Is Sam really pissed that Bobby Lee didn’t know his last name? You’re a fucking nobody, Sam. As Bobby said, you were a producer on a popular show but you’ve done nothing to make a name for yourself

254  2018-05-16 by OpieIsUnemployable


Won't see him no mo

Bobby tried to motherfuck Sam. That's not OK.

This was an Opie moment

The student has overtaken the master. Of course, the master is hanging out with a fat Cuban picking lint out of his asshole.

In Sam's defense I probably wouldn't forget the name of someone with such a weird misshapen head and face.

Douche chills.

Bobby Lee is the best.

Saint on Eart

I love Bobby Lee. So brutally honest

He doesn't have a fuck left in his tank.

My favorite story is the one Norm tells about the first time he met Bobby Lee. Norm was told that this new comic, Bobby Lee, would be opening for him. He said that he was in the back waiting to go on when he heard the crowd start gasping and then yelling wildly, so Norm peeks into the room and sees Bobby Lee bent over with his asshole spread open yelling "WHAT'S THE MATTER?! WE ARE ALL PINK ON THE INSIDE!"

Norm says that he had instant respect for Lee.

Thats bullshit but i believe it.


But can I just say something?

plz link/upload thxx

drama pig....fuckin love it.....gotta use that for amy

Use your laptop in a warm bath.

leave him alone!

Don't tell me what to do, maaan!



I just turned on Siriusxm on the app. And i have never paid before and I did the free trial. I haven't signed up for a new trial in over 3 months but my login still works. I think Keith is running things at Sirius now.

They are running a free trial for everyone. All radios are working for a limited time, I believe May 29th.

You spoiled his day he thought he was special.

This week and next week are free.

God bless Bobby Lee

Oh what so being at live wwe events and having a pdocast about fake fighting doesnt make you a somebody???

Nobody at WWE cares about him either. None of the WWE fans want anything to do with him, and the guys doing production deliberately hung him out to dry at Wrestlemania so they could give Vince a hearty chuckle at Sam's expense.

The wrestlers only tolerate him for airtime, same as mma fighters do with Jim.

As independent contractors, these guys HAVE to tolerate these boobs because they have to self-promote to get ahead.


Bobby Lee movin up in them power rankings! He’s my knew favorite chink.

Bobby has always been in the colin Patrice vos bawby tier.

Bawby is not colin tier

You mustache cunt

Tss, I mustache you to stop being vulga asumptin

What's with the use of the word chink? Do you even know that he's Chinese? You could have easily covered more bases by calling him a gook.

Many on this sub go through day to day repressed and get their jollies off saying edgy racial slurs here anonymously.

Most grow out of that in middle school.


Do ya?

gook is for koreans and japanese, chink is for chinese

I don't think japs are gooks, but they are all slopes.

I believe it’s “greasy slope” what you were trying to say

Could be. I am not a scientist.

Gook is for Vietnamese, Zipperhead is also acceptable.

Etymology for gook comes from the Korean language. IMO lazy to use it for Vietnamese even though it is commonly used for them.

ME: where we at with the dinks?

Police up your frags; don't leave nothin' for the dinks!

True. Oliver Stone spent time in the Nam and if he uses slope, gook, zipper head, and dink in his movie the who are we to argue?

"a small cleft, slit, or fissure"

All East Asians can be chinks. 👌

Ancient Chinese name,Lee is like Smith or Jones.

Li is Chinese. Lee is Korean. Unless Chinese change their name spelling.

Also, he's Korean. It's in his fat face.

Have none of you fucks ever watched Tigerbelly? Their heritage literally comes up on every single show.

His face looks like a wrinkled Twinkie.

Can we get a ruling on this from some Australians or something?


zipperhead, slope, or pan face might be more universal.

Just go with “slope” that covers them all

He's my gnu favorite as well.

*gook. He's Vietnamese.

I think you may be joking but he's Korean.

Also, in my opinion gook should be exclusively Koreans because it's derived from their language. Using it for Vietnamese is lazy in my opinion.

Shelby woo, fucking Charlie 4chan. I dont give a fuck. They're all the same except for the Flips who are the niggers of Asia which means they're only slightly smarter than whites and do a bit more crime

Shelby Woo? HA HA HA HO LEE SHIT!!!!

jungle asians

Point of order, Filipinos are the Mexicans of Asia.

I agree with this. Specifically because they were colonized by Spain and many have names influenced by Spanish.

After you’ve killed a quarter million of them you can call them whenever the fuck you want

You heard it here first, folks.

Only J&S could make Bobby Lee a boring listen. Got excited to see him on the show this mornin, listened for 20 minutes, got annoyed and shut it off. Dull.

Sure about That? If he went on Cumio he would have to talk about percentage of blacks on Medicaid. The Opester would get to the bottom of what Bobbys favorite sandwich topping is.

Just because Ant & Opie are doing dogshit shows doesn't mean Jim & Sam's show is good, J&S might be the least terrible but they've all gotten so bad and unaware.

We know, but Pearl Jam just said ONLY Jim and Sam could make Bobby boring.

