Somebody thinks he’s too cool and handsome to put a hat on

83  2018-05-28 by OpieIsUnemployable


this show stinks now.

this episode was ok until nick left. broken dick guy was absolutely awful, though.

Agreed. Broke dick completely checked out and spent nearly the entire episode on his phone when he realized no one really gave a shit about his stupid book.

Now? Jim Norton has been an unfunny loser for 45 years.

Aw come on, he was definitely funny back in the golden O&A days.

Will you faggots hurry up & realize it was always retarded. I see it slowly happening, but it's taking too long.

i don't get how anyone ever though this was funny in the least bit EVER. it's fucking childish shit

Double Shame Reminder: we gave Opie and Jim a chance, too.

Baboon in a clown wig refuses to look silly

“Chip” is a fucking faggot and so are you. If you EVER thought he was funny, you need to check yourself. You’re probably a massive losers

Not sure why I'm the lucky fella to receive this autistic outburst but thanks all the same

"You're probably a massive losers"

Fuck you faggot. No one other than 65 year old truckers even know who Jim Norton is let alone his lame characters.

You do realize that you just admitted to being a 65 year old trucker, right?


Woah calm down friend. You have some really strong feelings towards a character of a 50 year old fruit.

His glue would come undone if he did.

Looks like rotting fruit

A rotting STAND-ALONE fruit.

I guarantee Sam thinks he’s standing up to us by not getting a fucking haircut

He looks like a coconut at this point. Just shave the nigger wool

he still calls it his afro wars trophy

Yep. Just like Ant thinks he’s standing up to us by keeping that awful greenscreen.

Would’ve looked like a yarmulke

This would make sense if he were invited and didn't know what was going to happen and then got surprised by having to wear a goofy hat. It's the podacast, the afraid of looking stupid boat sailed long ago.

Slaves didn’t get hats

If I had a hairline like Sam I'd fucking sleep and shower in a hat.

I thought this show was done

It was done a long time ago. People keep showing up, though.

Can we acknowledge that ugly bomb factory in the bottom left?

He's the last person trying to do the straight man towards chip. How is it funny when everyones laughinf WITH him.

Carrot Norton so Le funny tss dvvdvvdvv

Probably because if he puts the hat on then the hair that he teased and hair sprayed up will still look like Bobo the clown or a black dude. Its either that or he hates Jim and or is too cool for school.

I hate to say this. I really hate it... but... The only person in this photo who will still have a career in 5 years isn't wearing a hat.

The glued on pubes could fall off if he put the hat on.
Literally nobody knows about your "brand" just stop embarassing yourself and shave it off. You're 37 stop trying to be cool.

this shits retarded.

Not enough guests.

Not sure why I'm the lucky fella to receive this autistic outburst but thanks all the same

Agreed. Broke dick completely checked out and spent nearly the entire episode on his phone when he realized no one really gave a shit about his stupid book.

"You're probably a massive losers"


Aw come on, he was definitely funny back in the golden O&A days.

Woah calm down friend. You have some really strong feelings towards a character of a 50 year old fruit.