Norton baby boy'd me in DM for making fun of his diva behavior & other character flaws

309  2018-05-09 by RapistWithHIV


baby boy

This queer truly thinks this line actually bothers people. You take it up the ass from a large White man, Jim.

He always calls people he's arguing with 'sweetie'. He's so fucking emasculated and sexually-twisted he thinks everyone gets as offended at having their sexuality questioned as he would.

I hope Gene Pontecorvo bottles him.

"First Norton gave her the tokens, then she gave Norton the pearls!"


Well done.


If only he went out the same way as Gene.

I get the same douche chill when feminists say sweet summer child.

Do they say that? Fucking uppity coozes. What they need is a jolly good rogering.

I just got banned from rhappy for that comment. Lol. Reddit mods are dorks.

He's been terrified of drugs and alcohol for 32 years and still gossips about his ex co-worker through a character he plays, who's the baby boy again?

baby boy

Nice insult, stupid.

Plus, coming from a guy who literally looks like a adult sized baby boy.

A disgusting one at that

From your lips to god's ears, sweetie

Not to mention he's a 5'2 100lb pussy who traveled with a bodyguard for his entire career so he wouldn't get bullied. He would never call anyone a baby boy in person.


He did, though. The douchebag 9/11 truther.

Was Kenny or po there?

It's like when people add "kid" or "son" to their oh-so sick burns. You just know that in their minds, they just dropped the mic.

Self-awareness isn't something this crew (or their remaining fans) have much left of.

Yesterday on the show he was talking about twitter trolls hiding behind fake names and he said something to the effect of "even people who use their real names are annoying. Fuck them." So he admitted his own stupid argument is retarded by proxy.

His "use your real name, pussies!" rants are so embarassing. You could list your home address and he still wouldn't do a fucking thing aside from call you "baby boy" in a DM.

Jim stinks now

Now? He's been this way for the better part of this decade. A faggot.

oh literal u/Snake____86

I don't think there's a good comeback for that last quip of yours. Good job. You could always send him the picture of the two of them in the casino, see how he reacts to that one.

I like how the guy who used to actually look like a pudgy grown baby uses the phrase “baby boy” as a stock insult.

You should see the image they use of him for the Comedy Cellar Vegas website, it was James at his absolute fattest and he looks like he legitimately has down syndrome in the picture.

(I also don't see that place staying open more than 6 months, they already canceled almost an entire month of shows)

Jesus, that site needs an update. Louie weighs 70 lbs less and (sorta) has hair, Maron pre-Zappa look, and they're still using Robin Williams and Garry Shandling as names that might pop by for a random set.

I gotta snap a shot of the "artist's rendering" of Colin they have on the wall at the Ha Ha Cafe in North Hollywood next time Im there. It's fucking hilarious/atrocious.

I think tried a few different clubs in that place and they all fail.

Calling out the bullshit of a sexually-confused mollusk with no chin is the rantings of a baby-boy, but complaining on-air for a decade any time he was even slightly inconvenienced by an airline or cell phone store is the mark of a real man.

I honestly wanna fight this little faggot. He's a g-List talent with A-list expectations.

Someone didn't see "Furry Vengeance"

I saw that movie with my 5 year old cousin and he even thought it was shit. He said this even before I molested him


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Sounds like he was molested twice that day

You gotta get past Club Soda Kenny first.

That guy’s a problem.

He's a g-List talent...

That's generous.

What a fucking baby Norton has become. I would never guess 10 years ago that I would hate each member equally.

Meanwhile, Jim LOVES members.


has become

Listening to older episodes really demonstrates just how fucking awful they've always been. The clues were all there and knowing what they all turn into makes it so much easier to spot each of their failings as men.

ehh you both stink

remember when people used to come here to post Mimi Beardsley jokes

  • calls people baby boy
  • afraid of mike's hard lemonade

Does this incredibly small slice of cake have rum in it?!!?

I refuse to use hand sanitizer! It has alcohol in it!

If he catches a wiff of listerine he wil relapse horribly.

calls people baby boy

cries about Roger Ebert on air because it’s “early”

He’d rather drink out of Mike’s hard dick.

yeah! at least the liquid'll still be yellow!!!

Pee in my mouth in the pool!

There are no winners here.

Keep swinging and missing you civilians just don't get it you just sit in your mommy's basement without the slightest clue as to how any of this works

This attitude really annoys me. As if everyone on earth who trolls people on twitter or talks shit on reddit are incels who live with their mothers... completely ignoring the fact that a huge swath of their audience came into adolescence at the birth of Internet culture and have always been online from adolescence on sites like 4chan. That time period was over 10 years ago and the vast majority of the people who grew up that way became functional adults with careers and homes, etc. They're just using a fucking hack comeback because they're so insulated by the circlejerk of the "As a comic..." horseshit spouted off by morons who can barely spell like Bobby Kelly and Kukk Metzger and then that is further compounded by lower level shitheads like Luis and other coat tail riders who use it to feel like they're a part of the Kool kids klub.

