More lack of self awareness from Anthony

223  2018-05-09 by just_lou


This is so on the nose I thought it was fake.

Nope he's that fucking ignorant

Hey, Anthony preps for his show, he just has such a doggone good time with Artie that he never gets to it. Who needs structure when the jokes are a-flying? HAHA HOLY SHIT!!!!

I'd certainly take the advice of Anthony "Keith can handle it" Cumia.

The motherfucker actually said about his popcorn machine that "HA HA I DUNNO HOW TO MAKE IT, KEITH MAKES IT!"

Imagine being such a faggot that you don't take the 2 minutes to learn how to make your own popcorn machine make popcorn.

eh if i were moderately wealthy i would have some flunkie make my popcorn

Fuck you pal!

In all seriousness, I think Ant is a bit jealous that someone will still actually hire Opie. Odds are Opie is getting more clicks than compound media, and that hurts Ant's ego.

It's click warfare like this that'll keep the chink internet farm economies thriving.

Forget show prep, how many billboards did he buy?!?!

Oof, Anthony sounds like he is feeling a wee bit insecure in this post

Complete beta. Opie owned his greaseball ass for 20 years and still does

Yeah,maybe Opie should talk about Columbo for two hours that'll keep them coming back for more,but shouldn't matter anyway nobody will be listening

Hashtag Colombophile

Opie probably gained more subscribers this week than Ant has in total.

Here's Anthony's idea of show prep:

          - Rant about the coloureds for an hour
          - Fake laugh at Artie's repeated stories
          - Make Goodfellas and Raging Bull references
          - End credits

Great show, faggot.

Exactly. The only thing I like on Compound is Burning Bridges. Kevin is way to smart to sign a long term contract so I'm hoping his Blind co-host sets up a home studio like Sam has. Brennan's Patreon has blown up since he put up his Patreon only Podcasts.

Hi Kevin.

I wish I was Kevin... better friends, but probably lower net worth. I'd also have struck Landau, so I'd probably be in Court instead of just Twitter Jail. Landau is a crybaby Faggot.


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Fawkin buried dat sockcucka!

way to smart

You forgot about the majority of his show content, reviewing his tweets from the night before.

So I was on twitter last night and this cunt black bitch single mother tweeted that someone was a racist. So I tweeted her saying black people say the N word all the time why can't I? Then she calls ME a racist HA HA HA HOLY SHIT. So I show her a Kayne West tweet that's more racist than what I said but he's black so he gets away with it HA HA HA...Then some fucking ASSHOLE REDDIT LOSER IN HIS MOM'S BASEMENT WHO HAS NO LIFE OUTSIDE OF THE O&A SHOW says I fucked Sue Lightning, I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO THAT SWEET GIRL IS HA HA HO..So anyway I blocked him and said BACK TO OBSCURITY WITH YOU AND YOUR 9 FOLLOWERS. So then I see fucking more libtards tweeting about black crime without quoting FBI statistics \sips vodka* then Joe tweets a picture of an ape HA HA HA HO-LEE fucking losers.*

"'Those' people have lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. HA HA HA." - Anthony Cumia on the The AA Show - Everyday

Can you also do Artie, repeating part of the line 5 times over the next 10 minutes, every time someone else tries to talk since his impression range consists of "actor with gruff voice", it's right in his wheelhouse.








dude what does it take to scratch off these termites from this sub?


fuck you mutt

Seriously, I’d happily replace all the New York trash on this board with Brits.

You spelled colored wrong limey shit



Shut up and take my money.

Dont forget about the Sopranos.. every time i try watch its again with the Tony impression, id love to kick the old fart in the head

Yeah this has competely put Ant at the bottom of the 3 now for me. We should all reply to every tweet that tits show is better and he's far more talented than Tranty C.

The funny thing is that whatever horseshit Opie puts out there, it doesn't even have to be good to be better Compound "we charge more than Netflix" Media.

First and foremost, he and Keith are prepared to keep billing people when they run out of internet service.

Sounds like the destroyer has this wop shaking

Anthony is 100% right on this.

to be fair Opester brought it on himself by saying "that was for u Ant cause I know you watch these" in his bike vid

Fair point

Which, whether it was lame or not, was a joke. When Anthony started his show Opie at least pretended to be supportive. I mean at some point Anthony can at least pretend to be a human being.

I mean at some point Anthony can at least pretend to be a human being.

he is on the verge of tears in every pic of him taken in the past 5 months. he is very human

Why bother, the jig is up

I honestly enjoy Opie's podcast 10x more than any content I've heard from AA except maybe the guess I forgot to laff episode.

Hey Ant, Opies new podcast might suck but so does yours but atleast Opies is free. I except less from free content than I do a network that charges more than Netflix and still puts out a horrible product.

