“Liberal Reich” SHUT THE FUCK UP

105  2018-05-29 by RBuddCumia


This isn't some bullshit PC firing, Nana. Sure she has freedom of speech but ABC shouldn't be expected to back someone who called a black woman an ape. How is that at all a good business model? I probably shouldn't ask the guy with a paywall and advertising and hired a heroin addict cohost

He’s so bitter about being fired that he will just never get over it. Think about all the lost future wages he will never recoup.

Wrong, he's making more now than he ever dreamed of at Sirius! He said so himself.

I would be bitter too....he has lost millions and millions of dollars. And just after his "Joes sloppy seconds" wife stopped taking her cut too.

Fucking up that bad would make anyone be in denial. If he admitted it was entirely his fault, he would blow his fucking brains out.

I think that’s why this subreddit even exists, the end game.

The haste with which they cancelled her show indicates that the major sponsors had or were ready to bail before the story even broke nationally. That show probably cost the network a fortune to produce, if they're not making a profit from the ad space during the program they won't even think twice before bagging it. It's all about money, if ABC could turn a profit by letting Roseanne do her monkey jokes they'd do so.

What is there to agree with? He talks about ideology like calling black people monkeys is an essential part of the republican party platform. He's just so passionate about it

He’s not people.

Dude, he's just agreeing that blacks are apes like most of us believe. Will you overthrow us in the future? Time will tell


He is delusional to think this is just a left vs right thing.



Please excuse the gay site but i cant find the original version

Who are these randoms, and how are they in any way comparable to Rosanne Barr getting fired from her Disney show for calling a black woman an ape?

Everything is to him.

He lives in a binary world.

Until he decides to fuck gender non-binaries.

In a world of ones, Anthony will always be a zero.

It doesn't matter any more. Logic is out the window. This fucking racist thinks he can do anything he wants and claim he's not racist. I'm in the middle of he political spectrum tv wise, but republicans are the saddest pussies I've ever dealt with. Fucking eat it

For Anthony racim = politics

There is no bias against the right in Hollywood? You're insane

You're missing the point completely. Anthony and friends are making this a left/right issue, when it's really just an issue of being racist fucks. Don't make calling black people apes part of your political affiliation and you'll start to find Hollywood a bit more receptive.

If you described Ronnie from Jersey Shore as "a gorilla" would that be racist. No, of course not. It's an accurate comparison. Compare a black person to a cheaply made rubber mask is 100% undeniable proof that somebody is racist?

I hate this fake outrage over "racism", especially from this sub. I see the word "nigger" here more than any other site I visit, and I see more pussy faggots whining over racial jokes here more than any other site.

If you described Ronnie from Jersey Shore as "a gorilla" would that be racist. No, of course not. It's an accurate comparison. Compare a black person to a cheaply made rubber mask is 100% undeniable proof that somebody is racist?

You're desperately trying to tapdance around the fact that there's a historical precedent for calling black people apes as a way of dehumanizing them. Just own it, if you think black people are walking talking monkeys, have some conviction and stand behind what you think, instead of being a "pussy faggot" like Anthony.

I see the word "nigger" here more than any other site I visit, and I see more pussy faggots whining over racial jokes here more than any other site.

This sub isn't a hivemind, for one, and everything a comedian says at any point, in any medium, doesn't automatically get explained away as a joke. No one is "outraged," but Roseanne is a retard for saying what she said, and she obviously wasn't shocked that she lost her job over it. If you say something dumb on Twitter, prepare to take an L for it. Like it or not, that's the world we live in, and in 2018 if you're a public figure and still fucking up online, you're fantastically dumb.

" If you say something dumb on Twitter, prepare to take an L for it. Like it or not, that's the world we live in, and in 2018"

Because a bunch of crybaby pussies will stomp and whine until they get what they want

Call it whatever you want, this is the world we live in and the rules are pretty simple. I'd love to defend every single person with the self control of a toddler who gets themselves in trouble on Twitter, but idiots like Anthony ruin it for everyone, and they aren't worth the trouble of defending.

