In case you missed it: Danny is having a meltdown, challenging people to fights and threatening to take down the sub for hate speech. Here's some highlights, and some timely advice from Joseph Goebbels.

201  2018-04-24 by justneedtologin


Doing god's work. Please tell me you are workshopping a new masterpiece.

Goebbels had a few quotes that fit us quite well, like this one.

Awww. Poor guy had a real case of the Mondays.
Hard to be resentful for the whole WWII thing after reading this.

Nice cramming in one page, stupid

Why would he do this to himself?

Why not just make another anonymous account so retards stop calling out his retardedness

Because we're so obsessed. He isn't.

I put up a few pages of his post log on for when he deletes his account. Normally opposed to this in all circumstances, but this guy has been spreading info on others that could cause lasting harm to his ex colleague's marriages and disparages a dead suicide case with needless gossip. Just a little effort on my part that hopefully will haunt him the way the shit he's doing to others (like erock) will haunt them.

He strikes me as a classic narcissistic borderline personality disorder.

He's just trying to get that 5k from ant. Good luck to him.

The real question being, would Ant pay up? Can he even afford to?

off his meds again

Speaking of meds, I googled "can logic help cure schizophrenia" the other day when talking with you and now the internet is bombarding me with ads for Schizophrenia medication. 65% of the ads that play before youtube videos are about schizophrenia and it's your fault.

They know.

And they're coming to get you... they look like beekeepers?

You're on their radar now. Watch out

The CIA will be recruiting you for their false flag program

Incel False Flag Program.

Hail Elliot Roger!

65%. Nice number rainman.

you have ads before youtube videos?

this nigga ain't even ad blocking, what a melvin

I have not seen and advertisement for like a decade now. My computer is basically north korea mode. I have no idea how these idiots live with pop ups, commercials, and all that garbage

The algorithm knows you better than you know yourself.

I bet they're just regular ads but you really are schizo.

i used to get a lot of rehab spam - I only smoke weed

The medications don’t work. I’ve been here for seven years.

Whenever someone talks about adds in youtube videos it takes me a while to even figure out what the fuck they're talking about.



Panera Bread doesn't have good health care benefits.

Joseph Goebbels was the hero we did not deserve.

sniff somebodies fawkin triggered

is anybody making him browse here or is he going out of his way? what a fucking crybaby. kys danny and ant fucked your gf

I sincerely doubt anyone offered him a mod position

Unless you're talking about the mods of 1960s Britain, and their singular fashion style.

Jews don't have souls, let alone "soul". So no mod scene for our Danny

Maybe he could be a teddy boy.

I'm sure he'd fit right in with a bunch of violent redneck British ex-cons in the 1950s

Well they should (have) change(d) their fuckin name then.

"Hate speech" lol. Enough of this jewish bullshit. Gas the kikes, race war now.

Love how this sub unironically quotes Joseph Goebbels

I go deep with the Goebbels

Make like a turkey

I'm all in with the Goebbels. I'm all about the Goebbels these days. I searched him out and I'm fawkin hooked.

Well he's much more tolerable than the other Joe.

This needed to be done. Thank you.

If us turning morbid questions into a Sandy hook subreddit didn't do it I dont know what will.

We didnt brigade it though, twas all the work of the infamous /u/ThomasDaly

Sure was

Lol link? I somehow missed this

well i was trying to step away from my racism and antisemitism but not anymore... he must break him

Do you read anything you write before you submit it? You come off like a real horse's ass when you're trying make fun of somebody and can't read or write well yourself. I think you meant, "we must break him." Also, you should try to make it more insulting and funny. Something like, "Danny greedily lapped up Anthony's creampies as if they were Matzo ball soup. Danny thinks he is smart, but he is the only poor Jew in the tri-state area. Additionally, he has a vermin face and not even his rabbi likes him."

Shut up chink

Good point.

Hook nosed cuckold.

