where she got in trouble for nazi ginger bread man cookies or something?

Sarah Silverman is woke! so she ca get away with that stuff.

She was dressed as Hitler cooking gingerjew cookies.

Rosanne & Anthony
The bad decision show

Didn't Fox just pick up her show?

I can't believe Roseanne is continuing to dig her own grave by continuing to tweet about it. She lives in an Cumia-esque vacuum and Joe Rogan might be able to tear her a new one as being the first person in years to give her any amount of friction.

Ok , she’s going to apologize, than the whole conversation will be about ambian and other Rx

Rosanne went from an outspoken person to a born again zionist. She supports whatever Israel supports

Roseannes completely fuckin nuts. It will be fun to see what bonkers shit she comes up with next to Rogan. Alex Jones needs to interview her next

They tried when Jordan Peterson was on there.

Somehow Peterson has been called a racist and all these things, and I don't understand why.

It's because Anthony is more of a nigger than any black person out there.

this sub has two kinds of people

  1. youtube clip watchers in their 20's-30's
  2. truckers/Hvac installers who actually paid for sirius and listened to the show live

one group thinks racism is hacky and the other group is on here putting three parentheses around every other word.