I don't need drugs, alcohol, weed, sex with strangers, steak, or sports in my life to enjoy myself

98  2018-05-26 by swarrrm


I feel so sorry for Jess

She chose to marry and procreate with this cro-magnon. She must be a cunt.

Jess has a Homer Simpson fetish. Regardless, shame on this bitch for contributing to the de-evolution of the gene pool

He doesn't have sex with people he knows, either.

He had sex with that Katie girl. Jess found out and that’s why no more wrestling getaways together and she stopped doing the podcast.

I generally do not support fanfiction, but I hope this is just true.

It's not fiction, sir

no way in hell Sam isnt a selfish lover

Is that what small-dicked premature ejaculators are called?

Sam, I know you're reading this if you don't deny it everyone will know it's true.

Denial can't change truths

He wishes he fucked her. Really it was texting and hand holding... because Sam is a faggy wet blanket.

Formally requesting full backstory. Who is that Katie girl?

Katie Linendoll

He knows Mary Jean so that's at least 1

Sam Robert's is actually a premiere cocksman

How is this gollum only 34 years old?

Even slug Jim Norton looked better at that age.

Jonny Neutron (as 50 cent called him) looks better NOW than Sam does and he is fucking 60.

Link. Now.

I think it was in an appearance with Vos, possibly called “Gravediggers” on Youtube.

It’s fucking hilarious.

He’s a dad right ?

He is, at best, a sperm donor

Roger Klotz looking nigga.

Nice forehead crease. Practicing headbutts on the corner of a building?

I can’t relate to this asshole on any level

You gotta respect him for making a career in media without being good-looking, interesting, talented, or smart.

This statement is the only thing that matters in the end.

What career? No one outside NYC knows who he is, and he proves that every time he goes on assignment for WWE and gets completely ignored.

Respect for Sam? Fuck you for even bringing up the concept.

"What career?"

Having a salaried on-air radio job at SiriusXM co-headlining a channel. Having a relatively successful podcast in a hobby he loves. Having access to interviewing various celebrities, wrestlers, mma fighters, etc. Having a wife who is much more attractive than he is.

He has no charisma, charm, humor, or talent. But he played his cards right and went from an intern to a producer to an on-air personality. And unlike most other talent that passed by the show he simultaneously built his own brand outside O&A in preparation for the day the show inevitably crashed and burned.

Oh God.

Actual Sam lovers on this sub.

I am getting genuinely nauseous.


Sam lover? No. Not in the slightest.

I actually resent the fact that a no talent, unfunny, shrill-voiced cucklord like Sam is able to keep his show on satellite radio because people are to stupid to know the difference between Jim & Sam now and O&A of years past. I actually chalk up his success to the fact that people forgot how to change the presets on their radio. Fuck Sam, I hope they don't renew his contract.

I think that SiriusXM's recent decision to get rid of Colin Craig Ferguson is a VERY good indicator that Jim & Sam will not be renewed.

Hopefully they just get rid of the entire channel at this point.

Isn't Bennington on a different channel?

He is.

I think they now replay Bennington in Craig Ferguson's old timeslot.

They did - outstanding. The Day of Reckoning is coming for Jim and Sam.

Nah. I hate Sam and it’s still exaggerating to say he’s a nobody. Very few people host a nationwide radio program (although that is becoming less and less impressive as time goes on).

I don’t worry about it, because I know in my heart that people like him (extremely childish people) will meet some crisis and not be able to handle it. He fell through the cracks, but no one’s luck lasts forever. He will be destroyed someday, and I will rejoice when that happens.

Nationwide radio used to mean something when you had to go into markets and compete and get them to pick you up. Being on a satellite radio system that is automatically heard throughout the nation is not the same thing. Not even remotely close. One was earned the other was given by default.

Yes, I mean everyone knows who Tim Farley, Jim Frates, Pete Dominick, and David Webb. Why? They all host national radio shows (and their full name is in the show title of each) on SXM channels.

Found Sam's reddit username.

If you got paid to do whatever it is you enjoy regardless of how famous you are, you wouldn't like it? Do you only enjoy getting paid at work because you're famous across state lines or because it allows you to buy shit you want?

I'm a Russian who lives in China and I know him, but whatever.

Point is - he gets paid, probably more than a lot of people in radio. Sounds like a career to me. Career doesn't equal fame or being the best.

