Kelly Ripa’s daughter has some huge beefers.

171  2018-04-26 by RBuddCumia


I’d like to Waffen SS those jiggle jaggers.

How the hell did that happen? Those beefers didn’t come from that snatch.

I want to look at both buttholes.


I’m a faggot because I want to look at a couple of nice ladies’ buttholes?

You are a faggot if you don’t want to look at these buttholes.

Nice not getting the joke, stupid

Nice phrasing, stupid.

You think I was being serious? God damn, your an idiot.


Jeez, I'm sorry for picking on your boyfriend, calm down queer

You are one verbose faggot

Oh no, you got me good with that one! please sir, don't come at me with another one of your witty remarks, I dont know if I can take another

Both of you need to die of aids

Dope ninja edit, you faggot. What your original shitty joke wasn’t cutting the shit mustard so you went back to the lab and cooked up this fucking genius retort? Nice work you rube.

I like me. My wife likes me.

Dudidhsyshdkjdkdikfbsjd, stupid

This guy gets it

holy mother of fuck

I guess the women on her dad's side have big tits.

Opie impregnated Kelly Ripa?

Brotherman gets a pass on this job.

Its that Hispanic blood, they get these insane bodies by like 15.

Can we bring back the Hebrew Hanger threads? Or is that too gay for this sub.

I prefer a big fat cock on my girl not big gross boobies.

fuck those downvoting haters, I'm with ya

Bunch of faggots prefer big round luscious tits over a giant thick cock with a bead of pre cum dripping out of the head.

Do like you like large unclipped cock?

All the better to dock with!

I'm not surprised.

I'm not surprised!

Those are fabulous mammories.

Say what you want about Anthony. The guy may actually be on to something with the high school sophomore girl concept

Well, well. [tips fedora]

Nice url, stupid.

that son has sucked at least 600 cocks

All at once or is that cumulatively?

Which one?

In a row?

I didn't even know that sub existed, but i just checked, and im banned from there, too.

Me neither, I got an auto response the second I hit send. Not like this is my first comment here by a long shot.

there are a few dozen subs on here that auto-ban people, without them even posting, if their bots see you post on a "problem" sub

I could’ve sworn they changed the TOS so that gamerghazi and all those fags couldn’t auto block everyone. I guess they changed their minds.

Of course not. this is reddit. they protect the left leaning subs.

Eh, I can’t say much. I’m banned from /r/wtf for fucks sake.

She is an absolute unit

In awe of the size of her tits

Built for BBC

I can't stand you fags

Even worse than BRAAAAAP-fags

someone please post the direct link already. I know google is a superpower now but let me at least not add half a penny to there pockets when i can

oh grow up

this is a reply I'd expect from the left after being told a conspiracy

You know you're right?

oh grow up...FAGGOT.

Is that better?

Remember that she'll grow into those tits in her mid-twenties.

Say what you want about Anthony. The guy may actually be on to something with the high school sophomore girl concept


I would love to bust all over those puppies.

I prefer kittens

That is quite a set of dairy cannons on her. Or "emersons", as in "emerson nice ones".

Nice Larry the Cable Guy joke, stupid.

Just a rockin' set of tits

straight outta Nipopolis

She's only 16 so she's right in Anthony's wheelhouse.

But the big question.....Are those huge fucking tits worth the possibility of jail time?

Anthony only likes “girls” he can buy tits for.

That's how he inflates their worth. Get it?


why jail? Thora Birch's 16 year old boobs were in American Beauty, and that was legal for some reason

Googled this : "She was 17 when she filmed her topless scene for American Beauty, but in California that is legal, so long as the Child Labor Board approves. Thora Birch's mother played the nurse in the porn classic Deep Throat, and both her parents co-starred in the sex western Bad Girl of the West and the tasty Candy Goes to Hollywood."

As long as the parents and Child Labor Board approves I guess you can see under 18 tits in a movie.