The rules are not simple, and you know that. A girl got chewed out by Kendrick Lamar because she had the audacity to sing HIS song with HIS lyrics that HE wrote...but she was white. It should have been a "negro only" concert, then.

If Anthony wrote "niggers smell like shit", and nobody complained about it, what would happen? If toddlers who can't control themselves (you and your kind) would just ignore things they don't like, your little word policing wouldn't be necessary.

So you started off by crying about the bias Hollywood has against the right and now you're whining about some random getting "chewed out" by Kendrick Lamar. You're grasping at straws and haven't made anything close to a coherent argument. I get that for some people (you and your kind) the rules really are too complicated, but for normal people, it's not that difficult to have an online presence and not lose your job over it. Keep crying about internet bullies and complaining that the world ain't like it used to be, every day that passes, another person like you drops dead of old age or a blown out liver and the world swings away from you a little more.

Yes, Hollywood has a bias towards anything not hard left, this is true. To be openly conservative right in Hollywood is very risky for your career.

The Kendrick Lamar instance shows the ridiculous hypocrisy when it comes to language. It's ok to say whatever you want if you're this color, but not that color.

It is hard to have an online presence because people like you will whine over anything. The only way out is to give a groveling apology, like Katy Perry did for wearing a Japanese dress, or braiding her hair.

I saw the picture, the bitch looks like a Planet of the Apes character. I'm not saying ALL black people are apes, that would be silly. But ONE does look kinda like one.

To be openly conservative right in Hollywood is very risky for your career.

Because suddenly being openly conservative right means "hurr durr I don't see what the problem is with calling people apes and faggots and savages and calling for people to be killed, muh rights are being infringed upon and I'm just a comedian being funny".

We're just going around in circles and you _still_ lack the self awareness to understand that you're the idiot here. You're absolutely the kind of person that is going to get in shit at your job (presuming you have one) for something you say online, and the rest of us will be fine because we're able to discern where the line is, and we aren't going to make "crying about how you can't call people kikes" our hill to die on. You're a disaster, enjoy the countdown to when you just become the racist old idiot in the nursing home that no one bothers to change.

"crying about how you can't call people kikes" Never said that.

Who's calling for people to be killed? That would be illegal, and not protected by the First Amendment.

You know where the line is? Then where is THE line? What is the absolute most racist thing you will permit to be said?

What is the absolute most racist thing you will permit to be said?

If you're just trying to figure out how racist you can be without getting in trouble, why would anyone help you with that? Like I've said probably a dozen times now, for most people, it's incredibly easy to figure out how not to get in shit. People like that woman who tweeted, "going to Africa, hope I don't get AIDS," are so desperate for attention and relevance she was willing to play the stupid game and won a stupid prize. Go back to sharing your hilarious thoughts at the bowling alley instead of the internet and you'll be just fine.

Bowling alley? Woah, don't pull out the big guns.

You don't laugh at AIDS jokes? How did you ever listen to O&A?

If I know what the line is on racism, I'll know how to stay safely away from that line. Do you know exactly what will and won't get you "in shit"? You don't, because the rules change every minute

No one is looking out for you to keep you away from "the line". By all means cross it. The world is too hard for you.

What about the other people besides me? Don't you want to educate them and make them better people, like you?


So you know exactly what is and is not permitted speech (how you got this information is a mystery) but won't tell anybody? Why?

how you got this information is a mystery

Being born with a functioning brain and not having an inferiority complex about race. It's not a secret I'm keeping from you, but this is like trying to teach a mop algebra. You aren't going to get it, and I'm totally fine with you not getting it.

Is this across the board, or just white people? Can black people make racial jokes? Can Latinos? Can Asians? Can Arabs?

