A beaten down Ant admits we’re winning.

139  2018-05-01 by RBuddCumia


A full and rich life you have there.

How many followers do you think he has? Probably very few LOL

I’m stuck in obscurity. 😔

Seeing this made me so sad. Anthony really is completely pathetic isn't he? I fuckin hate him but it's hard to see it when he used to be so funny.

I really don't know and really don't care. If he's off twitter, that's only good for him.

Anthony is having some kind of PTSD flashback to July 2014.

I thought O&A always win in the end.

No silly, That's Fez "The Big Cat" Whatner *Whatley *Fartley

I'm beaten down

He had money, a huge house with a pool, tons of toys and no worries.

And he threw it all down the shitter so he could keep finding new and creative ways to say "nigger" online.

Fucking dagos really are dumb subhumans.

huge house

The worst thing about the type of mcmansion Anthony spent so much money on is that they are basically average houses attached to one or two giant rooms. He has no land and is basically living on top of his Jewish neighbors.

He also bought his McMansion at an overinflated price and it's now worth over a million dollars less than its purchase price, AND he had to take out a second mortgage on it to keep his shitty green screen Wayne's World show in business.

As much as I don’t want to defend him, the second mortgage thing is bullshit. He refinanced his mortgage and rolled the closing costs into the $10,000 loan you’re referring to.

Regardless, he didn't have the money wisely invested anywhere else to make that happen. He still had to "put his own house up" to keep his business running. You know he feels a little stupid for all the times he posted those nigger rich photos of him wasting his fortune on bullshit as a fuck you to his critics.

The spending habits of strangers *really* bothers you, huh?

You defend this "stranger's" habits like you're on his payroll, loser.

And you're scolding another adult for not spending his money the way you would like him to, loser.

You're "scolding" critics of Anthony's behavior, and I'm criticizing Anthony's behavior. Keep slurping the pedo's nuts, loser.

Yeah, but we're all anonymous nobodies. It's equal footing

No, you're a proud "PEST"! A special kind of nobody. Special as in retarded.

Sounds more like Ant/Joe to me. They're always talking about how cowardly it is for "anonymous nobodies" to insult them and hide behind their anonymity.

I agree, bit every one of Tony's live-in prostitutes copy his thoughts on everything from politics to 1970's T.V. shows and worship him in an abnormal way, until he cheats on them.

I wouldn't say it bothers anyone here. It's just that this place runs on hundreds of gallons of schadenfreude daily

if he more money on hand or was better at budgeting/planning, would he need to do that?

buying out the local gun store's entire supply of .50 cal ammo on at least one (let's be honest - probably more than one) occasion probably didn't help that, either.

What is that 10 dollars a round? He's exactly what he hates (black people)

He finally realized after all these years paying thousands of dollars every month that most of it was just interest. After 15 years and more than 2 million deep, he only owns like 10% of that stupid house.

Wayne's World would probably still be on the air if they just got Dave Landeau as the third host.

Big Girls!

Big Girls!

Piggin' Time!


I looked this up prepared to tell you you were wrong and then HOLY SHIT HE PAID $3M FOR THAT HOUSE. He's $800k under water despite the booming housing market of the past decade. What a rube.

He could get $2.2- $2.3 million for it. What did he pay?


Jesus, what an obsessed little faggot you are

You worship and defend a pedophile daily.

More attacking weak arguments coming from a bunch of whiny faggots.

Anthony actually paid money to fuck a man and has spent all day crying on twitter. He's literally a whining faggot.

"All day crying"? I just checked, and I saw no photos of tears coming from Anthony's eyes. I saw some complaining about politics and such, which is pretty normal online behavior.

How's it going Joe?

"some"?! You bullshitting ballwasher, that's just about all it is. He isn't fucking funny, even on that shitty podcast.

I never watch the podcast or read his Twitter. I see him on the Chip Chipperson Podacast, and as a guest on J&S before he was banned. He's funny there.

You're a proud "PEST" and follow him on Twitter, you lying loser: https://i.imgur.com/fzMha0a.png

Oh yeah, forgot about that. Either way, I'm not pouring over every tweet, looking for something to go ah-HA! about

Lying loser!

Says the lying loser who scouts this sub looking for posts to whine about. You're caught. You're rightfully embarrassed.

Says the lying loser who scours this sub looking for posts to whine about. You're caught. You're rightfully embarrassed.

Scour? The REMINDER: posts are the top posts everyday. It's all you talk about. That and Jay Oakersons gloves

Go to the r/TACN sub. It's highbrow, proper Anthony ballwashing for tastes as refined as yours.