Those people can be so verbose.^

I agree it's a meltdown. When you call someone "bitchface", with no irony, fully believing it's a good or witty insult, that's a signal that you're melting down. It's worse than a Samcro Joe old-man-on-the-intertubes insult.

More like the blue yawning...

His boss told him to have the beer mugs cleaned by 5, after that he has to bring a case of Jameson up to the bar. How he's finding time to post all of this, I just have no idea.

So the faggot comes here and gets rightfully shooed away then starts calling it hate speech and threatening to shut "us" down? As if we collectively conspiring? What jew faggot

After his attempt to get subscriptions for some shit insider information, too. What a dweeb.

Hate speech and racism..... Yeah Danny that's what the sub is about. It always leads to me hating him more, everytime. Fuck off AGAIN

Goebbels poisoned his two daughters and also killed himself and his wife; but somehow I find it more offensive that Hitler shot his dog before he and Ava did themselves in. Fuck did the dog do?

Hitler tested the poison on the dog. The dog didn't know he was being poisoned, but I suspect that loyal dog would have tested the poison just the same. Dogs > Jews.

I thought he shot it? Fuckin krauts.

Thats a cute name for a dog. Maybe this hitler guy had a soft side after all

It was the most humane thing to do, the allies/soviet would've tortured all of them to death if they were caught.

Fuck, they did do that to the germans who testified at Nurnberg until they gave the right testimonies. And nobody ever talks about the war-crimes of the allies and soviets after the war was over.

I doubt they would have tortured Goebbels wife and two children, for Christs sake. What war crimes did the Allies commit? I know there was definitely some rounding up of prison camp guards and liberties taken, like the one at Dachau where they wasted a good dozen or some such. I know there was a little skull collecting goin on by Allied troops of Jap skulls, was all in good fun.

The bombing of Danzig is one example.

The other is the amount of rape-babies all over Germany. Allied troops went loose on the women like it was the age of vikings. Fucking allies were the biggest fucking scumbag forces that ever walked this earth, especially considering their "Holy"-status as some kind of hero-generation toppling the ultimate evil.

Well that's his fault, he should have never left the Misfits.

Also, this sounds pretty exaggerated, guy. You have examples of these supposed mass rapes? You really think the "allies were the biggest fucking scumbag forces that ever walked this earth?" The guys that liberated concentration camps, and dropped leaflets days before Hiroshima warning the citizens to get out of the city? Christ, another "America hater." How's college.

Russia raped the fuck out of every woman they stumbled across when Germany fell. It's well documented.

Then show me the documentation. Also, Russia wasn't "the Allies."

I think you mean the bombing of Dresden, not Danzig.

When he said "Danzig", as soon as I picked up my jaw off of the floor, I ceased reading.

Split it down the middle, and it comes alive or sumthin...tsss!


In the definitive WW II documentary "The World At War", German women one after the other give first hand descriptions on how Russians were running through Germany literally raping & pillaging. Not a single word about Americans doing that. Since, of course, it was illegal and they'd be instantly court martialed

The Allies? Of course not. The Russians? Yes.

Hitler didn’t want the Russians to hurt Blondi. it was an act of mercy.

Hitler was a kind & sensitive man.

He certainly was according to Anal Cunt.

Hitler lived in South America till the 1970s

They just found that sub last week, did you see that shit?

Yea I saw that but I didn’t get the full story. Are they trying to say he was on it when it sank? I hope that’s not the narrative.

No, just that the "Nazi sub" was always a myth. But now they may have legit found it. Not sure who was on it. It's really annoying those dumb Rooskies couldnt even be bothered to take one single snapshot of Hitler; those people aren't phased by shit.

I used to date a Russian and while she was on vacation with her family the taxi they were in hit and killed a pedestrian on their way to a museum. Her dad goes like this to me “ he should learn how to walk faster then.” Russians are sick. The head of HR at my office is Russian too she is cold hearted.

Id rather have an icy Russian as the head of an HR department though.

