Nana cruising for a banning: "Fucking animal. If you don’t like that description, I have another that works too. And believe me, this piece of shit earned it." <-- Please don't report!

42  2018-05-24 by RapistWithHIV


The linked tweet was tweeted by @AnthonyCumiacm on May 22, 2018 22:47:09 UTC (167 Retweets | 571 Favorites)

BREAKING: 16-year-old Dawnta Harris is charged with murdering Baltimore County Police Officer Amy Caprio

Fucking animal. If you don’t like that description, I have another that works too. And believe me, this piece of shit earned it.

Attached photo | imgur Mirror

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can nobody call this bot a faggot in the future please? I think that's the word that scares them away

I really hate having to click 1 extra time to see what retarded shit people retardedly tweet

some folks are banned from reading Ants profound ramblings on twitter

don’t be mean to good robots

It's tough for those of us in obscurity

He doesn't mean savage does he?

Tss, what? No she won't, she recently died abondoned and alone, tssss


DAWNTA is supposed to mean DANTE

100% behind Ant in these trying times

Amy looks like a fucking cunt. Probably the type to overcompensate for her inferior gender by playing into the stereotype and too much of a woman brain to know she’s exacerbating the very thing she’s trying to eliminate.

I think you're in the wrong thread but I appreciate a good unwarranted Amy trashing.

who gives a fuck about this dead cunt

How the hell can someone spend all their time seeking out news stories like these? Ant really is suffering from alcohol-induced dementia.

he's just browsing pol by the creation date every minute of the day

ya gotta intake that knowledge hours at a time rather than minutes like a geriatric sperg

Missy gets Samcro written out of the will.

Tsss tsss Dawnta? more like Duskta...

That's a clever character you're doing there, are you an unfuckable mutant slug in your 50s?



I side with Ant. A black basketball player gets tazed and everyone cries for that cop to be fired but this kid murders a female cop and no one says shit

Someone should explain to him that black people were doing significantly better socioeconomically in the 60's and had a far lower crime rate.

Is the term "socioeconomic" only used when talking about niggers?

Any news of a dead pig is a win in my book.

Ant sure does enjoy cherry-picking through the news to find every story that "validates" his "world view", doesn't he? Yes Anthony, the violent black thug criminal totally proves that you were the victim in the weird episode that cost you your career. Damn you, "the blacks"!

I agree with what you're saying, and Ant 100% does this because he's a stupid old racist.

But I challenge you to find a story about a white guy killing a lady cop.

They’re not “lady cops,” but this piece of shit killed two cops during an ambushed attack. “They’re not people!”

I never understood why this sub is so pro-black. In the case for Anthony, I'm hoping he gets banned just to spite him since he's a twitter-addicted geriatric. And although he does rail on about politics too much on his "comedy" broadcast, I don't necessarily disagree with him.

I think the only explanation for the Black Lives Matter mentality of this sub are the faggot limeys who live in a nation that's well and truly blacked. Otherwise, it seems like anyone who isn't offering their wives to Jamal are the minority here.

Maybe you don’t understand because the sub isn’t pro-Black, genius. It’s anti-hypocrite. Anthony acts like he’s an outraged, law-abiding citizen when he’s a documented thug of dubious ethnicity himself.

and that means that things he says are wrong

Nobody said he's wrong, they think its bizarre and pathetic that he's been obsessed with black people since Obama took office. If he was actually still funny and not just constantly tweeting articles about black crime and hack jokes at celebrities who disagree with him politically, no one here would give a shit.

no one is “pro black” or supports black lives matter, but we will report Anthony for racism & hatred against nigs.

So just imagine Nana was now allowed to call this kid the N word with impunity. Now what? What would he and the world gain from it?

i dont see why he doesnt already

might actually gain some respect for him

racism is silly, but be honest and stand by your shit

he thinks he is playing racist peek-a-boo with the world , when in reality he is just proving Sirius right hour after hour for the past 4 years

The only thing keeping him on check is his pathetic fear of another twitter ban.

I'm blocked on all 4 of my Alt accounts. Can someone take up my slack. Thx In advance!