Due to decreasing demand, we are raising prices

67  2018-05-04 by OpieIsUnemployable


Makes perfect sense, operating costs remain the same, so with less people subscribing, they have to raise prices. This is lesson 2 in KtC's Big Book of Business Management.

I'm going to subscribe to his newsletter

Don't forget to send a SASE, I don't think their computers work so good over there in "The Compound."

In what world do operating costs remain the same when doubling the amount of content a network produces and disseminates? Netflix raised their prices as the number of subscribers soared significantly, how does your theory explain that?

they should do free shows and scramble for advertisers

With Artie possibly gone after sentencing for his drug offenses, the price increase really is justified.

Isn't it coming up soon?

Where is this coming from?

He’s doing everything wrong

Keith is an ex cop. He’s just working out of the government playbook.

Need more money? Just take it

The government playbook is you take the money, then you ask for it, then in 6 to 8 months when you get approval take the money again.

It actually does make sense. The phone companies do the same thing with land lines. If for whatever retarded reason you have to have some worthless shit, you are probably going to pay whatever they ask. If faggots still subscribe after all this time they probably deserve to lose more of their money.

The Compound is a mess of human garbage.