I won't

Oh look, /u/TittyMtnhighway is defending Ant again.

Haven't you been exposed enough, dude?

Holy fuck, that is embarrassing. How the fuck can you come in here and criticize constantly with "How can you grown men-"?

You guys have very limited vocabularies. You latch onto one insult and keep at it forever. Ballwasher really doesn't cut me at all. It's like calling me a doodybrain, I don't care.

I don't care.

Sure ya do. You're on here all day washing his balls because you not only care, you care waaaay too much about this fucking disgrace.

No, I don't care if you call me a ball washer. I care about Anthony as much as I care about any celebrity I'm a fan of. I wouldn't want to see anything bad happen to Jackie Chan either, and I don't know the guy at all

Oh look, /u/TittyMtnhighway is defending Ant again.

Haven't you been exposed enough, dude?

Exposed as what? I'm not personally offended by a podcast hosts spending habits like you fags are. Who cares when he tweets too? "He's tweeting at 3am.....Get it!?!?!"

And what did Jocktober victims do to deserve the shit we gave THEM? Practically nothing, in hindsight. Why are you so sensitive to Ant getting shit on if you have no skin in the game? You clearly do.

Jocktober lasts a day, not years.

Whaaaa. Don't start a fire you can't contain, idiots.

Waaah, it was fair when it was happening to others.

Waaah, it hurts too much and lasts too long when it's happening to me.


It's your exact "chat room badass" attitude that I'm attacking. All that "let's get him" or "we need to focus on his Twitter, guys" is so gay. "This is what we do", what, take no personal risk whatsoever while attacking the same person obsessively for 4 years?

Are you retarded?

Do you think the people here today were here 4 years ago? That they never took a break, never went outside?

You spend your days here trying to shame anonymous people into being nicer to your hero. But unlike us, it's just you. Day after day. Acting like the time you spend here makes a lick of difference to anyone but yourself.

You're an AJW... an Anthony Justice Warrior. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself.

You're claiming to be part of a "literal army", and are criticising my self-awareness?

That's your only answer to all that?

Holy shit, you truly are nothing.

Yes, that's my response to "all that". That brilliant AJW line, how can I come back from that? You see, you switched the Social in Social Justice Warrior to Anthony, making it an Anthony Justice Warrior. That kind of genius, plus the fact that you're a member of a LITERAL ARMY, I'm too scared to say anything else. What if I get the army angry? What will happen to me then? Will I be....downvoted!? Oh god, please, please show mercy. Your LITERAL ARMY is so terrifying. Faggot, kill yourself

I stopped reading when it became clear that the Anthony Justice Warrior line got under your skin. Oh, and you're still trying to shame a LITERAL ARMY of people into not being so mean.

Your lack of self-awareness is Opie-like.

Your turn. And make sure you put in at least 5-6 lines of angry text for me to not read again. ;)

(Fucking retarded dickwad.)

Oh shit! NO no no no! Don't call me an AJW again. That will destroy me

What are you, 5 years old? I can get down to your level, watch.

"Oh no! I'm ragging on your hero! Maybe you should try shaming me to stop again, that will work!"

Not very hard to do. So not surprised you took it there, tho.

What are you, 5 years old? I can get down to your level, watch.

"Oh no! I'm ragging on your hero! Maybe you should try shaming me to stop again, that will work!"

Not very hard to do. So not surprised you took it there, tho.

As long as you keep your literal army away, I'll keep quiet. I'm very intimidated by your power. What's your rank?

Oh no! You might not keep quiet, what am I gonna do?

You obviously read past the Anthony Justice Warrior line. Liar

You replied twice to one of my comments? Haha.

Tell me again how I'm not getting under your skin, faggot.

You don't seem to know what it means to get under one's skin

No, that's you lacking self-awareness again. That's how lack of self-awareness works. It would be embarrassing for you if you had it, but no less funny to the rest of us laughing at your attempts to shame the entire sub into submission.

How's that going btw? ;)

And you're a faggot

Oh no, you called me a faggot! What am I gonna do? You're so scary and intimidating! ;)

Clearly, I got under your skin with that one.

Throwing back my lines at me? Thanks for confirming they worked on you and got under your skin. ;)

Uh, dude, that's Ant

Fuck off, obsessed ballwasher. Jesus, you're worse than the chickenfan faggot.

Johnny Cakes, I fucking love you!

Long Island is a trash magnet. They can't leave.