Then Kenny Kennmuffins listed some other jackasses that could also make Bobby boring.

He's right, you're wrong.

You probably don't even have a dinosaur in your backyard! 🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂

Back to obscurity with you!!!


Too bad Bobby didn't say "hughes"

that name is fading from peoples' memory pretty fast as well

Felt so good when Lee attacked that mongoloid's forehead.

Who the fuck cares if he forgot your name you creep.

You know this whole subreddit is a bit, right dum-dum?

Who's the chick with the tits?

Nicole Ryan. The epitome of a "hole" in the world of radio.

Okay so what's the bit?

I'm listening to the replay. Who is the comedian Bobby Lee was talking about?

john caparulo

Did this happen on today's show?

Nobody knows


"Your forehead just goes on and on and on..."

Sam is a failed medical experiment.


He shares more than retardation and sub-par looks with Bobo: he's also been on the business end of a penis surgery.

He isn't even human!

I think you're being a little mean. Sam has been building his brand and getting his name out there for years by doing his pocast. It's just that no one with any self respect would listen to a c-tier wrestling podcast by a mongoloid retard who has never pleased a woman with his limp HGH mutilated dick. Plus he only eats chicken tendies has a worse harline than Clint Howard and was probably forced to eat his mom's cunt as a kid.

I'm just saying, fuck Sam and I hope he dies.

Nice devils advocate, stupid.

Nice cake, stupid.

Let them eat it, stupid.

Nice Marie Antoinette quote, now go put your neck in the guillotine, stupid.

Tss, who's third mic on dis pocast, fawkin Masta Po asumptin?


Sam's a real person? I thought he was a puppet they kept in studio.

He's a joint venture between Jim Henson's puppeteers and Disney's imagineers.

One of Otto's misshapen experiments that haunts the studio.

Norton and Sam are not good enough to smell Bobby's shit.Bobby Lee's shit is what makes Los Angeles green.

I agree but that he's on is awful. It got picked up for another season though.

I hated the first episode and predicted it's immediately and it's success baffles me.

But good for him though. sniff

Also the character he plays is named Artie.

You mean a major network sitcom is awful? What a shock! But Bobby is just paying the bills, no harm in that, a nigga gotta eat as they say.

Bobby Lee and Rick Ingraham, who if he had more exposure would be a hero on this sub. He doesn't do any material, he just stands there and rips on everyone in the audience, it's fucking great. He's so goddamn mean, he's just a miserable piece of shit from the midwest somewhere.

You can tell Bobby's last name just by looking at him.

If I didn't know it I could probably guess it within 5 guesses. Poor little conformist muuuugs.

Yo cover half of them with Lee and park.

Anyone got. Timestamp for this?

No they. Dont. alright,

3min 10seconds in

Wow What a faggot

Please link when applicable.

HA HA HA HOE LEE SHIT Bobby Lee obviously never heard of the Chip Chipperson Podacast.

But he met Jim's tranny.

How dare Bobby Lee get the name of a producer for a show that went off the air 4 years ago wrong? How could he not recognize Sam Roberts from professional wrestling pre-shows and Sam's scintillating Youtube output?

When does he say that? What show?/time?

today, just about as soon as it started

Is there a clip of the audio?

Bobby rules. He's in peak form right now. Hosts one of the best comedy podcasts, on a network sitcom that just get renewed for s2, still a marquee stand-up act, and on the verge of marrying a hot girlfriend (who's a good co-host on his podcast despite being a woman with an annoying ethnic voice). Bobby is definitely in the running for coolest Asian currently going.

Agreed except for the gf good cohost part, she's awful. But Bobby is entertaining enough to make up for it and thankfully she shuts the fuck up when they have a good guest on.



Sammy Shellmuffins!

sam is way worse than opie ever was.

It actually took me about a minute to remember sams last name

Bobby Lee and Norm are the only comics I can enjoy these days.

Bobby never had great stand up imo; he's much funnier in person. Norm, Colin, and Attell are good in any setting.

The key phrase is - Sam Roberts has done nothing to make a name for himself.

He expects you to know who he is from his years spent on Opie & Anthony - yet he shies away radically from ever trying to create content on par with the Opie & Anthony brand. And he's proud of that.

He might even expect you to know him from his WWE vanity appearances. He has no intention of becoming a wrestler, manager, announcer, or performer on WWE. He simply does it because it makes him feel like a big boy living his dream. He's incapable of taking part in the staging of a legitimate pro wrestling story because he doesn't fit realistically into that world whatsoever.

Sam is remembered by us, the people who know him the most, as a forgettable hack you have to endure to enjoy old O&A clips. On the other hand, Bobby Lee is remembered by us as more than just "that chubby asian from Mad TV." Which is essentially how Bobby remembers Sam.

Sam Rogers has an endless forehead.
Bobby Lee is better than all other chinks.

I thought his last name was Sam and his first name was Lonely

Sam Ronalds

Holy shit.. What did I miss?

I think he was joking

The student has overtaken the master. Of course, the master is hanging out with a fat Cuban picking lint out of his asshole.


Tss, I mustache you to stop being vulga asumptin

You spoiled his day he thought he was special.