Yea I guess it might be a blessing in disguise. She doesn’t respond to emails it drives me nuts.

r/TheBlueAwning kike

should be hung from his foreskin

Jews DON'T have the skin ya big goober

and then they make foreskin into expensive skin cream. no joke.

no joke.

Glad you cut of potential confusion at the knees

cut of

Buried him.

Yeah, I don't care.

He should be hung from his foreskin

And hippie white bitches crap out kids in kiddie pools in their living room and then eat their own placentas.

I hear they sell them to tibet to make dumplings

I'm obviously mentioning the foreskin that was cut off at his bris, ya dummy. Jews dicks are too short to get attached foreskin around their necks.

they don’t have foreskin, they hoard it.

Anyone here consider that he and Ant are in cahoots to get this sub shut down? It is not out of the realm of possibility and we all know Danny needs the $5k.

Seems possible :(

Jesus...I thought he was actually turning around

I'll never forgive you fuckers for welcoming him back, like he was someone. Name one thing he produced for the show that you "love". I'll wait. He was a glorified Googler who rambles like a deranged meth head seeking attention.

Youre not wrong. He only brought conflict cuz hes a shitty human

He only brought conflict cuz hes a jew

That's what I said silly goose


Not white.

I felt the same way at first, but then I realized that he needed to be lured back and made to feel somewhat wanted before having the door slammed on his heeb nose and have any real impact on him. Danny seems genuinely butthurt about his latest experience here, good job goys.

I still don't know who he is.

some low-tier intern from back then, he's unimportant

The mods stickying that plug for his podcast disguised as an AMA was the worst part.

I was equally disgusted when your post was stickied that one time.

Nobody welcomed him back you fucking goofball, we encouraged his sudden outburst of gossip for our own selfish ends.

Ted Sheckler verbal intercourse emporium.

Fucking this. Or that time Anthony made fun of Opie Eye and everyone was OH MY GOD HES BACK!

His mom was a goer though. Gave up her old box to a caller

does he remember the show he used to draw a paycheck from?

he is trying to get modded the same way reverend al strong arms networks for shows

I'll shut your sub down

I'll sue you

Fuck this little tattle-tailing kike faggot, handle your problems like a man for once, cum-dumpster for a pock-faced Nazi.

great collage OP. love the quote with it as well. also very proud to see some seething danny replies to me made the final cut.

Does this mean Anthony has to pay him 5 thousand dollars now?

booze can really turn you into unreasonably instigative angry shithead on the internet if you weren't already, and he's the most insufferable, difficult human from O&A...

thats why I only post here when I’m drunk

this place is the toilet were you take a mental shit

Very accurate.

Well just head on over to r/gregandtony

Proving once again that it’s just a coincidence that jews were eventually driven out of every country they’ve ever settled in.

Fingers crossed for North America!

"yeah hi I'm a middle-aged kike weasel midget who lied about a bunch of shit"

I have none.

Why are Jews even allowed here.....honestly, it’s 2018.

I'm one of the good ones.... it was only 3 million!! You gotta believe me!

Should've been all of you.

why would you admit that

thought it was safe now that we have a black woman

He needed tha money!

If I can be a bit diplomat-y here...

I imagine being called "KIKE" at the top of someones internet-lungs, on a daily basis, cant be a thing you'll want to tolerate with good humor for long. He basically revealed Anthony as a honest-to-God pedophile, WITH evidence. Does that count for something? Does he at least get points for that?

Is u/TheBlueAwning annoying and a bit Kike-y? Probably. But he's also throughly rocked Anthony's life right down to the core with his insider info. That HAS to count.

I don't want to beef with Danny, because Danny coming to this place and yapping secrets about Opie, Anthony and Jimmy is the last thing ANY of those people wanted and the hope of Anthony getting hauled out of the Compound in handcuffs (again), but this time going away for good over child molestation charges? How would the ball even get rolling on that(if it is) if Danny was never involved?

Annoying? Sure. A bit Kike-y? Fine. what?