He is projecting. Jim lived with his parents past the age of 30.

That explains a lot.

If you make it to 40, they’re living with you.

Damn, that's deep son.

But wait what if I told you we are just a bunch of monkeys on a floating rock

Pull that up Jamie

Depends on where your bedroom is, and who's responsible for setting curfew.

You think his bedroom was above ground?

I know it wasn’t well received, but that recent season of South Park with Kyle’s dad and the trolls really got to the heart of it. Yes, there are losers in basements, but not exclusively.

I think we know who lives in his mothers basement...

Nah, my mother’s dead. And she was always too poor to have a basement.

Ahh, right where she should be. Good to know.

Yep. She’s in heaven.

My dads ded. (Then who was phone)

le ebin mother's basement!!! in an era where every single person in society has a tiny internet computer in their hands at all time! And some are so addicted they cannot stop blinking into their glowing master while Podcast Sensation Joe Rogan is interviewing them 1 on 1

Jimmy's cellphone addiction is a proverbial "mother's basement" of the mind.

good for you not making death threats to celebrities anymore!

I wonder if you hold up a Natty Ice over him, he'll cower like Lex Luthor holding a chunk of kryptonite over Superman.

You won that exchange

The worst part about Jim using "baby boy" as an insult isn't that it's insulting, it just makes him sound like a massive faggot.

I also want to smash his face in for thinking it's even remotely effective.

He's also the world's biggest "baby boy" in history. Hmmmm, whiny, needy, jealous, petty, lived at home until his mid-30's, actually looks like a baby etc etc

These blacksmiths of the craft of humor think that "nice shirt stupid" is the height of insults, so 👶 boi is next level for them

He's still using the baby boy thing? I thought we were just making fun of the fact that he used to use that.

Imagine using the same insult on people for fifteen years or more.

Nice observation, stupid

You are doing the lords work son

And then what happened?

Obscurity, he went back to it.

He says "baby boy" so much I'm convinced it's what he demands to be called during his tranny piss-dom sessions.

Would it be possible for someone in the delivery service, the restaurant or delivery people, could they please include a box of those alcohol-filled chocolates? Then a note saying 'sorry for the delays, hope this makes up for it'.

I believe he might implode trying to overemphasize how you JUST DONT DO THAT to a guy you know is a recovering alcoholic and clean and sober for 48.8 of his 49 years on the planet!

Also send him one of those cakes shaped like a penis. Or a cake with those alcoholic cherries.. is that called 'Rum Cake'? but its in the shape of a penis so he has twice the brutal temptation to rage about.

There's a good chance he was crying as he typed this.

you dont like the entertainment I put out you can just change the channel. youre not entitled. i am entitled to just completely give a whatever who gives a shit effort into what i do. i have defense mechanisms and years of practice at it, you cant get to me. so there.

This Opie podcast has everyone in a bad mood

Opie will be the last one standing after the smoke clears.

and the last words will be....

"Nice try with the hate tho."

You know Jim and Sam is shit when The Opie podcast sounds like a refreshing departure from their consistent inanity.

You have to really suck to make Opie look good

At some point in his young adult life, a baseball player told a girl Jim was interested in, that he looked like a fat baby boy and its stuck, in his eyes, as the ultimate humiliation.

Keep swinging and missing baby boy = You nailed me and I have no good response

The miss is "she" dumped him months ago for being too clingy

gonna need the entire chat, hoss

That was it. He didn't block me but he stopped responding. He responded to a bunch of obnoxious tweets I sent bringing up miss Alena, his arm flailing, dead mother fetish, etc

Maybe I should float a reddit AMA offer his way to see if I get sent back to obscurity.

Ask him why he eats then talks into the mic like a fuckin jerkoff. Tell him it makes him sound like a baby boy faggot with balls in his mouth.

He even uses the "stop listening, stupid" defense if you bring up legitimate problems with the show.

I don't blame him for using this lazy comeback on people who are insulting him. But he does it with constructive criticism, too, which just makes him look like someone who doesn't give a shit and doesn't care enough about his own show to make it the best it can be.

Keep Jim supplied with paychecks, celebrity encounters, and "titilating" conversations with porn "stars", and Jim is happy. No thought at all is given to wether the audience is enjoying it or not, and fuck anyone who tries to suggest ways to improve it.

The few callers who have gotten through with legitimate criticism doesn't even get to finish their point. Jim will start yelling over them with Sam agreeing frantically.

Howard used to say that to callers.

