Anthony’s response to being called a pedophile - right out of The Pederast’s Playbook

34  2018-05-04 by ShamalamanPanda


i think only pedophiles are aware of that word

I feel like I'm on a watch list for looking it up.

He thinks being technically right somehow puts him in the clear and beyond suspicion.

You still prey on and fuck children.

That's one of the weirdest things he could have said.

Why do Doxx and Poxx both do this? Joe is constantly tossing out the definition of racism to prove that he's not a racist. Although he is, by that very definition. Now this.

What is that, better?

Means you are into pubescent girls as opposed to pre. Whether that is any better is a matter of perspective

Yeah but the pubescent girls he likes look prepubescent. He should be deported.

They also have penises

NAMBLA taught Ant how to bob and weave.

Ant and the rest of his kid-fucker clique probably high-fived and hollered "You Showed Him!!" - after he hit send on this tweet

Fuckin' nailed him

He has to be drunk or stupid to even tweet that. What is he thinking?!

That’s his secret, Cap. He’s always drunk.

"Hi I'm Anthony, I'm a woman biting hebephille" This guy has given up trying, his fans still lick his ass

A rapist is a rapist



What the fuck, you've never seen a hot, hot 13 year old that's completely fuckable? Be honest. I mean if she had ass and tits at 4 what are you gonna do?

You would? That one there?

In a second.

You should be put to sleep you piece of shit. You are a piece of shit you piece of garbage.

Ant showed him!

This is why it’s so strange that Anthony pals around with Chris Hansen.

That’s like Adolf Eichmann palling around with Israeli Nazi hunters.

I mean Anthony knows he’s a pedophile. A man can’t lie to himself. He fantasizes about fucking preteen girls, and would do so if he could get away with it. So hanging out with a high profile pedo hunter is just weird. Maybe he wants to be caught, or it’s a "taunt the police" type of thing.

It's like Walter White and Hank. Hiding in plain sight

Opie should have filmed kids at a playground for the joke to work

Whatever your day job is, I would stick to that.

I molest kids for a living

Like I said, stick to whatever the day job is. Doubling down on the jokes is just doubling down on the cringe.

A ephebophile is just a pedophile with dictionary.