Matt Groening himself just told everyone offended by Abu to kick rocks...

237  2018-05-01 by Every1ShouldBKilled


The simpsons hasn't been watchable for at least twenty years anyway. This street-shitter's little documentary is the most buzz the show has had in a decade.

It blows my mind that it's still on the air. Who the fuck is even the audience for it anymore? The rare time I've seen any of the new episodes it's just so depressingly bad compared to what it used to be.

I remember watching episodes from 10 years ago and thinking they were so fucking awful. Watched one the other day and it was amazing compared to the shit from today. It's only going to sink lower; I'm interested to see how far down it'll go.

e-rock still watches every episode

the people who watch dogshit comedies that were good and now are NEVER funny are of a lower stock. Keeping up with the characters. christ

compared to what it used to be.

Well that’s it. As a show it’s basically fine right now, it’s just awful compared to what it used to be.

Family Guy is still on the air and it first aired during the Clinton administration. When was the last time FG was watchable?

Season 1 was watchable but the humor felt stale afterwards. You can only have so many fucking flashbacks in an episode. "OH that's like the time I..." repeat ad nauseam.

Family Guy was much better then 1 season. Its like every other good show that has a good story arch and revolving characters. its good until at least season 3-5. After that its the same old shtick and he character progession gets stupid.

Every family guy episode is a mishmash of shit but there's always at least one fucking killer joke in there somewhere

Family Guy has always been funny, every Family Guy episode has at least 1 or 2 jokes that are entertaining.

If I leave Family Guy on the television while I'm on my computer or whatever, there will be a few times were something catches my ear and makes me smile or laugh. The Simpsons does not achieve this, the Simpsons actually makes me depressed, and I'm not exaggerating. The horrible, bland animation of the show and the tired jokes are limbo-like.

I watched some recent seasons and its fine. You're probably just sick of the humour.

Family Guy is still really funny at times. But it definitely should have ended years ago.

References are not jokes.

Hot take

Now it's just episodes based on one single pop culture thing or location "The Simpsons go to _____" and then a bunch of fans of that one thing or place end up watching that one episode.

Like the Boston episode from a couple years ago with ol' Billy Burr voicing some of the characters. I had to check that out but haven't seen another episode in years.

The rare time I've seen any of the new episodes it's just so depressingly bad compared to what it used to be.

Ive said the same thing about SNL.

Was the systems ever funny? It's just 90's Dad humour.

" Aha! That fat cop sure likes donuts, whew! What a riot! "

The only people who I ever recall watching the systems were those kids in School whose parents didn't let them play video games or watch shows like South Park/Beavis And Butthead.

I think King Of The Hill did the whole regular family humour thing way better than the Simpsons ever did.


Fuck off, Mohammed. Seasons 2-8 just get better with age.

I was watching a bunch of season 3 last night, still plenty of humor in there. The subtle jokes are the best.

Maybe watch some before commenting. You clearly never have. If you have and that's what you took away from it, you're brain dead.

He's a good egg.
"Hank Azaria said he would be happy to stop voicing Apu"
This cunt, on the other hand...

It's only because it's not his only character. If he had to give up his job entirely, he wouldn't be so quick to step aside.

I keep imagining the hypothetical look on Azaria's face when "the right thing to do about Apu" becomes garnishing 90% of his lifetime wages for all the hurtful stereotypes non-no feelings he's perpetuated over his decades of voice work. Let's see him put on a phony po-face and do the sycophant's late night grovel tour with colbert, then

There's a lot of poor people in India, and he did make a shitload of money off Apu. Pretty simple solution.

I came across this. The show's own fans think Apu is offensive. I got angry reading this shit. What a bunch of fucking faggots.

That's an amazingly narrow view of the situation. It's dismissive and lacks evidence that it is a small issue created by one or two people.

Speak up with facts next time.

Simpsons fans on forums think that everything the show does is wrong, even back in the 90s before it was bad. I think O&A posters should understand that more than anyone.

Is there a Simpson equivalent of Wackbag?

Who is the "Fred From Brooklyn" of the Simpsons?

Yeah but this annoys me for some reason. They're being such fags about it.

How fucking dare they, the balls to criticize the creative work of someone else from behind a keyboard.