Like opie used to say about Howard, "let's see cost per subscriber and see who has done better"


I.... except.. less. God. That is so grody

I'm glad someone else was thinking this too. Ant acts like he's at the pinnacle of media - sit back and receive his advice!

It's 3:52AM and you're shitting on your ex partners new podcast.

It is when the Xanax bars kick in, Tranth has that false bravado going for him.

Ant tweeted that at 4 am this morning. Which begs the question, how much prep can a 60 year old man do when he sleeps all day because he stayed up all night getting hammered & tweeting.

I love how these faggots pretend they can't stand each other. They belong together. It makes for good radio.

why is nobody pointing out ant is taking a direct shot at opie for once

that's something

Says the clown who drifts into Sopranos every single show. ...shutup

How much fan/subscriber money do you think LFTC started with after Ant got fired?

A lot of people subscribed for a month just as a show of "solidarity" and bought into the "this will be like O&A in the XM days,but better". Also add to that the now disregarded but at the time important fact that O&A had a fanbase that was used to paying for the program. Granted,not all of them but the older generation did and the logic was sound:why pay 15 $ a month for (((SIRIUSXM))) when I can pay 5 bucks for Ant's show.

My guess is Ant made out with at least an 100k budget in subs alone before the first show even started I think it was partly why,in the first month or so,the show was good and funny. Ant had this whole pro team of audio video guys come over and basically wire his entire house as a film set, the shows he filmed in the bar/pool area actually looked really really good for an amateur level show.

Then Keith got involved,Ant got lazy and etc etc

man i forgot about that, ants show did start off pretty good, i bailed when they lost LOS, i realized ants show just wasnt funny after sitting through one too many solo "let me tell you a new perspective on race" shows. unfunny foxnews crap that i guess appeals to same but is boring as fuck to me. never came back for the artie 'haha holy shit' era. ive seen enough. now if opie could just drive on down to the compound for his next THAT i would tune in for.

A lot of people subscribed for a month just as a show of "solidarity" and bought into the "this will be like O&A in the XM days,but better". Also add to that the now disregarded but at the time important fact that O&A had a fanbase that was used to paying for the program

Anthony probably did grab a LOT of former O&A listeners, but in the what, three (?) years since, does anybody think he's brought on more than a handful of new subscribers? Their "Pennies On The Dollar" media blitz was literally two mugshots on a billboard next to a highway, and viewed at 70 MPH out of the corner of your eye, looks like one of those social warnings about the perils of drunk driving or an ad for a rehab clinic.

Nobody on the network is famous enough to get booked anywhere, or even appear on more popular podcasts or radio shows, and the only actual television show that would have Cumia, Redeye, on at 3 AM, no longer returns his calls.

It's locked behind a paywall, there's no advertising, no free clips, no "sizzle reel" to promote anything on it.

It's two whithering addicts in a shitty green studio hoping that someone has an "I remember those guys!" moment and is willing to fork over 10 bucks for some unknown product. But lord knows how they'd find it in the first place.

O&A had a pretty small fanbase by 2014 as it was. They were drawing literal 0.0 ratings in cities when they were doing the crossover gig. I think they gained some traction with all the limey fucks over the years, but it was never like how it was when they were at their peak.

As someone who was really getting tired of Anthony's bullshit towards the end, and I know lots of other people felt the same, the idea of subscribing to TACN initially crossed my mind but I never followed through. I realized pretty quickly that it was just going to be more of the same bullshit from him that I hated rather than this fun, anything goes show that he initially promised. If you remember to back then, one of the biggest thrills was Colin spilling his drink. That should speak volumes as to the quality of his show. And then he started hiring people like Gavin and doubling down on the politics, Twitter talk and race rants and I never gave subscribing a second thought.

I think other fans were still riding on the hope that he will change and stuck with him for a while, but I think people gradually just dropped off. I think losing LOS hit him pretty hard, too. And then Gavin. I don't think Anthony ever gained any significant audience since then. He's just been doing all he can to hang onto whoever was left of that 2014 O&A audience.

I didn't bother signing up because even back then I knew that Ant's show would probably be 90 percent ranting about blacks and politics.

In Anthony's defense, it takes a lot of prep to try to get his cohost to show up.

Also in his his defense he has to take prep so poison cum don’t kill him, it’s a touchy subject.

It's a very difficult situATion.

Seeing how much Opie's podcast is driving Ant insane makes me excited for the new low his alcoholism is going to hit.

Anthony's prep; google black crime stories and World Star.

If Ant wasn't worried that Opie would be more successful at Westwood One than he is at the failing compound then he'd never be so blunt and direct in attacking him. This is a very scared man. Without being better than Opie he literally has nothing left

Real classy, Ant.

Opie & Anthony need to face reality. They need each other. Apart, they are both godawful.

Together they're just mere awful.