Everyone can, and everyone does. Only the idiots who don't know the difference between a joke and saying "that black woman looks like an ape" struggle.

She does! Look at her picture

You're right, she was being 100% sincere and was really voicing her concern over contracting AIDS. You must be a real hoot to hang out with

You described it as an AIDS joke, that isn't the same thing as sarcastically saying something just to get more Twitter followers and have it blow up in your face. This is basic, basic stuff.

Isn't sarcasm a type of humor? Did she have to put Knock Knock before it for you to recognise it as a joke?

You've established that the scope of your sense of humor is basically "faggots, amirite?" I couldn't care less what you find funny, but there are probably hundreds of comedians in the world that say far more offensive things than this, and nothing bad happens to them, because they actually go to the trouble of making jokes that people find funny, and not just "black people should go back to Africa," like your buds Gavin McInnes and Anthony.

"black people should go back to Africa," who said that?

Want a good laugh? Look at Titty's posting history. It's a hilarious read. Look more closely at those threads.

Dude's never been right about anything. Imagine being that guy.

You've established that the scope of your sense of humor is basically "faggots, amirite?"

And your scope of humor, apparently doesn't exist. Chonda Pierce might be more your speed. She's the Queen of Clean. She's so nice, and very sweet. No hurt feelings in her audience, perfectly safe

I haven't said anything about what I find funny or unfunny, and if you think suggesting shitty comedians to me is somehow a comeback, I don't know what to tell you. This has all been about you, just like you wanted. You're free to think whatever you want is funny, no one cares at all, and that wasn't the point of any of this. You're panicking that the word police are out to get you, and several people have tried to explain that that isn't true, and that only the real retards get themselves in trouble, but you're obviously destined for a life living in mama's basement, because after easily a dozen responses to me, you're just as clueless as you were at the start of all of this.

Oh you hack. The mom's basement barb, really?

Yeah, I'm clueless to these constantly changing rules on language, clothing, music, etc. NWA has nigger in their name, but I'm not permitted to say their full name, because I'm white. If you're black, you can make jokes and observations about black people. If you're white, and say verbatim the exact same joke, you're racist. That don't make no sense

Act like a basement dweller, get treated like a basement dweller, sorry.

You don't have to start all over again with your nonsense, we've gone through this. Your life is somehow incomplete because you can't rap along to NWA, and you want sympathy and help from other people to explain this. This is what happens when you live in an echo chamber, whether you're left or right leaning, it's exactly the same. You sit around with all your fellow idiots, high fiving at all your great observations, and then there's this confusion and impotence when you realize the rest of the world doesn't agree with you.

Everyone should be allowed to say everything. There should be no off limits words based on skin tone.

You can say anything other than inciting violence or shit like shouting fire in a movie theater, the Supreme Court figured this out a while ago. No one is going to send you to jail for being a racist idiot, but we're trying to run a society here, and the vast majority understand the idea of showing some level of respect for certain groups.

Yes, respect is good. Acting as the benevolent overseer of the poor, weak minorities is not respect.

This one individual person IS acting like a chimp, literally. However, she's black, so I'm not allowed to notice. https://youtu.be/ICqX0c5W1N0

Is there a place where all of the rules for speech are listed? What can Asians not say? Is there anything off limits for Latinos? A nice comprehensive list of banned words and ideas would really help us along. Newspeak bellyfeel doubleplusgood.

  1. dont make racist remarks towards anyone (gottfried, ant, roseanne, etc.)

  2. don't make school shooting jokes (nick)

I think thats it man.

What constitutes a "racist remark"? What if a person of color makes a disparaging remark against white people? Does that count? You didn't list anything about women or the LGBTQ community. They don't deserve protection from violent speech? Do you hate women and the LGBTQ community? Obviously, that means you're a homophobic, sexist bigot, and you encourage the harassment of women and violence towards trans people.

dude you are free to keep pretending like you don't understand but it's only making you look retarded.