"Uhmm, no sweetie you can't use your hate facts here"

I tried giving that cuck of a comedian a go, but the best example I can think of from how his crowd responds is Clapter. Just trying to make a statement to get an audiences agreement


You respond, Stopping committing crime 5x the rate of everyone else

Apu, you retard


A poo

Ah booo


The fact that these America Desis act like Apu is any worse than the 500 other caricatures on that show just advertises their massive inferiority complex, and the documentary was just a way to say "I don't smell like those hurka-durka Indians please fuck me"

Also the dude who made the documentary is like a rich kid from Brooklyn with rich doctor parents. If anyone knows the oppression indians face its this guy

Indian Americans are the most privileged ethnic group in the USA averaging 100k a year in income.

and most of them were paid and or sponsored to come to the USA by US companies and Universities.

How did they pass up a diamond in the rough like you?

I'm not trying to be a smart ass...I'm actually giving factual information. The Big 2 or 3 US pharmacies do this all the time, as do's not like it's a secret. I've personally got nothing against any race of people...every race has good people and assholes.

every race has good people and assholes.

(((Some))) more than others. Amirite fellas?

Fortunately places like Canada use a merit based system to filter out the useless ones. About 70% of ours are professional/skills based.

Meanwhile the US is 70% family/spouses/grandparents of the one skilled person. Aka chain migration.

But they criticize Canada for being pro-immigrant. lmao. Enjoy Omar's half dumb brother Ahmed.

I live in the south. We don't have Omar, Ahmed, or his cousins. We have Tyrone.

If you can't trust an anonymous redditor when it comes to income statistics by race, who can you trust?

Why would you trust me, just look it up

Because it's easier to just trust you.

and yet every Indian I've met is soooo fucking dumb.

I'm white with poor parents. I've had to work hard as shit while this kid could do whatever the fuck he wanted. What a dishonest, exploitative weak piece of shit. I wouldn't be upset if bad things happened to him

Op is talking about Abu man, no one know what you are talking about

The fact that these America Desis act like Apu is any worse than the 500 other caricatures on that show

They don't.. It's one or two people looking for attention. Indians love the Simpsons and don't give a fuck about apu


kick rocks

Whoa, whoa, whoa, buster. Cool it with the language.

BASED Jew! Where'd he get the courage!?

bite your tongue, he's a gentile


This show had plenty of ethnic stereotypes. May as well get rid of all of them in one fell swoop by ending the show

It worked for MDE, they no longer have a leader and thriving online community to advance their political views. Censorship totally works guyz! It doesn't create martyrs or anything.

Sam Hyde is a fat unfunny faggot kike.

You too.

I am not a kike.

That's highly debatable.

I am 100% Nigerian.

Abu is my favorite character in Aladdin.

I find any time you guys archive pages to stop clicks really douchey.

Why attack Apu? He's one of the smartestb funniest characters from the Golden age, and was never played up as a stereotype to the extent of Bumblebee Man (himself a parody of an actual character) or Wiggum (a true stereotype of the fat corrupt cop). Context is totally destroyed in this argument about Apu - EVERYONE on the show was fair game, but as Dave Mirkin said, "No one gets it worse than the white WASP."

If you want to shit on someone, shit on Raj from Big Bang Theory.

That 70's Show did good by keeping Fez ambiguous

Sadly, you're right. He's as annoying as Raj though


He'd never shit on that show because it's full of effeminate fruits like him that make it "cool" to be a no testosterone queen.

People weren't offended 30 years ago, 20 years ago, 10 years ago, 5 years ago or even one year ago. Now that taking offense is currency people are pretending to be offended. Just so tiresome.

They were offended though, the internet wasn't mainstream so you didn't hear their opinions though.

Remember when you used to hear about 10's of millions of people writing into Fox or whatever to get Family Guy taking down for being " Offensive "?

Don't have a short memory, it makes you silly.

The internet has been been pretty mainstream since the late 90s, dope. The Apu "offense" started six months ago.

The internet hasn't been mainstream in the fashion it is now until the late 2000's. In Highschool, half of the class had to use the Computer lab because they didn't have internet at home to work on projects with and that number was even less in Middle-School.

I remember when one of my friends got internet and started playing Call Of Duty 4 Multiplayer, we used to go over in groups to watch him play the game.

Television and major companies didn't start to pick up on the internet in a major way until the 2010's .