Should've gone where Dipaolo went

Pricey up there too, but the lots are bigger.

You could literally have a 50 acre estate up in the country, while still being only 2 hours from the city, but no, he had to live in WopVille and overpay for land, house, and taxes.

The fuck this garlic eater gonna do with 50 acres?

Give him a mule? He'd still be up 10 acres.

What if you don't want to live 2 hours from the city? What then?

I don’t get why you’re downvoted. Who wants to drive two miles to the city to go to work? Or drive two hours when you want to grab some fancy manhattan dinner or meet up with comic friends?

He leased sports cars all the time, wouldn't a "car aficionado" love the drive?

Also the guy is being downvoted because he is a queer

Queer or not, nobody wants to drive four hours a day if they don’t have to. Also, if you’re leasing cars you don’t want to put four hours a day of driving miles on them.

I need driving 2 hours to work is retarded. Living that far from a city is retarded. Being alone in God's country sucks dick

He stayed close by to see his family... except his mommy.

Eh, that old bitch wouldn't remember who he was anyway.

dont do drugs kids

Honest question, I know fuck-all about real estate: why do they call it a McMansion?

because its generic, low quality that looks like 10,000 others just like it.

I think it's because it's like the McDonalds of mansions? I dunno just guessing.

low-quality, mass-produced furnishings.

Commies don't like people who can afford nice things so they try to denigrate the purchase with sarcastic labels.

Fact is, it's a large house in a high price area that's popular for it's somewhat "convenient" to drive into Manhattan. A builder in that neighborhood would not get away with trying to pass low quality fixtures and upgrades, the Jews would pounce.

That said, it's a lot of house for the lot size, it's adjacent to two highways and the property taxes are outrageous. Also, he bought at the top of the "frothy" market and it looks like he'll never get that equity back.

In suburban communities, McMansion is a pejorative term for a large "mass-produced" dwelling, constructed with low-quality materials and craftsmanship, using a mishmash of architectural symbols to invoke connotations of wealth or taste, executed via poorly thought-out exterior and interior design.

And, like him or not, that term doesn't apply to Ant's house.

Like I said, it's just a label to denigrate something nice.

Yes it does

You want it to because that makes you feel smug. But it really doesn't.

Doesn't change the fact that he's a garbage person.

No, that’s a known type of house.

Yeah, it absolutely does apply. His house looks exactly like my friends' house, which was made by Ryan Homes. You pick pieces out of a house catalogue and they slap it together for you. Hence the term "McMansion." A big house that a person with a decent middle class job could afford.

Are these houses nice? Yeah. I mean, if you ignore the fact that usually the work is very shoddy, they use cheap materials like linoleum flooring, beige carpeting, unfinished basements, etc. But it's still nice. You're just getting severely ripped off if you buy one. But chances are that if you are interested in this type of home then you already either don't give a fuck or don't know anything about houses, so who cares.

I'm not going to insult Anthony like his house is a dump. If I lived in New York I'd much rather have his house than a fucking apartment. But it is what it is. Every other house in his neighborhood was made exactly the same way, like an assembly line.

You're wrong, but I really don't care to argue the point.

I am 100 percent correct. You're just taking an emotional stance and refusing to get it for some reason.

The developer bought the lot with a house on it in 2004 for $820k.

He tore down the original house and built a CUSTOM home in 2006.

This is a long established neighborhood, meaning the original homes were built in the 1950s.

You're wrong.

Yes, it's custom-made. Like how they customize your Whopper. Glad we agree.

Whatever dude, I have no dog in this fight and I don't care to argue about it with some fly over yokel that knows fuck all about New York real estate.

Good luck sweating your days away hoping to one day occupy one of those "Ryan Homes" cardboard cut outs.

You know you're jealous of the people who live in them.

I work in an office where I can shit talk about a dead radio show for hours a day and I own a pretty nice house in a great neighborhood. But by all means keep making random shit up in your head if you think it helps to prove your point.

Your reply in no way negates what I wrote. In fact it solidifies it.

You're so depressed about your current dwelling that the best phrase you can conjure up to describe it is "pretty nice."

And this is in an argument where you would want to put your best foot forward.

You could have lied and said you lived in a palace, how the fuck would I ever know?

Nice dump, stupid!


My point was proven with facts.

Anthony lives in a mcmansion


Call the Jews that built it and let them know you think so.

Ant's house is something that a white trash dago would think rich people have, like granite counter tops or marble floors.

