This man is actually worse than Opie.

55  2018-05-20 by kjatus


Please listen to Chip vs Sam videos.

He offers nothing. I’m not sure but I do not believe he started radio at 18 with the Mob.

He really is a drag

Nice cleft palate, stupid

thin lips too, hes a real dud

Offers no humor. Just interjects with wresting stats.

Or he rare shoes.

Never been drunk, high, or eaten steak.

Nor can he change a tire.

Hyello? 911? I've gaht a flayt!

"And I have a change of panties in my beyack peyack."

And likes to watch oiled up muscle men rolling on the floor with each other! Faggot!

Correction, tried steak from Guy Fieri in studio and wound up gagging until he spit it out. Sam is a ladyboy

He was fed steak by Mick Foley, gagging and crying. Years later, Guy Fieri tried to slip him booze and he freaked out. Has hated Guy ever since, I believe.

How the hell does Sam Robberts, who is a fem bitch ass on so many levels, fit in to the WWE universe? Answer: he doesn't.

You could replace Sam with Jim and WWE with UFC. To Sam's credit, at least he genuinely likes and follows that fag shit.

Can’t this fag afford a gym membership? Weak little fag.

He has some bad-ass tattoos, though.

with a branding iron to display ownership

When I think of Sam, the word "man" never comes to mind.

Oh yeah? Has your 7 year old fished backstage at a wrestling event for a used condom to impregnate his wife with? FACE!

He offers nothing.

Listen to his Sam vs chip videos.

He’s worse than opie.

We heard you


Sam's awful, but let's not forget the complete fucking waste of life Opie is.

Opie is a cunt sure.

But what has Sam ever offered?

He stinks, but I disagree.

Can't really ruin a terrible show so I always give it to Opie for being the worst because he would ruin a show that was sometimes great.

At least opie didn't have a horribly annoying voice

He does though.

The math is very simple, folks.

Opie with Jim Norton was a much less horrible show than Jim & Sam.

Opie > Sam.

Don't forget any show with Opie, Jim, and Ant was better than Jim, Sam, and Ant.

The haters keep denying the arithmetic but deep down they know it's true.


Nice try with the hate though

Why has nobody ever gave him a good ass kicking. He should of been beat up at least a handful of times by now. Nothing would make me happier than him all swelled up and has to take a month off to heal from a broken jaw!!

Wee can’t do it.

Your definition of "man" is seriously lacking.

Oh fuck. Lol. Shit. You put your funny on San?

Yes I did ahahahah


Well, then, we surely seem to have hit a wall in our conversation. Where do you want to go from here?

Oh, FFS.

Just kiss, already.

I have always referred to him as "WHITEFRO RECEDING "

Someone needs to photoshop the black guy from People's Court over his shoulder

Take the coat hanger out of that embarrassment of a jacket you scrawny cunt.

His mom should have also manipulated a coat hanger.

This "man"

Agreed. I can at least hate listen to Tits McGuillicutty, I can't bear to do the same with Sam. Listening to Bobby Lee belittle him multiple times last week was the first time I've listened in a long while.

NotSam? more like NotaMan! am I right fellas?

Let's not say things we can't take back.

Sam Roberts is the "little finger" of the O&A universe. Smarmy fucker.

Sorry to break the narrative (happy for the downvotes) but he's not worse than Opie.

This is the funniest thing to come out of the O&A (I'm not gonna call it a -verse) in the past five years. Sam was there and while he didn't add much, he, surprisingly, didn't detract from it.

He has learned things Opie refused to. And the reason --- he doesn't really see himself as The Next Howard Stern.

He's shit.

Opie is a millionaire and sam is a hundredaire. Opie > sam

I wholeheartedly agree