You left women and LGBTQ people off your list, that's not my fault. An anti-gay joke would get you fired just as fast as a racist joke.

The fact that you even made a list of off-limits topics, and that it was that short, make you look retarded.

"No racism, no shooting jokes. Dassit! Me done! Mic drop, yo" Fucking goon

An anti-gay joke would get you fired just as fast as a racist joke.

Let's hear your hilarious anti-gay joke that you would feel compelled to post online, presumably after news breaks that a gay guy got stomped to death, because that's the kind of impeccable timing "comedians" like your hero Anthony have.

We'll have to wait for the next gay stomping to happen. When was the last one?

You tell me, when was the last time one of your heroes got fired for "a gay joke"?


HA HA HO LEE SHIT!! You're falling apart, if this is all you can come up with, just call it a day.

People saying that it's only racist to call black people monkeys are subconsciously admitting that they think black people look like monkeys. George Bush got compared to a monkey his whole presidency.

Also, Roseanne said she thought Valerie Jarrett was iranian.


If you say one individual black person looks like a particular simian, that does not mean that you think that every single black person on earth is indistinguishable from a chimp. But retarded SJW faggots think only in absolutes.

What an entitled faggot.

I thought evoking Nazism to describe anyone in America in 2018 was “pathetic” and “beyond retarded”? Well, I guess if you can’t beat them join them.

It's not like she got fired for being for stronger border security or lower taxes, Nana.

Is his argument that calling black people "apes" is a political platform? He's profoundly retarded.

But she’s a comedian. It’s a joke. She’s finding the funny

And Twitter lets you tweet drunk and is full of half thought out rambling. I give people a pass on Twitter to make a mistake and delete it a couple hrs later.

It's not like she's defending it.

That’s a fair point. Ant seems to be defending it more than she is, though.

When Louis CK drunkenly tweeted about Sarah Palin’s “retard making cunt” a decade ago, he talked about it on O&A, and if I recall correctly Ant was understanding of Louie’s apology and decision to stop tweeting. I don’t recall hearing Ant call Louie’s friends out for not defending the drunken tweet, or him even criticizing Louie for rolling over to the ‘silencers’. I’m not sure if it’s a partisan thing or just the degradation of a mind over ten years of aging and boozing; probably a combination of the two.

It’s just I’m completely okay with celebrities being treated like I would be. If I decided to say this shit, I’d be shitcanned and no one would give a fuck. Why the shit do we feel bad for millionaires who get a taste of the real world? Fuck the politics of it all.

No disagreement here.

It's just that there's no punchline. It wasn't a joke. She was being angry, it's why she deleted it. If she made a joke where the punchline was "nigger," Roseanne might still have a job. Same thing Ant did. It was all venom.

Not to mention that Roseanne said plenty of incideniary shit that ABC chose to overlook. Calling a black former White House staffer a monkey is shit you really can’t ignore.

Disney overlooking racist shit... who'd have thunk it?

They wanted her gone for a while, this is just the perfect excuse

Oh yeah, ABC wanted her gone so much that they'd renewed her for a 2nd season before this happened.

Don't you ever tire of being a dumb, brainwashed cunt?

Huh, well that shows just how retarded and cowardly ABC is, then

What about the part where you were wrong (as usual)?

Skipped right over that, eh?

I guess we all make mistakes, huh?

This, my supposed alts, everything you write is eventually revealed to be a mistake.

I can make you dance like this for hours (went 4 days last time, just to see if I could do it) but you can have all the final comments today.

I gave you enough rope that I don't need 'em. =)

Ugh, you nerds think you're such masterminds. I'll play video games for several hours straight to pass the time, this is no different.

Oh no! He called me a nerd! What am I gonna do?? =)

Post obsessively about me, specifically, like always.

Sounds good to me, cuntsack. =)

I thought the same until I saw her picture and she does look exactly like the female ape in Planet of the Apes.

