Joe Cumia attempts to compliment Hillary Clinton by saying she used to be cute and uses a picture of her as a young child. Classic actions of a Non-Pedophile

55  2018-05-28 by golightlys_iphone


I actually agree with him but he's def not a pedophilia (wink, wink)

This is actually really creepy what a fucking ghoul

How is it creepy to say a little girl is cute? You’ve never seen a cute little kid? It’s not meant in a sexual way, retards.

You go around calling little girls cute?

I do sometimes, but then again I also don't want to fuck them.

Now we can wait for the wordy, pseudo intellectual response as to why he would write this.

Filled with emojis, unnecessary capitalization, and a ton of extra punctuation marks.

Sounds like a reasonable response a non pedophile would say.


He doesnt know what socialism is. He thinks it means taxes. Obama was also president for 8 years, how different was your stupid life 8 years ago? Not very.

More black so of course it was a problem for him.

He doesn't understand what taxes is, you have to work first

His allowance was probably bigger when his brother had a high paying gig.

Joe also hasn't been shy about supporting a presidential candidate who promised to give everyone healthcare. He just isn't a smart guy.

He just might be the dumbest man alive. Why is everything about kids with him? Someone needs to investigate this man, asap.

"socialist republic" Jesus christ you dumb motherfucker Hillary and her cronies are not socialist. You think socialism means corporate welfare, lobby groups and deregulation of banks? Stop using words you don't understand old man. Actual socialism means you don't have to beg your brother for money to feed your kids you leaching good for nothing non tax paying piece of shit.

pay some god damn tax before your daily horseshit political ranta.

He's a parrot, repeating things he doesn't understand in a feeble attempt to pretend he's "informed".

Oh yeah evil socialism. Meanwhile he gets welfare checks every month from Comrade Nana.

'xyz', what a coattails riding absolute faggot.

He could have easily used this pic.

But he's a Cumia.

As much as I don't like her, she was actually attractive as a younger woman.

Doubt it was her stance on atomic weapon reduction that first caught Bill Clinton's attention.

His browser auto-completes "young" after any search term.

There's nothing socialist about Obama or Hillary Clinton. It's always weird to read as a European. Much of Europe is more socialist than the US but not nearly as much as BroJoe and lots of other Americans paint it.

Complaining about the 1%, asking the rich to "pay their fair share", increasing entitlements for poor/illegals are all socialist ideals.

It might not be as socialist as some of the nonsense we see coming out of Europe, but it is definitely socialist.

That's ridiculous though. Let's not talk about the 1% as individuals, because individuals aren't gonna fix America. It's just a cop out for conservatives who don't understand their own ideology. Questioning corporate America is hardly socialist, yeah? And as someone from a formerly socialist country, it was awful in many ways, but not having to worry about health care and schooling takes a load off of people's shoulders, and I'd wager that a lot of the mental health problems you guys are dealing with has to do with that. It's all about a certain standard of living.

some of the nonsense we see coming out of Europe

European countries top the list of happiest in the world, how terrible that is.

Protections for laborers against giant corporations and access to healthcare, so terrible.

Never said it was evil. I said it was socialist.

OP said no American politician is socialist. I gave him a list of socialist platform ideas shared by numerous, leading, American politicians.

I'm disputing that you're calling it nonsense.

Not everything European countries do is right but clearly there's a lot to learn from them.

I think 7 of those happiest 10 countries I linked are European.

You cannot introduce heavily socialist ideas into a country built on capitalism without breaking the entire system.

America was built on the individual supporting the state. European countries are built upon the state supporting the individual.

The "nonsense" to which I'm referring are the state controlling everything and the burgeoning idea of universal income. If America started to adopt those ideologies, the country would break.

So, perhaps my cousins in Italy are happier than I am. But, I have more social and career mobility - and greater disposable income. The American system works for the purpose for which it was built. It wasn't built on happiness. It was built on the pursuit of happiness.

Also, Joe has no idea of what the term "democratic republic" actually means. Tired of these guinea cunts talking about shit they have no comprehension of, and that comes from a dirty foreigner.

Of Congo, maybe??

But can he enter into contracts ?

Typical pedophile behavior.

I love how this gindaloon has to copy his little brother’s every action from his twitter handle to his own fucking podcast. Get your own fucking life Joe

When I strongly disagree with someone's politics I've never asked myself: "What did they look like as a child?" and then go find pictures of them.

It's weird, irrelevant, and creepy.

Obama was a husky, chubby kid if anyone was wondering

I love when conservatives legitimately think that Neolib politicians like Obama or Hilary Clinton are anything close to socialists/communists.

What the fuck did she ever do? There is no real reason to hate this woman. She advocated for universal healthcare- something all the other industrialized modern countries have. She devoted her life to helping America. You can disagree with her, but she is a good person and her life has meaning and purpose.

I'm not that bothered by her politics, but she's corrupt as all heck.

She had people killed. I truly believe this.

So has every single upper-echelon politician in every government that has ever existed in the history of the world.

Goddamn some of you retards actually think that concepts like "collateral damage" are brand new and aren't as old as time.

Blow me. There's a difference between "collateral damage" and "using people up until they are no longer useful before suiciding them."

Historically, no, there actually isn't.

Again, crack open a fucking history book sometime you goddamned retard.

He is against socialism but lives off of his brothers wealth. He doesn't earn a living. Pathetic.

Spittoon Joe is still falling for the MAGA meme lmao


Joe Cumia loves a young child.

At least I know my passing attraction to Hillary was justified

Oh yeah evil socialism. Meanwhile he gets welfare checks every month from Comrade Nana.

You go around calling little girls cute?