What about mortal-awful or sumpin tsss

Shut up Chippah yore stupid

If dey was cops dey'd be merely lawful asumptin, tss

Are you knickers?

They need each a time machine to go back when Patrice was still alive, Louie and Burr was small enough to visit regularly. The comedic guests made the show the gem it was. Without the good comedians, the show never was better than WNEW and the 2014 era.

What’s up?

This is true. Even E-Rock and Sam played a part in putting on a listenable show. The whole was greater than the sum.

As shitty as Sam is now, he was great behind the scenes. And he helped a lot with Jocktober.

Why is this old queen still more concerned with what Opie is doing rather than focusing on his own show? Although to be fair it is hard to prep for a show when your co-host is a heroin addict who you're not even sure is going to show up.

Sounds like US foreign policy amarite

Says the pot who got fired for ranting about black kettles on Twitter.

Both Opie and Anthony have too much pride and Ego to admit they both "need" each other. While I love the A&A show. It's not as bad as everybody makes it out to be, but imo it's not the same as O&A. I think Anthony's choice of selecting Artie really affected Opie and has made their distance even worse. I haven't heard Opie's new show but from the few videos I've seen on Youtube and his show before he got fired at Sirius, it's not as good as I'd hoped. Hopefully one day they can put their differences aside and finally give what all us O&A fans miss and want. A reunion and to shit bash them

Holy fuck Anthony is Opie 2.0!

I want to believe this is his dementia talking.

Seriously, in addition to the same stories and the same old TV and movie references over and over, Ant brings up things in the news that are on papers on his desk, and guest arrivals (when they aren't there for the whole show) and live reads seem to happen at roughly predetermined times. So his show does have "some type of preparation" -- it's just Garrett or whoever doing it for him, instead of him doing it himself.

What's with his profile pic?

Hes a faggot.

I also really liked how, during the time there was a chance they were gonna sign Opie to CM, that they pretended to be friends. And as soon as that was over, they went right back to bitching at each other. Fucking phonies

You may not like Anthony's show, but it is in fact a planned and structured show. Its not him wandering around like some kind of You Tuber from 2011.

Better, less verbose version of what I said.

Its easy to show prep his show:

  1. What have democrats done today?
  2. What have black people done today?

Perhaps. But it is prep nevertheless.

can't argue that haha

A poorly hand written note that says Nigger is not show prep

Democratic black man? Meltdown mode

If Anthony ends up calling Opie a pedophile, I think the world star will implode and end everything.

I bet you guys cant wait for the great Opsters big fishing at the beach podcast... That was his BEST idea yet!

If it was just the ambient sounds of waves and casting for an hour, it would be better than e1.

I mean, if fishing itself isn't boring enough, imagine listening to someone fishing!

Opie getting a paycheck is driving Anthony nuts with jealousy.

This thread is filled with Redditors sucking Opies dick. Well at least you all are perfectly consistent in your inconsistency. Opie loving faggots.

The Great Master Of Preparation, who doesn't know if his "co-host" will even bother showing up on any given day. Opie would do well to learn from the always-prepared Anthony and his staff of quick witted joke crafters.

"Figure your shit out, Opie. That's my advice to ya." (Sniff)

Nice "Torpid Sloth" T-shirt, stupid. Sad, jealous, bitter old queen.

Carefully, you'll get Anthony Justice Warrior /u/TittyMtnhighway asking you to stop reading his tweets if they bother you so much. Or maybe he'll try to shame you to silence altogether.

Either way, get ready, it's gonna be a long thread full of nothing.

Give Missy a break. Her only job besides being Anthony's prostitute and going to the gym is white knighting him online while he ignores her in favor of Twitter.

And your alt account is obsessed with me, too

I don't need an alt to tell you what a loser you are.

No, you're a loser

Sick burn, bruh.

No, you're a loser

Sick burn, bruh.


Yes you are

Really? From picking up my phone to leaving a comment is about 30 seconds-2 minutes. Compare that to you lunatics who listen to every second of every episode of the AA Show, then painstakingly outline precisely why they despise the show/host. A bit more of a time commitment from them than me.

Waaah. Waaah.

You keep trying to shame us into changing our behavior and it's HILARIOUS. ;)

Cute winky face. Broad, I assume?

Another sick burn, bruh.

I am reeling here, don't let up, you've got me on the ropes.


You just love getting downvoted don't you? ;)

It really hurts me inside when I don't get upvote. It really hurts bad

I know :)

Opie is still the worst. Never forget

Opie was right (for once), Ant is obsessed with him.

Anthony was pretty much tweeting about Opie non-stop from midnight to after 4AM.

Jesus Christ, Anthony.

I dont do twitter so can someone tell me if opie replied to this hate? I bet he didnt. He has at least a little class

well, he is kind of right about opie's shit cast. But that doesn't mean he isn't guilty of the same things.

And your alt account is obsessed with me, too

I know :)