A lot of them truly are low quality. I used to be in construction and I remember working in a subdivision of McMansions. Well, the planners fucked up because they built the entire neighborhood on a pile of large rocks that were not infilled at all.

3 out of every 4 homes had SERIOUS foundation issues (stairstep cracks visible from the road) within a couple years of building them. We made a fortune off that neighborhood. And so did the basement sealers.

This is why you get your own builder and your own engineer when building an expensive home. Something a Kumiya would never do.

Didn't that idiot work in construction too?

Yep. But in a limited scope INSIDE houses trying to kill time before getting drunk.

You hit the nail on the head about planners being incompetent/unscrupulous cunts. At least half the houses that got flooded during Hurricane Harvey are in subdivisions like that, built smack dab in the middle of *fucking flood plains* (a fact that, for whatever reason, doesn't have to be disclosed by realtors). Meanwhile, all the places with actual mansions down here were basically fine.

I also heard that insurance companies fight the claims every time there is a flood. They only exist to keep governmental programs in place and sell premiums (but don’t pay out). How the fuck is that legal?

(This could be complete bullshit btw, I did not research it any further than some angry homeowner on reddit)

Yeah that's what I didnt get, I could see if every house on that block looked identical or something but it's just a...nice neighborhood in Long Island. Also, Ant has a huge fucking backyard. He's got a lot more property than people think, not sure where that's coming from.

It's perfect sized lot for a guy like him that would never want to bother with too much upkeep. That's what that neighborhood is full of.

The midwestern fatsos on here don't quite get it.

If you can tell me how the "compound" isn't a cookie cutter house architecturally, I'll happily change my opinion. I bet there are 25 nearly identical homes in New York state.

To follow up, I'm not certain "architecturally" is a word.

Gee, 25? In a whole state??

I can't believe how cookie-CUTTER!

Commies? Hahah ok brother joe

time to fully doxx. srry bud

You're projecting.

It's made out of hamburgers tsss

From what he said on the radio the house was a demo/rebuild, not a renovation.

Why be content with what you have when you can take risks and gamble it all away? That's why Ant loves Atlantic City and doing stupid things online: every action risks him losing everything he's worked to acquire in his life.

I know people who like to tell a few inappropriate jokes every now and then. They do it for the reaction.

Ant's racism and misogyny, on the other hand, are severe mental illnesses, just like his addictions are. What other term than "mental illness" would you use to explain the behavior of a man willing to lose it all over the "right" to remind lesser races and genders of their true place in the universe?

When did this "need to hate" overtake every other need in Ant's life? That's what mental illness and addictions do.

Look, I hate niggers, women, and kikes as much as the next guy--who doesn't?--but if I had his live I think maybe not broadcasting that fact at every opportunity would be a small price to pay to stay in the lap of luxury instead of throwing good money after bad on his little toy TV station.

Nice "live" stupid

That's a lot of jumping to conclusions, there. He didn't shoot the hooker, even though he is "clearly jonesing to".

And don't put "right" in sarcastic quotes. Americans *do* have the right to hate whoever they want.

Your posting history suggests you're either Joe (a cocksucker), Keith (a cocksucker) or Ant himself (the prime cocksucker).

How many accounts do you guys need to whitewash Ant's retardedness? Didn't I get you to delete Sixglassjoggers once already?

You're not as clever as you think you are, super sleuth.


Words hurt.

Even worse is that he could have just made anonymous accounts and said nigger as much as he wanted without any backlash. Instead he decided to ruin his career trying to be a big boy and show how above all else he was real. Fucking retarded nigger.

Even worse is that he could have just made anonymous accounts and said nigger as much as he wanted without any backlash.

Then he wouldnt have had any attention

Man, imagine your life as a drunk fucking ginzo. It's pretty pathetic.

He just wants to be a Soprano so bad

This is so pathetic considering he fucks little girls that look like boys and little boys that sadly don't look like girls. If he was fucking hot chicks and not leasing faggot cars and not being an irrelevant old tryhard biker gang racist his life would be more respectable. But really he is the mutant, small, sad, and perverted version of the dago mob guy he wants to be.

His follower count drops drastically every time, that's what "tired" means. He knows he'll barely crack 7,000 next time.

Truth. I'll be a little more optimistic, and say he might peak out at 10,000 on his own. Most of the big jumps in followers he had on this one were attaching himself to political things. Each week, and each new account, it gets harder for him to do that.

At this point, he's like one of those Japanese soldiers hiding out in a cave after WWII, too stubborn to wave the white flag.