So Thora Birch tits in a movie = OK

You sucking or fucking the luscious tits of a TV stars 16 year old daughter = Not OK

just get the child labor board to approve it, idiot

Depends on the state/country, 16 is legit in a bunch of US states (17 in NY, so its iffy when you're alone in a subway car and then an entire highschool girls soccer team gets on) and most of Europe. Basically a bunch of imaginary lines determine whether or not its ok to check out that stacked chick walking down the block, with the wind lifting up the back of her skirt to her plaid school uniform just enough to see the bottom of her beautifully smooth and plump ass-cheeks. So in my case, in NY, if she's 17, "thats so fuckin hot", if she's 16 "Ewww, how gross".

WTF are they putting in the water these days? When I was a freshman in college I was dating a seventeen year old with really REALLY big tits. It's my thing. They were C cups.

When the fuck did girls start developing DDDD cups at 16?

WTF is going on?

He likes flat chested girls.

Kelly is luck her current cohost is a homosexual. Imagine if Michael Strahan or Regis Philbin were still her cohost? They'd have been motor boating those massive boobs as soon as Kelly got distracted and then given her a nice titty fucking.

Oh my goodness.

She's gonna need back surgery by like 19.

She's gonna Ariel Winter those hangers soon.

That was more heinous than the holocaust

56% beaner bimbo

Yeah she is really hot, this is the best version of the video

She stands with her hands on her waist, chest pushed out, tits on full display. She wants guys to check them out.

Too bad she has no instagram

No Hentai either?

Wow, she's holding her curtain arms back to show the beefers.

Seacrest's gesture isn't telling at all...

Even a gay dude like him wants to give them a squeeze.

I want to see her butthole

she's savvy enough to hide her beefers behind a privacy wall

Anyone know a legit way to see private instagram photos?

Uh follow them

I don't have an instagram

I doubt they will follow back but I will report my findings.

Thank you for your service.

Fun fact: For nearly the entire month of April 2001 a re-occurring bit on O&A was the replacement of Kathie Lee for Kelly Ripa. The bit being that when she started the gig, Ripa was pregnant and Anthony (as Regis) would constantly complain about bringing on a new woman who would constantly talk about her kids like Kathie Lee used to.

If only they were still on the air, what do you think Anthony's bit would be?


Holy Jim Breuer Stonerface, fam.

Judging by his gesturing, Seacrest seems to agree.

That's only 3 years off of Ant's ideal women.

That's only 3 years off of Ant's ideal woman.

She's only 16 years old!

Thank God.

Jesud is watching I would watch your language unless you want to end up in a fiery pit wuth a demon using an apple peeler on your balls.

Looks like the guy's saying the same

I'd have Kelly eat her daughter's ass while I throat fucked that young big titted slut. Then I would blow my load and take a shit and me and the girl would push Kelly's face in my shit and make her eat it and rub it on her face like a pig. (Just kidding)


The aristocrats!

Ah cha cha cha!

Would ya?

You a big dirty boy so cool dude

I call them "ripas".

I wanna suck on her breasts while she begs me to stop.

real beefers too, gawdamn!


Nice heavy jugs. Kelly has almost nothing so I wonder where those came from. Unless stupid Kelly had huge ones and had them taken off at some point.

She's married to a swarthy Iberian; the THICC genes must have been in his DNA.

I'd take her to Toronto, treat her to an afternoon at an adult bouncy castle, then slap those bad boys around till my prick spit dust.

Damn Cuuuuzzzz!!!

sigh i need to get laid.

Googled this : "She was 17 when she filmed her topless scene for American Beauty, but in California that is legal, so long as the Child Labor Board approves. Thora Birch's mother played the nurse in the porn classic Deep Throat, and both her parents co-starred in the sex western Bad Girl of the West and the tasty Candy Goes to Hollywood."

As long as the parents and Child Labor Board approves I guess you can see under 18 tits in a movie.

So Thora Birch tits in a movie = OK

You sucking or fucking the luscious tits of a TV stars 16 year old daughter = Not OK

Bunch of faggots prefer big round luscious tits over a giant thick cock with a bead of pre cum dripping out of the head.

Jesud is watching I would watch your language unless you want to end up in a fiery pit wuth a demon using an apple peeler on your balls.

I'm not surprised.

In awe of the size of her tits

I'm not surprised!