Danny Ross is Literally Begging for money

9  2018-05-27 by ShitCutterFucker


The linked tweet was tweeted by @DannyJRoss on May 26, 2018 16:16:33 UTC (0 Retweets | 0 Favorites)

For the love of god. Somebody take these. https://twitter.com/ToPancakesHouse/status/1000410200992550912

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Reported for spam. Remember gang, only you can help twitter get rid of these spambots

Why on earth would I already be blocked from gay ass pancakes house?

If he’s selling something, hows that begging for money?

Not a reader are ya?

Ok, kid.

"For the love of god. Somebody take these."

That's how. Or see my post above. If you'd like me to call and read it out loud to you, just post your number.

Exactly. Don't fall for these chumps bias bullshit. It's currently "cool" to trash me so all the people who can't think for themselves follow suit.

You sir, have critical thinking skills.

People bash you because it's "cool"? You don't think it has anything to do with the fact you let a pedophile continue to molest girls? You could've stopped him and you chose not too. Also you're a pathological liar.

Don't forget drug addict, alcoholic and jew.

That jimmy ones kinda cool, of course it's a rip off but still

No its not cool

yea u right

lol it's actually the ugliest, dumbest, gayest design i have ever seen in my entire life.

I would definitely take the patrice poster off his hands for free

I hope Danny dies & his unsold merch gets sold at Salvation Army for 50% off. His lack of originality is astounding, he's not even the first podcast to name itself after a throwaway line from Fargo. https://www.pancakeshouse.net/pancakes-house-podcast

The Al Bundy design is kind of cool but it's still just a ripoff of something someone else made.

The Al Bundy design is kind of cool

How is this a ripoff? It's a take on Banksy's Thrower. I even admit so in the description.

What a shithead. He has nothing to do with the Patrice & Jimmy ones - those were done by fans - but he has to pair them with a shitty BTTF show he and Ant did so he can link the other two to himself.

I think I'm starting to see some of you guys' point.

I don't know about the Jimmy one but I believe he was responsible for getting Tyler Stout to do the Patrice one, and he organized/distributed it for the first benefit.

I asked Jim if he was interested in a print for the Epix show. He said yes. I got in touch with the artist and we worked though some designs.

Did everything for this one also. Orders, returns, processing, etc.

This is SO wrong. You have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

I commissioned each one of these images. I own the rights. Eat me, stupid.

And you wonder why jews get a hard time.

I make a point that you're using the fame that really matters to try to get your shit lack of a brand off the ground by deceptively putting three things into what looks like a Danny Collage, and your comeback is "commissioned" and "rights"?

Even if you bought the rights -- BOUGHT -- why would you say something that implies that you're just so horribly sick of having them? What exactly is wrong with you, that you can't be positive about the thing you're selling you fuck up.

Eat me

Are you certain you aren't Brother Joe? Have you checked?

Yeah that's right.

I paid for these images. I'll do whatever I want with them. You're talking about prints made years ago. I have some left. What the fuck is really wrong with you. Some of you people are the sickest fucks I've ever encountered.

Really and I'm not joking. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Keep ignoring the fact that you've been called out for placing actual famous people beside yourself. Keep ignoring anything and everything having to do with "The Secret Show To The Future". Yuck.

When Anthony is finally convicted for what he is, and what you lounged around in his cum chairs watching him be, maybe that one will finally go up a tad.

So donate them instead of profiting off a man's death you fuck

Isn't that failing carney infringing copyrights with every item?


Please explain.

I'm asking because what you are doing seems wrong to me. Here is why:

Using the likelihood of others or stills from TV Shows for personal financial gain without license. This goes beyond fair use. Imagine you would sell Star Wars images some thin pretense of artistic merit. They could sue you for competing in the manchild market with them using their own product.

That doesn't sound like a pitch as much as a desperate, needy plea.

Just imagine-

"Lexus: Experience Amazing. For the Love of God, Please."

How about "A Diamond is Forever. Somebody Please take These."

Better still: "Tide Pods: For the Love of God Somebody Please take These!"

I hate looking at these prints. They hold no fond memory. So please, for the love of god, get them the fuck out of my house.

Danny Ross, MershComic, TittyMtnHighway and SaiyanZ.

The Mount Rushmore of Faggotry on this sub.

Actually Mersh begs for money.

I offer tangible merchandise in exchange for money. CAPITALISM IS FOR JEWS! AMIRITE???

Thanks for the plug also. you really should have linked directly to the shop


Nopie punch pillows now on sale! Maybe I'll make some Artie Lange coke spoons next. Or a print of Jim looking the other way while Ant fingers a child.

Or a print of Jim looking the other way while Ant fingers a child.

You were the one who literally watched underage girls get molested and did nothing about it. Don't try and pin it on other people, YOU WITNESSED IT! YOU WERE THERE! YOU CHOSE NOT TO STOP IT! YOU CHOSE NOT TO CALL THE POLICE! YOU CHOSE TO LET A HIM VICTIMIZE THOSE YOUNG GIRLS! YOU LET IT HAPPEN YOU PIECE OF SHIT!