Opie rented a Tesla and pretended someone was wooing him for his services. He also staged a contract signing for Westwood One

226  2018-04-25 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK

What's his next move? Printing up fake stock certificates to brag about the stock options Netflix is offering him? Posting photos of his double mastectomy and claiming CBS Radio paid for it? Dying alone, divorced, estranged from his kids with no money?


He's trying to troll the trollers but it only makes him look dumb in front of his own dwindling fanbase.

I think its time cake stomp got linked with Westwood one. They can then come out and confirm he's not with them.

Cake stomp? How about roland shiting in a private stall while Opie secretly films him stomp?

Cake stomp has more viral appeal.

Youre not wrong.

It's not like Opie is going to work at their building and be a HR problem. He likely has to get his own studio and shit

Exactly - who wants to watch Roland shit?!?

Roland shitting is literal more viral.

Were ya looking for vile?

No. Normal people would see a gross fat zit of a human being on the toilet and immediately close the window.

With a homeless person, people will watch out of guilt and pity.

Not if you leave out the gender and go vague:

"Newest Westworld entertainer was fired from previous job for filming a coworker in the bathroom"

That screams creepy guy filming a girl's bathroom.

Opie's a robot and schizznic

Where is that video I’ve never seen it

If you offered Sherrod what Opie pays him per show, I gurantee he would sell him out and give it to you.

How about a mashup?

"ME: Joke's on you, I was only pretending to be retarted"

Yeah, he'd definitely misspell "retarded".

Nice grammar, stupid.

Where ever this goes, it's sure to be entertaining. Opie desperately fighting to stay relevant and being unemployed is everything I could have hoped for. Hopefully this ends with a vague tweet, something like 'It's been fun, thanks to everyone for the support.' And his body found floating the next morning in the Hudson River.

And his body found floating the next morning in the Hudson River.

Tits up, as it were.

With his luck he would survive the fall.

His breasts would cushion the impact.

Like two islands poking up in the ocean

I just got hurt from laughing at that, thank you

I now know what I’m jerking off to tonight

probably that last thing you said

It’s in my daily prayers

Opie needs a new edge. His radio DJ crap was finished in the late 90s. Something fresh. He already has giant tits. What if he just fully transitioned into a woman? He would get a new audience over night and be relevant again. He could be as dramatic and whiny as he wants to be and he could actually get support for it.

I think make believe Edge is available.

He needs to slide a new steel edge across his throat while applying maximum pressure

Joe Cumia dresses up as the Edge

The trans community would shun him

this is scorch-level self-promotion.

Scorch has managed to be less embarrassing than Opie's current trajectory, which I didn't think was possible

When Scorch says he's in a Hollywood movie, he's at least an extra. When Scorch says he's gone world-wide, there's at least a chance someone with an IP address from outside the USA clicked on one of his videos.

With Opie, it's just all bullshit.

Nobody takes it to the levels that Scorch takes it Scorch is God

Someone should contact Westwood One pretending to be a reporter asking to confirm if Opie is employed or on contract to provide content for the network. Not me, but someone.

I've got an email into their advertising department:


How long before Joe Cumia tweets some mysterious threat to “Mr Allensworth”, as if he’s managed to dox another enemy in this subreddit

My email address is at vspiralmarketing.com. I work in sales. Step into my office, Joe!

You using a VPN? Cuz if not, and you sent that through Westwood One's website, it doesn't matter what fake email you put there, they have your IP address now. Whether they even want it or not.


nobody looks him in the eyes

Lord's work my friend.

Dear Sirs,

I am interested to know if you are employing Gregg "Opie" Hughes as a podcaster on our network. I am a reporter for the Daily Iowan and we are interested to know if he will be on the air again soon.


ShitLord CuntDick Esq.

Hell fuckin yeah dude

"Niche audience". Nice one.

Is niche French for “no”?


I got a canned response that they do not comment on deals in progress nor imaginary deals. They also suggested I promptly go fuck myself.

Niche market. Nice.

"figuring it out" "ramping up" "getting the pieces in place" are all buzzwords of a true professional, so I tend to believe him.

Opie thought his show was green lit, but the production is blue sky .

There are many moving parts to unpack in this fluid atmosphere.

Everything he tweets is always 100% real and not made up in a transparent attempt to get a contract advantage.


I have gone months without the name Opie entering my brain. Good times we live in.