He really does live in the past. This shit would've got you fired in like 1975.

Howard Cosell was fired for referring to a black man as a monkey in 1973 when there was recorded evidence of him using "monkey" interchangeably between races to describe football players that scampered quickly on the field.


Does that mean he's as dumb as a bunch of Bill Burr's?

Ape Nias

Yeah dumb bitch cant breath and sleep at the same time cuzzz HAaa

Joe Washington of the Colts I believe. "Look at that little monkey run". Jimmy The Greek got canned too for his "bred to have big thighs" comments.

Jimmy the Greek

One of Anthony's favorite impressions, mind you.

Followed by a HA HA HA HOLEE SHIT.

1960s Mississippi is the last time something like this wouldn't get you fired. Roseanne was foolish and stupid.

He really doesn’t do himself any favors.

He doesn’t realize that ABC is owned by Disney? And it was Disney’s doing?

Yet he goes to Disneyland every few years like some sorta ped..oh wait

He goes to Disney World. Get it right you nincompoop.

He went to Disneyland a few years ago. The fact that I know that is truly embarrassing

Probably when he was doing Rogans podcast. What a fruit.

Can't let the coast you're on get in the way of kid-watching.

He sounds older and more delusional every day.

Almost like it's early onset alzheimer's...

Wouldn't surprise me. It's pretty common with heavy drinkers at his age.

Runs in the family too.

Based om the funeral I wouldn't say it ran anywhere.

Early onset? He's almost 60. Early onset is in your 40's and 50's.

The writing is on the wall though.

Good point. I look forward to the outcome regardless of age.

Absolutely, I do as well.

Hope he gets in a car accident

Why does he think commenting on Twitter will change people's minds about political things? Why is a 60 year old man on twitter?

He thinks the dunderheads and leaches he plays poker with represent most “guys’ guys” in the country, and mistakes their pathetic sycophancy for a signal of his own authority on these issues.

Liberal Reich...LOL

As Jimmy would say..."EeeeeWWWwww"

Besides the “eww” factor, it’s such “I know you are, what am I?” petulance.

White liberals protecting "their children," the black community.

The ABC exec who cancelled the show is a black woman, you waterheaded kid-toucher.

she produced The Devil's Advocate.. Produce, but you can't run things!

She's a child

But that can’t possibly be, everyone knows the white liberals protect blacks because they’re stupid!

Pass me a xan, I need another bud light

It’s like he puts no research into these things.


Shut the fuck up you old hen.

What a complete fucking idiot.

OF COURSE everyone expected it to happen, because it was just about the stupidest comment anyone could make.

This elderly wop can blame liberals and political correctness all he wants, they would be stupid not to have fired her. I cannot stand Blacks, and even I cringed at what she tweeted. On idiocy alone she deserved to be fired. Defending what she tweeted is a joke.

Twitter destroyed yet another career....Nana can sure relate with that. How hard is it to even pretend to be normal and tweet normal shit when you are making millions?

Coming from the man who idolized the Nazis

No no no see, he is just a fan of history

Of course. His only being interested in the Nazis, mafia, and the 1950s nuclear "traditional values" really speaks to a history buff instead of someone just longing for his idealized America.

This is a 60 year old man ranting on twitter.

Why does the OnA sub sound like r/politics? Who are you people? OnA fans never cared about Ant's racism before. Are you all new?

Who the fuck are you?

Yes, I agree with our resident niglet. Feet pics please.

Fuck off, tourist

Its gotten pretty gay with people unironically using the words racist and bigot

Its funny to do it to Ant, but now it's gone too far. Guys have turned into the fairies that got offended by the Coolest Monkey in the Jungle shirt. Now we're gay hypocrites

Guess the sub is passing me by

an'ts racism used to actually be funny. now he just sounds like everyones angry grandpa

Owen Benjamin is having a similar hissy fit on Facebook. The nonsensical ramblings of crazy woman that got her fired have really triggered these guys.