On what do you base this opinion that Sam makes "more than a lot of people in radio"?

On the fact that a lot of people in radio work for free

If your standards for a successful career is "one step up from the bottom rung", then sure.

Who said anything about successful? I'm surprised he's not homeless with his skillset

Yes, we call them interns.

If that's your standard for a great career, then you're really just an annoying contrarian, aren't you?

To be fair, most people in NYC have no idea who he is.

Most people who see him in public assume that the movie Mask is now a Broadway show and the guy who plays Rocky Dennis is wandering NYC in makeup to promote the show.

Right? Why do some people think he's famous? I don't get it. He's not even Grillo-level famous. Being D-list on an A show makes you more famous than being the A guy on a show no one's heard of but a small handful of people. Even his followers were purchased by SXM. Opie proved that when he lost thousands of them overnight after SXM fired him.

Ignored? He'd love to be ignored. He is detested. And not in the "heel heat" way. People just don't wanna see him.

ReSpEkT SaM rObErTs!

And he's fucking the guests on his show regularly. Sure he's weird looking but game recognizes game.


No, no I don't. And they were desperate to fill the role and Sam always had shows. On paper he should get the job... In life, how he sounds, his experiences and everything else make it a hard No

Has any man ever been more hateable?

It's the only competition his co-host excels at.

This reminds me of those pictures where a gibbon finds a camera and accidentally takes half a dozen accidental selfies


Fraggle Rock looking motherfucker

What the fuck is wrong with his lip/mouth area? He legitimately looks like a chimp.

Add an upper lip to the list. Also posture

Reminder: This mutant is only in his 30s.

That's his entire crowd he drew that day

Nigga a Muppet

Sam looks like a dingleberry, a particle of fecal matter attached to the anal hair of an animal

Nothing says quality event like several thousand folding chairs!

we're on a mission from god

Look at what those steroids did to him. I bet if his parents didn't roid him up as a boy he be a tad smaller and look like a person.

He needs to shave his head. He would actually look better.

Is Sam a jew?

Lol holy shit. I thought my pillow scar was bad. His forehead looks like a pancake that's flipping

Sam is a simian freak. That upper lip should have its own zip code.

The fact that he's in his 30s and is heavily into wrestling is embarrassing. Someone should save his wife by cuckolding Sam.

I'll let even the wrestling slide. His wacky sneakers is what pisses me off. He's a father for gods sake

his upper lip looks like a paper cut, very hard to look at

He must be observed. I've never seen anything like him. Such a bizarre appearance

Alien head ass

Klingon+Homer Simpson+Brundlefly machine=this nigga.

I think that the only person who wishes that today will be the day that Sam's wife gets to cash in his life insurance policy more than this sub is Jess Roberts.

Sam is the type of person that will be taken out by a banana peel 🍌

I'd like to put his shoe collection in his bath tub, have an angry diarrhea session all over the shoes, stir it all up with his shower curtain rod to make sure they are all no longer "mint".

photo from (during) the sam roberts wrestling podcast live event? sad!

I wonder why they stopped putting him on TV?

In regards to his teetotaling, he could just say, “I don’t want to start drinking because I fear it would lead to overdoing it,” which even I would accept, and I despise him.

But instead he says, “I always want to be in control.” Oh for God’s sake, that’s how a child views being drunk.

In every way this nigger is a mental toddler.

Sam Roberts is one ugly motherfucker. Jesus christ. Wow.

He looks like the biggest asshole on the planet.

Stop with the child like Cha Cha Cha Chia hairdew and get a fucking mustache to cover that fucking huge ass lip to nose ratio shit you got going on there

Fucking muppet.

When did all the upper lip meat move to his lower lip? He has to have a chromosome issue.

I refuse to believe someone can have such a non existent upper lip

Sideshow Bob Roberts

What does he actually like besides WWE? He was shitting on the Avengers movie so he can't even cater to the geek culture correctly.

This statement is the only thing that matters in the end.

What career? No one outside NYC knows who he is, and he proves that every time he goes on assignment for WWE and gets completely ignored.

Respect for Sam? Fuck you for even bringing up the concept.

And he's fucking the guests on his show regularly. Sure he's weird looking but game recognizes game.

No, no I don't. And they were desperate to fill the role and Sam always had shows. On paper he should get the job... In life, how he sounds, his experiences and everything else make it a hard No