I actually have NO opportunities currently. Jokes on YOU! HaAhaHahAhaHa - ThE oPSTEr

He signed with Breastwood Zilch

We heard you

when did I say that twice here?

Opie will rise from the ashes as a giant poop Phoenix of failure.

Opie doing a live read of your post:

“A giant poop...puh ho ennix.”

I tried tweeting at him to ask where he was at with the Westwood One deal. He actually blocked me.

Sounds like a fucking fantastic outcome! Hear, Hear!

Opie is trying to catch me if you can the radio biz but he's failing miserably

Yeah, but he's really sticking it to the haters with his continued unemployment.

He's going to end up making fake sound boards in Poland

Nobody wants to catch him though.

That's the bit, you DOPE!

Slight Correction: Opie rented a Tesla and took pictures of it in front of the beach house he pretended to own. He's a sad heavy breasted failure.

Probably rented it to take the trip to that failure of an appearance on Wease show. It was around that same time.

Fake his own kidnapping,and then kill himself.

Ah the old Lindbergh baby method.

"The Puppet master".

He should carve a swastika in his head and claim he was jumped and assaulted by a roving pack of Neo Nazis.

I actually think Opie is the biggest liar of them all. Ant has to lie to avoid prosecution and Jim because he's so in denial, but Opie just lies for zero good reason.

What funnier is he thinks people believe him but its too obvious. Just he just ends up being an awkward,one upping, try hard.

He did all of this for the eleven legitimate followers he has on twitter.

Ant gave him the only good offer he's gotten and he shit on it. Like a emotional woman, he let his feelings get in the way of his $.

There was this guy a few years ago who every day, pretended to be a high paid researcher in the medical field.
Instead, he would drive under a bridge and read medical magazines to keep his wits sharp.
He would loan money from his friends and family, under the false pretense of a long term investment, to pay for his bourgeois lifestyle.
He eventually got cornered by people asking for their money back and decided to get a rifle, murder his parents, his wife and kids, set fire to his home and swallow the shotgun.
He woke up.

Opie's future ?

Got any more info for that story? Sounds pretty interesting

Here's the real story. It differs a bit from what I told, which is the movie version.

Opie rules

More like a Westwood ZERO!!!

CBS Radio? He past. It's all Entercom, now.

He needs to exit the business. Good God. How am I still hearing about what Opie is doing. Opie is the worse.

Hilarious story. Wow

he should go on Konnan's podcast Keeping It 100 and be put on the Disco List

doesn't he have many millions of dollars? why not just go south and buy a house and live happily ever after? i don't understand

Kurt Cobain is one of Opie's idols. He has said of Cobain many times how he liked that Cobain went out at the peak of his career instead of fading away pathetically.

Opie is the guy who always wanted that viral video and never got it. Remember his idea of giving away thousands of dollars if you got one of those dollar bills with that he signed or had a special number on it? NOBODY cared. He threw some hockey tickets out of a car window on video and one local tv station played it. All those catchphrases he tried to get going? Oh God they were so cringy. "Big boy got the big bat today!" after every joke he made. It lasted a day when neither Anthony or Jim would acknowledge how awful it was.

I think he's one of those guys that never got the attention he believed he deserved. To fade away as a guy streaming his sushi meals with 8 people watching must kill him inside. Any one else would just say fuck it, I'm going to enjoy being a millionaire and retired.

Fucking Bobo is more in demand than Opie

Haha look at his twitter!!!! His banner picture is a link to the opieradio website shop. He doesnt even have a show or anything to sell merch for, getting desperate huh? What a pathetic idiot


Surely whatever company was willing to give him a fucking Tesla was more enthusiastic about him than WestWood One is, the fact that they haven't even teased his show is really suspicious, wasn't Opie's SiriusXM contract up the October right need when he got fired? theres no way he's under a gag order from Sirius like Erock has insinuated he is.

If Opie really was offered a Tesla from another company he is a fool for not taking that offer, just that offer shows some respect and excitement for his brand which WestWood One clearly doesn't have nor would any other channel or network.

I think make believe Edge is available.

It's not like Opie is going to work at their building and be a HR problem. He likely has to get his own studio and shit

He needs to slide a new steel edge across his throat while applying maximum pressure

Joe Cumia dresses up as the Edge

The trans community would shun him

Exactly - who wants to watch Roland shit?!?