And does he realize that the head of ABC Channing Dungey is African American? So therefore she insulted her boss. The Liberal Left had NOTHING to do with it.

gee this is a very unexpected tweet from ant. never would've expected him to take this angle.

The day finally came where Anthony took his cue from Brother Joe as opposed to the other way around. Joseph loves to address the Facebook & Twitter crowd as "folks".

Actually, nobody saw this shit happening. And when did the black community give fuck all to do with this?? @AnthonyCumiaCM You domestic abusing drunk. When did the state take your guns away again? Nice failure podcast faggot boy pussy

It's funny because he sympathizes with the Third Reich.

He's just playing Dems are the real racists because he's a weak willed wet brained piece of uninspired shit.

Anthony makes free speech advocates look like

What a dumbbell. Anthony is too stupid to see how he's been sucked right into the retarded "right vs left battle", which is all just a big distraction to get Americans talking about everything but actual issues. I bet Anthony never votes in local and state elections or even takes a passing interest in them even though they affect his day-to-day life way more than these asinine "social issues" do.

"Are we tired of this shit yet folks?"

I really question what will it take for him to admit something was racist.

I cringe so hard when boomers do the “Democrats are the REAL nazis” bit

I love that he's miserable.

Miserable? He's having the time of his life! HAHA! Things couldn't be better! HAHA BLOCKED!!

He's such a Twitter tough guy. He has a platform from which he could espouse his retarded views and entertain/exploit those with similar views but he's too gutless to go full Ant on his silly little podcast, instead saving his most vitriolic feelings about "those people" for his Twitter feed even though he's well aware that he'll run afoul of the TOS he agreed to when he signed up.

I guess he's afraid that if he started doing an openly racist podcast he'd never work in "legitimate radio" again but that ship sailed a long time ago so why he isn't doing "The Anthony Cumia Nigga-Hatin' Podcast" is a mystery to me.

People have said Chris Bosh looks like a dinosaur. Is that raaaaaacist? No, he actually looks like a dinosaur. This lady Roseanne was bashing DOES look like a Planet of the Apes extra.

The liberal faggotry on display here is revolting. Notice it's the same unfunny politics obsessed assholes over and over.

Almost like it's early onset alzheimer's...

I think that’s why this subreddit even exists, the end game.

Until he decides to fuck gender non-binaries.

In a world of ones, Anthony will always be a zero.

If you described Ronnie from Jersey Shore as "a gorilla" would that be racist. No, of course not. It's an accurate comparison. Compare a black person to a cheaply made rubber mask is 100% undeniable proof that somebody is racist?

I hate this fake outrage over "racism", especially from this sub. I see the word "nigger" here more than any other site I visit, and I see more pussy faggots whining over racial jokes here more than any other site.

Miserable? He's having the time of his life! HAHA! Things couldn't be better! HAHA BLOCKED!!

An anti-gay joke would get you fired just as fast as a racist joke.

Let's hear your hilarious anti-gay joke that you would feel compelled to post online, presumably after news breaks that a gay guy got stomped to death, because that's the kind of impeccable timing "comedians" like your hero Anthony have.

We'll have to wait for the next gay stomping to happen. When was the last one?


You described it as an AIDS joke, that isn't the same thing as sarcastically saying something just to get more Twitter followers and have it blow up in your face. This is basic, basic stuff.

Isn't sarcasm a type of humor? Did she have to put Knock Knock before it for you to recognise it as a joke?

Ugh, you nerds think you're such masterminds. I'll play video games for several hours straight to pass the time, this is no different.

Post obsessively about me, specifically, like always.

You can say anything other than inciting violence or shit like shouting fire in a movie theater, the Supreme Court figured this out a while ago. No one is going to send you to jail for being a racist idiot, but we're trying to run a society here, and the vast majority understand the idea of showing some level of respect for certain groups.