Keith the Crooked Cop lies to his audience, hints at hiring Nick DiPaolo when it will almost certainly be a no-name instead.

43  2018-04-25 by Literal_Luke


The linked tweet was tweeted by @Keiththecop on Apr 25, 2018 16:37:43 UTC (24 Retweets | 221 Favorites)

Definitely hearing everyone’s voices for adding certain talent to the network. Before the end of the week we will announce an addition to @ArtieandAnthony . Also when we are back next week another show or two will be announced. We’re progressing w the tech settlement. Thanks!

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Nick has a show on the shitty riotkask network too. Not sure if Blobby and his jew partner would be cool with that. Blob wouldnt let jim leave and theyre friends forever

There's no way DiPaolo is joining CM, Keith is just trying to trick people into tuning it.

keith the crook is a good name, he lies about everything, anything to make money

Well that's confirmed. On Ants prerecord show from Tuesday he teases a change coming to Monday's show. It has to be dan landow

Who the fuck is Dan Landow?

Some guy with a fat wife according to Kevin Brennan

Does anyone have the mock up Keith did when he announced the Anthony and Ron show? He is such a fool.

I guess I forgot to bookmark it.


I guess I forgot to cache

I guess I forgot to laugh.

I guess I forgot the Pabst

a cigar and a gun. at least ron still has his cigars

Shouldn't Anthony be on the right going by the title? Keith really is a nincompoop.

So embarrassing.

Oooof. Anthony and Ron.

Consider: Ron did a show with his daughter, who was never on the radio at all, before he would do one with Anthony. That should give you an idea of his opinion of Anthony.

Or you know... he wants to give his daughter a career.

Anthony should be darker

Live from Nippon.

he should tease it by posting photoshopped silhouettes of Ant and Nick standing in front of a feudal japanese flag.

What will all these leaches do when Tranth is discovered face down in his pool? I'm thinking they try to go at least a week using Tranth's corpse in a weekend at Bernies type scenario.

Dave Landau will have sex with the corpse.

Hey, it's gotta be better than having sex with his fat wife, amirite?

"What will all these leaches do when Tranth is discovered face down in his pool?"

Fish him out and go through his pockets for loose change?

He'll start production on the t-shirts before they even get a text back from Nick.

The Ant and Dave Landau show!!! Oh charlie dont hit me again!

Still the douchiest profile pic in history.

Douchier than a drawing of yourself with dreamy anime eyes for some reason?

Yes, somehow. It shouldn’t be possible.

It took a lot of work to find the angle so he didn't look fat, hid his teeth, and gave him a healthy skin-tone.

So are they brining a third host to AA? Maybe it should be Ron Perlman so they could call the show AARP tss

Joe wouldn't have it. They'd be like two brothers on the opposing side of the civil war.

It'll turn out to be Brother Joe.

Guilty By Association baby!

I can't wait to hear ant and nick's fresh new take on how political correctness and college kids are ruining America.

Adding a third mic to AA means they're all aware Artie is going away soon, either to a pine box or a jail cell.

Compound media is like a ghetto where all the Italian guys who get fired get rounded up and stuck there

Keith's outfit screams "I'm going for the Tom Cruise in Collateral look, but I also really want to finish this JCPenney gift card."

What tech settlement? Assholes.

i dont want them to hire Dipaolo and I hope Malice leaves so will listen to them. Both can be fine independently

Can't wait for the new show with a terrible "punny" name, hosted by some humorless G-list standup comic no one has heard of.

he hasnt been a cop in ages, and he still calls himself keith the cop? Douche

An addition to A&A? These assholes talk all over each other enough as it is.