Right on the wikipedia page for the character,

" There was a mild controversy during the aforementioned 7-Eleven promotion in 2007, when some members of the Indian-American community voiced concerns that Apu is a caricature that plays on too many negative stereotypes "

As I said, you morons just have a short memory.

Internet was not mainstream until the 2010s? Lol ok.

Uhh, you do realize we are currently in the 2010s? What is this new fangled internet you speak about?

This is why I've always been horrified of "leftist" (if you can call it that) politics.

The line keeps moving, until everything is swallowed up.

Bridesmaids came out in what, 2011? And everyone thought it was just a harmless comedy for girls. But no, every comedy must be like this now, or it will get awful reviews (like the new Super Troopers).

Cultural terraforming into unfunny, unwatchable 'progressive' dogshit.

It's not left or right. They all do it. Depends whose ox is being gored. The offense brigade, left and right, are all full of absolute shit.

I disagree. This is just lefty "how dare a white person portray a person of color!" bullshit. The guy that stirred all this shit up already said he wouldn't mind it if an actual Indian guy was voicing the role. It's just more: whites are appropriating/racist assholes nonsense when it's just the dude acting. If it were about an ethnic Indian playing a white guy cartoon character, the right wouldn't be losing their shit over it. Hence, why I disagree.. you wouldn't see the same "outrage" if the voice actor was non-white and the character was white. This is totally a lib/sjw thing.

And yesterday the right had its panties in a knot over a comedian. It’s all the same thing— fake outrage. All total bs

More examples of years!

Groening has "fuck you" money and fame, and if he never changes Apu, you know what happens? Nothing. These idiot kids who go out of their way to be offended will move on to an easier target.

Stop listening to the complainers and watch how nothing bad happens to you or your product. Doubly so if you're selling something, the liberal crybaby left has no buying power.



Apu is one of the most beloved characters on that show, and every character on the Simpsons is supposed to personify the worst aspects of whatever they represent.

Offends cunts can go fuck off.

Some brown faggot comedian was called Apu as a kid one time, BAN THE SIMPSONS!


lol calling him Abu reminds me of when an elderly person tries to reference something new that the kids are into and gets it wrong.

Like after the controversy when Beavis & Butthead inspired a kid to burn down his home was all in the news, and the next time I saw my elderly grandfather he asked, "You watch that, uh.. ..uhh.. Beaver Butthead show?"


Buffcoat and Beaver

He's right. Indians don't deserve to be equal with humans. Maybe if they didn't smell so bad... but yeah. Way to go Matt. Fuck those stinky towel heads. Way to go!

shut up, faggot

Not until your dad finishes blowing me. Then I will shut up, you nigger kisser.

Fags like you arent supposed to use the n-word, hammer.

You tell the mean man!!!

Maybe it's time to accept that a shift in the culture is occurring, and things that were appropriate in the past are no longer appropriate now.

Oh, wait. I'm on r/opieandanthony. Never mind then.

This isn't about any "shift in the culture". This is about setting up a narrative that selectively contextualizes the past, while controlling the thoughts and ideas of the future. EVERY PERSON complaining about this believes they're in the moral right, but they TRULY have no idea what they're talking about or what something that's ACTUALLY offensive is. As long as it makes sense to their subjective or relative idea of whats offensive, they can then load it into the cannon of virtue signaling, and fire it at the "right target".

You don't think that that kind of thinking, tends to dogmatize what you believe in, completely killing individuality? You don't think that its a bit scary when people freak out when you "go off the reservation", when you're in a group thats not supposed to(ie Kanye?). And you don't think that maybe there are Indian fans of Simpsons, who enjoyed the character whole-heartedly and weren't turned off from the fandom of the show because of Apu? What about them?

Hit the bricks, Kondabalu.

Indian Americans are the most privileged ethnic group in the USA averaging 100k a year in income.

How did they pass up a diamond in the rough like you?

I'm white with poor parents. I've had to work hard as shit while this kid could do whatever the fuck he wanted. What a dishonest, exploitative weak piece of shit. I wouldn't be upset if bad things happened to him

the people who watch dogshit comedies that were good and now are NEVER funny are of a lower stock. Keeping up with the characters. christ

There's a lot of poor people in India, and he did make a shitload of money off Apu. Pretty simple solution.