Married With Children - 20 years later and it's still the best

99  2018-04-26 by crookedmile


"Veto! I say, Veto!"

Even the kiss of death Ted McGinley didn't diminish that show for me.

I still think that the Steve and single Marcy years were the best, but Jefferson was still funny in his own right.

Jefferson was the best character though.

Nah, Al was.

You could do anything with him - he could be a caring Dad, a protective Dad, a cool Dad, a terrible Dad, a spiteful husband, an angry co-worker, and an old pervert in the same episode. And you'd always believe it.

That kiss of death thing is bullshit. The show got so much better with Jefferson than with steve, and the ratings were the highest with Jefferson. They ran out of ideas eventually and the stories just got crazy far fetched before it ended

Ted McGinly had a stigma for being a show killer because of his late appearances on Happy Days and Love Boat. I don't think it applied to Married With Children

One of my all time favorite shows..

Sometimes I pretend that “Modern Family” is a spin-off of MWC, where Al gets rich and leaves Peggy.. Bud becomes the gay son and Kelly is the daughter.. they all changed their names so Peggy can’t find them, because Peggy joined the Sons Of Anarchy biker gang and wants to kill them..

7. you're gay

And Peggy got raped by a past his prime punk rocker, turned white supremacist.


-- 'jus rapin n shit

Did he have aids?

But not before Peggy killed John Ritter.

MWC was so much better than overrated Jewfeld.

Ive been saying for years that MWC is better than Seinfeld (which is also great)

The good seasons are better than any season of Seinfeld. The problem is the last 4 or 5 seasons were not good. It is amazing that despite that it is still one of, if not the, best sitcoms ever.

Jefferson > Steve

Horrible Bud Light-induced diarrhea after getting raped by Sue > Seven

No comparison, steve was a terrible character compared to Jefferson

You can get the entire MWC series in DVD for around $25 on Amazon. Best investment I ever made.

Something for you all to consider treating yourselves to when your SSDI and/or welfare checks come in 5 days from now.

jokes on u mine comes in this monday

Show's what you know, Panera pays just enough to prevent me from getting food stamps!

Luckily the allowance from my brother keeps my rock and roll cover dreams alive.

But what is it going for on DEEP DISCOUNT????


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Watching this shit on TBS just as I clicked this shit. Fuck yeah it's still the best.

Know what's great about this? The fatso gives as good as she gets.

Bobby was always quick with his retorts

Ya know what dude, you got ya floral dress, you got ya wig.

You can listen to Al make fun of Whale - Sized Nagels for hours and not get bored.

We should celebrate white trash.


Anthony is so black that he cosplays as white trash.

I was always so depressed by this show

I was around 12 when this show was on, and I couldn't comprehend why Al didn't want to fuck his hot wife

I'm 25 and I still don't understand why Al didn't want to fuck his hot wife.

I'm all for shitting on fat people but that wasn't funny.

God I miss when sitcoms were funny. All this hipsterized sitcoms with the zappy fast dialogue that all the comedy snob faggots love just makes me angry. MwC was great because the pacing was more nature and it felt like you were watching some weird play about a miserable woman hating asshole, Al Bundy was the best character of the 90s as far as I'm concerned.

I hear that! :laughtrack:

Mods please delete - its not about the 4 topics we're allowed to post and I think OP probably hates kumanil nweadudasdj

Christina Applegate can be annoying these days, but she STILL defends this show in 2018. That's gotta count for something.

Imagine Colin Quinn playing this role

Never thought about that, but no one else could pulled it off better than Ed O'Neill then Colin. Peg and Kelly were perfectly cast, Bud could have been replaced by Anthony Michael Hall.

Al always lost in the end though.

I've listened to O&A so much that Al reminds me of Colin

I miss the early 90s.

Al bundy goes along with opie and Anthony as influences that made me a shit person. I grew up trying to insult the shit out of people for laughs but that only works sometimes.

Yea im a faggot

holy fuck. is it just me or does the first guy on the left in the shoe store (bespectacled indian) look like Andrew from the tim & eric episode “Origins” where they created the website in 1996?

first guy on the RIGHT. i’m drunk

Very specific, but I got the reference. I'll give you an upvote

Married with children is one of the most memorable TV series that I have watched as a kid. Despite the fact that the jokes are somewhat not very suitable for an 11-year old girl, I laughed at them and did not get too deep into them. This is also what I recommend to the people who think it is quite sexist sitcom - it is not. They make jokes about everyone - the handsome men, the beautiful Barbie doll looking girls, the housewives, 40+ years old men, etc. So I suggest you to run MWC marathon for the good old time. Well, at least this is what I would do once I go home from work.

Bobby was always quick with his retorts

Horrible Bud Light-induced diarrhea after getting raped by Sue > Seven

No comparison, steve was a terrible character compared to Jefferson