كان لي الجنس مع صبي يرتدي زي فتاة

271  2018-05-14 by SpudsCuckley


"God is great, God is great"

That isn’t the translation I got

I didnt translate it.

"I have sex with a boy wearing a girl costume." - Antwan Kumiya


لقد ممارسة الجنس مع الاطفال


Nice beige outfit, stupid.

hey buddy, my dentist's waiting room called and wants their wall color back!

His old man did a real number on him.

Not just his mind, but his ass.

and mouth and hands and hair

Obviously the bacha bazi

That rifle is taller than him

What the fuck is the outfit?

It’s so he blends in with the desert when the infidels try a drone strike.

Spics aren't aware of infra-red cameras apache helicopters have.

What the fuck is the outfit?


511, the Queer Collection

Ant really is such a try-hard faggot lol

Yes he did.

Why did he edit out his Quran and martyr posters?

The only thing missing is a mullet and white skin.

Fucking quality post.

Back when he had a salaried job.

Thank god that proud Black Lady stood up to this Terrorist as he was snapping surveillance photos near Time Square. She was certainly one of the good ones!

That was Bam's Seed

So masculine 😍

Ready to defend Al-Aqsa...

More like defend Sue-liman the Magnificent, you get me?

I get ya

Fuckin' BaaaaadAsssss

The worst part is spreading the shells on the ground before starting the camera timer....oof

Danny took the picture

you'll have to excuse me, i just got done slinging some hot lead in my house

Slinging lead-ah

He tried to artfully arrange them, like his follicles.

Except they're not spent casings. They're full unfired rounds.

imagine what was going through his mind for the 3.7 seconds when he was finally posed properly just waiting for the camera timer to be done, straining to hold up two guns and looking like it's not a problem for a tough guy like him at all.

What a fucking weirdo.

I can see exactly why Sirius banned him from stepping foot in their building ever again.

He's a twelver in both his religious and dating preferences.

You go deep with the references brotherman

uh-linger longer

He abandoned Suefism

Yes, yes he did

Pre HGH. What a tiny weak man

Wait wait. Did he really sprinkle some bullets on the ground to make it look like he was actually shooting inside his own house??

Who in the fuck would believe that?

Agreed it’s lame, but they’re cartridges not bullets y’dope.

Y'know I knew that, but I went with bullets anyway.



I thought it was whats left after you operate a "rooty tooty point and shooty"


They looked like Whamy Kablammy rounds to me.

It's called "artistic license" you torpid sloth

Sorry,we are just civilians,we don’t understand these complex artistic minds.

The only license he has left.

Pew pew pew

It's like if a terrorist got his hands on a mail order catalog from Perisian circa 1996.

He must have a small penis if he's packing that kind of heat in a photo.

Over-compensated with weapons to cover up his childhood trauma.

This guy is a PROBLEM

he needs to BEHAVE

A Mossberg for a Moslem

I wonder if he sent that EO Tech back to the manufacturer for service. The older ones had a problem where they’d lose their zero after being bumped around.

Wow, a lot of words to harp on in there.

Dr. Kumiyya left his Damascus post to join the Al-Nusra Front, fight the Assad regime to liberate Syria, and expand the greater caliphate.

Dr. Kumiyya left his Damascus post to join the Al-Nusra Front, fight the Assad regime to liberate Syria, and expand the greater caliphate.

Allah Antbar!

I presume he owned (or still owns) these guns. Does he get to visit them at the police station?

It looks like some of that educated female acid splashed on to his cheeks.

Jesus Christ. I never would have thought a 14 year old 4chan user would make me laugh a decade ago.

Grainy footage of him stomping around with his guns and yelling.

Send in the drone.

Kind of an obvious point, but these photos totally belong on CNN with a banner stating that 'the shooter was a loner who kept to himself'.

Give it time

Cumia, 74 was rumoured to have struggled with his sexuality

Disgraced Radio host gone from talking to a crowd into mowing down a crowd of 74 people at local anti gun rally. More at five

Witnesses claim to have heard Cumia repeat “back to obscurity with you” as he exited his vehicle to shoot the wounded at point blank range

An exclusive interview with the Ex girlfriend Dani Golightly about her time with the shooter. She says "she knew it was inevitable" . Back to you Steve

That's what every true tough guy does, models for glamour shots with his guns. He put on his best loose fitting khakis and even scattered some bullets on the ground for effect.

What an absolute doofus.

Savior of the white race, everybody.

I own a shit load of guns and it has never once occurred to me to pose for a photo shoot and advertise to all of my social media friends about how 'badass' my arsenal is.

This is so douchey lmao why aren’t these photos mocked more?


how does this fuck manage to look like a different person in every photo?

Even during my diehard O&A days this picture always came off fucking corny.

I saw him at the opening of the new embassy in Israel today.

I’ve had guns ever since I was seven years old, and never have I felt the need to pose with them in a picture. What a tryhard fag you are Cumia.

This UPS driver looks like a real dope.

What a dork.

When did his neck get wider than his head?

You go deep with the references brotherman

He abandoned Suefism

Give it time

Cumia, 74 was rumoured to have struggled with his sexuality