His biggest boost on his "xyz" account came from Norton and Gavin retweeting him from their accounts and telling their followers to follow Anthony's "new" account.

Yea, until he adds a big name for his 4th Mic!

I think 5th will be the sweet spot. Ask Bob Kelly

I think those Japanese soldiers didn't know the war ended. I guess the analogy still works, since Ant is a refugee from Syria or something like that. It's Syria right? Or Afghanistan or one of those countries.

its getting expensive to keep buying fake followers everytime

Your mom's box... in the ground.

Anthony, gotta ask yourself, was that $5,000 bounty really worth it?

Was getting into a fistfight with a hooker in public and then calling her a nigger also in public worth it? I get the sense that Cumio doesn't thoroughly think things through before he does them.


Nuh uh! That six letter “censored” word was totally savage. Him denying that he called her a nigger and expecting anyone to believe it is fucking mind boggling.

oh yeah they did get physical. how many women is that now thats beaten up anthony? 3?

He's 0-3 against the lesser sex.

1-3. Apparently he pounded Danny Ross' mother.

While she was pregnant I assume.

Anthony Costanza: "well I fucked your mom"
does anyone really believe that one?

At least he's still a responsible, legal white gun owner! Oh.......

legal white gun owner

He was attacked by a niglet. Get it right

Why do you come here? It's high time you realize how pathetic it is that you spend a significant amount of your time defending a pedophile online to the only group of people who even know he exists.

Why do you come here? It's high time you realize how pathetic it is that you spend a significant amount of your time attacking a podcast host online to the only group of people who even know he exists.

And if he just NEVER mentioned it, no-one would have EVER found out.

"Wow, that woman just kicked my ass for taking creep shots..that sounds like something people need to know about. Better also throw in that I told off a group of totally-real black guys, that way people will know I'm a tough guy."

We haven't seen the pics / videos he took when he was following her (obviously that's what happened. I bet it's some great fap material of juciy black hooker ass.

This isn’t over. Anthony will go out like Daniel day Lewis even if it costs everything.

What about Daniel Night Lewis though?


Here, if you have a penis, and I have a penis, and I have a butthole. There it is, that's my butthole, you see? Watch it. Now, my butthole reaches acroooooooss the room and starts to milk your penis.

I... milk... your... penis!

Im not Twitter or a homosexual, censorious liberal

Wasn't someone archiving his tweets. Kind of wondering what Drunkthany considers over the line?

There is a bot archiving all of his tweets lol


This is the one he deleted: http://archive.is/u68O6

whatever that bit was, it probably was funny for all of one minute and spent another 45 minutes running it into the ground. Fucking pedocumia probably sees fathers holding their young daughters hands in photos and this thin-skinned pedo calls cultural appropriation on that.

He made his twink lefty jew producer Rat stand behind him and uncomfortably bang a gong over and over to supplement his "punchlines".

This was during the golden era of TACS, when bits like that were the only break Ant took from reading FBI statistics while creepily staring above the camera the entire time.


Twitter won

he should seriously consider killing himself.

Why? Didn't you hear that everything's going great for Ant? Compound Media is a multi million dollar empire apparently and he's making more money than he ever did at Sirius. Plus he can say whatever he wants now he doesn't work the maaaan.

I'm sure he doesn't miss the days of genuinely being hilarious, surrounded by comics and broadcasting to millions daily. He's much happier drunkenly raging every night on his 3rd Twitter account.

Is it too early to pop open the champagne?

Pop open the casket, his career is dead

Hopefully when he flips over, nobody goes to his calling hours, or attends the funeral

(Why should they be sad?)

You know for a fact Opie won't be there.

("I'll never be in the same room as that FAWKIN guy"

attends the funeral

The funeral home's online guestbook will be packed to the gills, though.

lol reminder that a dozen of leeches depend on him for not dying

but dont do it in sunlight or granth will melt

I fucking love champagne.

Awww, poor victim Anthony. He's beyond stupid.

He thinks he's at war with Twitter and fighting for some weird twisted version of "free speech", which in Tranpa's world means you can take pictures of women walking down the street all alone at night then post them online calling them a nigger and singling out 70yo women on Twitter and calling them cunts.

He really is a dumb fuck. I remember how shocked he acted when Sirius fired him. How fucking stupid do you have to be to work for a company as big as that and be surprised when they fire you for literally calling someone a nigger on Twitter??

Of course then he went into full victim mode and starts taking it out on Opie because he "didn't fight hard enough to save my job". Maybe don't post a crazy tirade of racist shit on Twitter to start with you dumb wop.

