62  2018-05-15 by TangerineReam


Cringe inducing, cheap and ridiculously over the top. Almost camp. It's like the pantomime version of stand-up. It's for fags, children and women.

Meanwhile this woman probably earns nearly as much as Colin Quinn. That feel man. That feel.

I can’t even imagine what goes on in woman’s minds to be able to tolerate this kind of shit.

Never suffering consequences for anything, ever.

Exactly. The only way to become funny is as a defense mechanism to deflect the abuse you are recieving from outside sources.

If nobody ever treats you shitty because you are beautiful and they want to fuck you, then you never develop that defense and you start trying to change traffic lights with your garage door opener.

Women are good at raising babies and men are good at killing bears. So men and women don't have the same sense of humor.

Colin Quinn doesn't make shit.

Bill’s not broke and he never will be! [Natty swig]

Well he should!

No argument there.

What you earn in comedy is based around what you draw. If they draw the same amount, they get the same amount. It sucks people are tolerating this, but they can’t complain about the wage gap at least, since you get out of it what you put in.

Fair play. Still depressing though.

Almost camp.

Yeah, it's a garrison. One might say even headquarters.

(How the fuck is it possible that this sub is infested with Jersey scum and I have to look up words in a dictionary twice a week).

People divided by a common language. What's actually impressive is how ignorant most people are of foreign Anglo colloquialisms. I hate incessant anti-American dogshit but I find this most true with Americans.

The commonality of language

Anglo colloquialisms

Camp (adj) etymology is literally homosexual slang.


You really don't know what "camp" means? Good lord, you're dumber than people from Jersey. You from Philly?

It's no wonder that you know. Dictionary literally says it's "homosexual slang, of uncertain origin".


You're not allowed to even mention this woman or her (laughless, if you have a brain on any level) "Baby Cobra" special without using the word "genius," at least not in Los Angeles. Ali Wong is a "genius" for doing 90 minutes of incomprehensibly mediocre material about her baby and pregnancy, but as long as she delivers it in that INTENSE ASIAN VOICE, YOU GUYS, it's apparently hilarious. What simple people we've become. The bar for acceptance has been so low you have to fucking dig at this point.


That faggot uses market testing for all his jokes.

They're not his jokes, they're written by ghostwriters and then he "performs" them.

Meanwhile, actual joke writers like Mulaney and Gulman release well crafted stuff and get passed by because they're "typical white men" .

Mulaney's new special wasn't very good. Did he sell all his good jokes?

Ya, i went to the taping and only the last twenty minutes were good. After the opening act (who was terrible) he had an old piano player come out and do 30 minutes of david bowie songs and explain to us why he was so important, i think hes a little full of himself at this point.

Gary is great. I love his Conan set about the role-playing.

This is the dane cook school of comedy.

Asian moms be traditional, y’all!!

Asian moms! Beat! Yo! Kids!

Beat yo kids!

white kids got time out. Asian kids had to eat their dogs! CHING CHONG DING DONG!

Radies, you know when your senpai-san go down on your pixerated genitals in most honoruburu fashion but you taste rike a collie?

This is awful. It looks like a trailer that would be a Mad TV sketch. She’s dancing like an idiot, and why the fuck is she pregnant again? What is this? She’s the pregnant comic. This is ridiculous.

Pregnant women get all crazy, which leads them to have some HILARIOUS stories about when they were craving icecream and sardines, like LOL, those don't go together silly!

Dat don't make no sense!

If only Alena had accepted the proposal, Norton could have named his special Hard Cock Wife

that baby is wrapping his umbilical cord around his own neck

Fascinating if accurate

The only funny women are the ones that go to street shitter nations to help them and they get raped and beheaded.

Ronnie B raved about her first time around. Further proof of my theory about him.

Gavin McInnes too because she happened to mention that the feminists were ruining it with regards to pregnancy and working. Hardcore man.

Ronnie is a carney

I love the dude, but if he is selling you on someone like their christ it’s snake oil

Like he did with Big J Oakerson

Big Jay is actually funny if you go and see him in a club setting.

Live at webster hall was great, funniest special ive seen since beer hall putsch imo

So many marks don't understand when they are being played

Why does she open her eyes so wide?

She's trying to distract you from her pot roast knees.

She’s doing her best to assimilate trash anything but that one redeeming quality. That’s a good gook

*All Wrong.

Doing every one of her specials pregnant is the worst fucking gimmick I've seen yet, even for woman comic standards.

But I'm sure all the usual BuzzFeed/Jezelbel cunts will all call it EMPOWERING and SO BRAVE and YOU GO GRRRLL!!!!

I'm looking forward to when those Jezebel cunts are a little bit older and really sensitive and bitter about women who are procreating.

Maybe you could go to the filming the next time and heckle her until her water breaks

She's pregnant again? I honestly assumed that she didn't lose the weight from the last one and that's empowering...or something. I dunno.

Lindy West gave it a 5/5 and then ate the baby.


It's great how they didn't spoil the jokes by refraining from putting even a single one in the trailer. Keeps it fresh. Good thinking.

Thousand dollars?!!


...a RITE-AID?!

I'd fuck her in the cunt, mouth, and asshole.

my sentiments exactly

Great minds think alike

Great minds think a lot.

Not in that order.

Chinese-Vietnamese chicks have great cheekbones.

Koreans have giant foreheads like Sam's and smell like rotten cabbage.

even better

The first 10 seconds of this is one of the most rage-inducing things I've ever seen.

You dont like her Joe Rogan impression?

I have friends who think she's brilliant and fantastic. I don't get it. She seems no better than Schumer.

Netflix, in particular, spends a lot of time trying to force unfunny female "comics" upon their viewers.

I swear every week theres a new shitty female comic or some shitskin one on the front page. Just a coincidence I'm sure.


That looks good, huh guys?


Do women know what jokes are?

Yeah, its those things men tell when they're trying to get fucked.

No, those are called lies.

I've never wanted to punch somebody in the stomach more than right now.

Now that would actually be funny.

-netflix special-

(((Netflix))) special.

Ali (((Wong)))

tss this bitch so Wong she white

Say things that women agree with, loudly and with dramatic pauses. Comedy.

I can’t help but think that she had a kid just to do another special pregnant

It looks like a Mad TV skit making fun of women comics. Ooof.

I felt embarrassed just watching that... I hope everyone in that audience is dead

I can't believe women spend so much time talking about their boyfriends emotions with their mothers. I've never once wanted to talk about a girlfriends feelings with anybody, especially my dad.

Fuck, I actually really liked her first special, but she's really doing another special pregnant? That's ALMOST as gimmicky as anytime Doug Benson or Bert Kreischer step on stage.

Can any clam get a Netflix “comedy” special?

If you can do anything in video form that George Soros would approve of then yes.

They forgot the jokes

that was infuriating

Between this lady, Dat Phan, and Margaret Cho, I think Asians might have a race-wide mother complex.

Everyone who watches her show is an asian woman or a genderfluid lesbian

Abort Abort.

I watching the entire thing:

It was ok. I liked the first one a lot better. Some cringe moments but overall definitely on par with Norton's last netflix special...

(((Netflix))) special.