Street Shitter "Comedian" Tries His Hand At Social Commentary

9  2018-05-29 by [deleted]



The linked tweet was tweeted by @harikondabolu on May 27, 2018 18:05:20 UTC (13146 Retweets | 51905 Favorites)

Don’t tell me that your racist relatives are “the product of their time.” If they’ve figured out how to use cellphones & the internet, they can figure out how to not be racist.

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What an ugly fuck at least the date rape one is kinda cute

If you can figure out a cellphone you can just get rid of a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.

It's funny because part of using systems like computers is pattern recognition and logic which I find usually is what drives people to become 'racist'.

Jesus fucking Christ these people are so insufferable.

This the curry fuck who was mad at Apu?

The politically correct term is bus rapist.

He looks like an arab Jeffrey Dahmer.

Dahmer could actually get laid.

Fawk yeah he did. Then he pooped hiz loverz out after.

ok, then young gang members can no longer blame their environment when they get involved with gangs. They know there are other ways to make money but choose not to


We are fucking finished.

Then leave. Fucking leave. Why did you come her? Why do you stay? You hate it. So go. The American Dream is a nightmare for you. So get the fuck out. Find another place where you can accomplish nothing but gain fame, make no one laugh but call yourself a comedian, tell the majority how shitty they’ve always been and somehow live a life of leisure as a misunderstood struggling artist, a status only experienced by the most affluent and privileged of white trust fund kids in this shitty country of ours.

People with accents telling American’s how to be better

He cant leave, his millionaire parents live here, he clearly cant do anything worth real world value to take care of himself without their funding

his millionaire parents live here

I had to look this up, and yes, his parents are millionaires. Privileged piece of shit railing against what he perceives as American privilege.

Also, there is no way he did not write his own Wikipedia page. There's no reason for someone this unknown to have a wiki page a mile long:

Non-Mobile link:

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Indian culture is pretty shitty

Probably why his family moved to America

He can figure out a cell phone, but not how to be funny.

He's the go-to for locating designated shitting streets.

Indians are faggots

The comments are worse, its just a mass of noble sires shitting on their relatives. Seething no one sent them more than 5 bucks for Christmas 20 years ago.

His face looks like that pile of dinosaur shit in Jurassic park

Calling everyone racist is the calling card of the stupid.