What dumb faggot even curses with those characters, not an @ or # to be found.

It's even more embarrassing because the show spent months, years maybe, talking about the apology clock. By the end, 60 percent of the show revolved around people getting fired for saying stupid shit on social media. Then Anthony goes and does exactly the same thing, like a fucking Aesop fable. He is monumentally retarded.

Remember on his latest Carnival cruise when he was tweeting snarky pictures of the other black passengers playing basketball?

This is what happens when you give someone who dropped out of high school a platform to spread his thoughts.

Tss tss he’s like Lenny Excuse or somethin, right guys?

Take us to break, pig.

He thinks he's at war with Twitter

Twitter is to Anthony what Stern is to Opie at this point.

lol nigger I've made like 20 twitter accounts in the past 2 years.

Beaten down by Twitter. Pathetic. Lol

I mainly get my O&A fix trough youtube and am probably years behind event hough i listen to some of the new stuff too. I get all the hate for Opie but am not following why O&A fans here are pretty much hating everyone now. I know I'll get some of the hate too now like always here, but please feel free to explain :p

I'll acknowledge that pretty much everyone is awful (especially now) but I only feel right about enjoying Opie's misery

At least Opie doesn't finger bang twelve year-olds and then brag to his friends about it.

Has this sub decided whether Danny is an attention-seeking lying kike or an honest man trying to do good yet? I can't keep up.

That being said, things definitely don't look too good for ol' Anthony...

sounds exaggerated to me

He's on the ropes. Can't celebrate yet.

He deleted the CM one?

Maybe they think hiring Landau will make him the new lightning rod and take the hate off of Ant and the Cop.

Wait, why are we trying to Ant's life Hell again? He's given us years of entertainment, we all loved 2000s OnA, and this is how we repay him?

He's not funny. He beat up a woman. He statutory raped a 14 year old. He wants to fuck 13 year olds. He may have molested a 14 year old.

We knew all this shit years ago, but as long as his show was good didn't care.

Hot take:

Ant should just stick to making funny comments on twitter. Nothing racial or political.

When's the last time he said or posted anything funny though?

Good question :/

Or just stop using the fucking thing altogether.

Twitter is for faggots. I'd only ever get Twitter if I was an entertainer and I'd do it for the money. Social media is for faggots. If you're doing more than getting laid and talking to your friends you are a queen. Old tranma is a fucking queen

If you're doing more than getting laid and talking to your friends

Ok thanks Florentine.

Does Anthony not understand he can say the exact same things that he wants to in ways that doesn't get everything he says flagged?

Winning? Dude, you can't be right-wing an breathe on Twitter. I wouldn't claim credit.

That's not true at all. David Duke has a popular account along with pretty much everyone who can restrain from actually tweeting the word nigger.


More like BEATEN OFF to RUSSIAN GUYS, stupid.

Because of this I spent 15 minutes going through his Twitter and reporting anything remotely offensive.

I gotta say, he does spend a helluva lot of time spewing out nonsense. And everything is angry. He's got a terrible life.

Poor lil mug

It's perfect sized lot for a guy like him that would never want to bother with too much upkeep. That's what that neighborhood is full of.

The midwestern fatsos on here don't quite get it.

If you can tell me how the "compound" isn't a cookie cutter house architecturally, I'll happily change my opinion. I bet there are 25 nearly identical homes in New York state.

You want it to because that makes you feel smug. But it really doesn't.

Doesn't change the fact that he's a garbage person.

Yes, it's custom-made. Like how they customize your Whopper. Glad we agree.

Eh, that old bitch wouldn't remember who he was anyway.

Lying loser!

Says the lying loser who scouts this sub looking for posts to whine about. You're caught. You're rightfully embarrassed.

Says the lying loser who scours this sub looking for posts to whine about. You're caught. You're rightfully embarrassed.

Twitter is for faggots. I'd only ever get Twitter if I was an entertainer and I'd do it for the money. Social media is for faggots. If you're doing more than getting laid and talking to your friends you are a queen. Old tranma is a fucking queen

Yes, that's my response to "all that". That brilliant AJW line, how can I come back from that? You see, you switched the Social in Social Justice Warrior to Anthony, making it an Anthony Justice Warrior. That kind of genius, plus the fact that you're a member of a LITERAL ARMY, I'm too scared to say anything else. What if I get the army angry? What will happen to me then? Will I be....downvoted!? Oh god, please, please show mercy. Your LITERAL ARMY is so terrifying. Faggot, kill yourself