Yet somehow he probably doesn't think it applies to him and Ant combing Opies twitter for shitty material to take vague in-direct jabs with

“Keep swinging and missing, baby boy”

According to who exactly? Me or the person I’m trying to piss off? The absolute arrogance on comedians these days completely turned me off to comedy. Two people in the message and yet he’s the one who gets to dictate whether something is funny,


“Keep swinging and missing, baby boy”

is loser talk for "I'm...I'm not mad".

I agree with this and I am a shit tier comic. I suppose I am really just a civilian though since I don't have my own podcast or a seat at the Cellar table.

Comics now are all faggots afraid to be honest for fear they will be harmed by other faggots who will pull strings to have clubs blackball them or they are just smug virtue signaling dipshits thinking they are edgy by just parroting the status quo.

I don't even need comedy to be "dangerous" it would just be nice if it were fresh again. Norton has become so generic and maybe that's the last persona he has yet to inhabit.

This sub should come up with a measured response that can be copy and pasted on the off chance Norton and pals DM's someone.

If you were able to respond with all of the shit this place has ever accurately called upon he would most certainly read it, and it would most certainly make him angry.

Imagine being so unvirile, you can't even keep a prostitute on your payroll.


Accurately summing up a closeted gay man as a faggot = swinging and missing

Keep swinging and missing baby boy

Ironically, if he has to pull out the "baby boy" name-calling they definitely hit something.

Nice comeback, stupid.

I fucking hate this piece of shit worm.

I ALWAYS hated his “serious side”. When he does the “eeerm, well...” Yuck.

Jim was not wrong. you are a faggot

I viscerally dislike everyone in this universe but Norm, Vos, Colin, and Denny. I can’t believe I used to enjoy this show.

Widdle Baby Boy! Fawkin' home run Norton!

You destroyed him inside with that last lone.

What a faggot hahahahhaah

He’s right about you.

You do follow and listen to the show while hating it. That is kind of weird

I love that he read the insult but couldn't come up with a witty quip

He can't even respond to one of the several tweets I've sent him as a fan, yet engages hate dms. Unreal.

This person messaging Jim really is a faggot

His first line makes sense....but his second is that a miss? He dated a man who is a trans camwhore.

Can someone explain the Club Soda Kenny thing with Jim? How does he justify having a bodyguard?

norton is a faggot in arrested development emotionally, probably stuck at the age whenever he was first molested. He needs a "big strong adult" because he can't do anything himself and idolizes "tough guys" and thinks fat fucks like Roland are "a problem".

Its why he wants strong ufc men to choke him and why he lived with his parents into his 30s. He dates 20 something "girls" because they are the closest in maturity he's legally allowed to get away with dating when really he's closer to a 10-year-old in terms of development.

It makes sense when you think of his infantile understanding of addiction and alcoholism.

Thank you for your service

Got 'em.

What Jim & Ant don't seem to understand is, anyone who is actually famous and beyond reproach do not spend their time responding to literally every single minor criticism on social media. Howard is going to be the next guest on Letterman's new hit Netflix series and these guys are getting into arguments with the likes of us. Fucking pathetic.

Jim avoids alcohol but not AIDS.

Um excuse me, he's on PREP.

REMINDER: If Norton implies you missed that means you struck a nerve, a very large Nordic "nerve".

Jack and Jim went up the hill both with a buck and a quarter...Jim came down with 2.50. Ooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!

So most of you idiots agree with the OP? Which means that most of you have nothing better to do than this? Really? Is this how you get your entertainment?

I mean the OP didn't even say what his post topic says. He made a joke thousands of people have already made. How original.

To me if you keep telling the same joke over and over again that's as big as a fucking miss as you can get.

To me if you keep telling the same joke over and over again that's as big as a fucking miss as you can get.

What, you mean like Norton making the same DUDETRANNYCUMLMAO jokes day in, day out for the last 20 fucking years?

Jim was talking about marrying this "girl" frequently. Why won't he admit she's Thor? I'd you're not asking that question the sub has passed you by.

People used to say eventually you find out all your heroes are assholes. In the o and a universe it's you find out they are all queer.

You should see the image they use of him for the Comedy Cellar Vegas website, it was James at his absolute fattest and he looks like he legitimately has down syndrome in the picture.

(I also don't see that place staying open more than 6 months, they already canceled almost an entire month of shows)

I saw that movie with my 5 year old cousin and he even thought it was shit. He said this even before I molested him


norton is a faggot in arrested development emotionally, probably stuck at the age whenever he was first molested. He needs a "big strong adult" because he can't do anything himself and idolizes "tough guys" and thinks fat fucks like Roland are "a problem".

Its why he wants strong ufc men to choke him and why he lived with his parents into his 30s. He dates 20 something "girls" because they are the closest in maturity he's legally allowed to get away with dating when really he's closer to a 10-year-old in terms of development.

It makes sense when you think of his infantile understanding of addiction and alcoholism.