When all the evidence offered was a pic of two girls in a pool, what do you expect to happen? He also said he gave a statement. A statement that led to what, exactly? Nothing that we know of. He also said he heard from Keith that drunk Ant raped a girl who was also drunk and it was rape because of her intoxication. We wondered about the timeline of events because he said he bailed as soon as shit got bad, and some wondered if it was a coincidence that things got bad right when his friendship dissolved with Ant (which Ant discussed on the air so we know the approximate time). No timeline was offered. I’m sure the police will bust down Anthony’s door any day now based on all of this evidence.

u/TheBlueAwning: comment?

He might very well have an excellent answer. Perhaps everything he said is true. It’s not like Anthony has an awesome reputation. It’s not a stretch to think he’s up to some pretty bad bullshit.

Right, but I just have this feeling that the people on this sub - who are easily triggered by Jews and minorities - got uppity when Danny was INEVITABLY cunty. Danny IS a cunt, we all fucking know that, but why get this bent out of shape over it? We all thought he was bullshitting last time when he said he had a stalker, but it turned out to be one of Cumia's nutty sycophants anyway. I don't disbelieve that, considering what he revealed about Cumia last time. Even the shit he revealed this go around: Anthony said once that he ex'd Danny out of his life because Danny was highly critical of how he was living it. You don't think that maybe Danny said "Hey you should finger 14 year old's, and maybe you should have a convicted sex offender/child molester drive preteen's to you house."? THIS IS ANTHONY CUMIA WE'RE

Sure. I’m not saying Danny is lying, I’m not saying he’s telling the truth. I certainly don’t know.

TL:DR version-Danny is a pathetic lying faggot.

Well, to be fair, I’m not actually saying that. I’m countering the other guy’s assertion that there was enough information given to warrant the attention of law enforcement. Which is ludicrous. Danny maybe telling the truth, my argument is that he did nothing to prove it. Which may be beyond his control for all I know. Not an attack on Danny at all. If I wanted to attack Danny, I would.

The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Garbage likes garbage

why do you actually believe anything he has to say when it’s coming from someone who is so obviously bitter and resentful towards everyone he used to work with? he’s also a confirmed lying piece of shit and he has an agenda to make money off donations for a shitty podcast. if you had one ounce of healthy human skepticism you would at least take what he says with a grain of salt.

Time to reboot again. Disappear and regroup for a couple of years, slide back in and become the toast of the community with heretofore untold, inside dish about Antony's secrets. Kick back and watch the Patreon coin pour in.

Danny's actual thought process

he wants to be treated like a celebrity with the inside scoop. he’s just 1 of 21,844.


I love the idea that someone would getting a beat down for using the word 'kike' in public! By whom exactly?

Yeah, inviting a burglar to the compound was pretty funny. But you can't coast off one prank forever.

I say faggot openly, daily, in public.

No one has ever even tried to say something about it unless im on a tinder date, thats a good red flag this bitch is a sjw and you should abort



Woooah maaaaahn

You will find that a lot of people despise jews , regardless of race sex or nationality. A lot of surprising one's too . Everyday it turns out pretty much anyonr who accomplished anything before the 70s was an oy vey antisemite by today's standards.

You will find that a lot of people despise jews , regardless of race sex or nationality. A lot of surprising one's too . Everyday it turns out pretty much anyonr who accomplished anything before the 70s was an oy vey antisemite by today's standards.

do alot of people despise jews? you haven't said it 3 times so I'm confused

Hey, DamonTyler, just a quick heads-up:
alot is actually spelled a lot. You can remember it by it is one lot, 'a lot'.
Have a nice day!

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And nigger is spelled n-i-g-g-e-r, you stupid nigger.

Video not available in Canada my nigga

jesus that place is cucked

video title: Chappelle's Show - The Niggar Family - Uncensored

We are so cucked that our gay feminist PM puts out gender based budgets for our country.

I saw that asshole tell a veteran in front of a crowd why he doesn't deserve benefits

Then he gave the money to some mentally ill man to cut off his penis.

Commenting here so I look up the video later


twice by my count


I love when little people get angry. Eric the Midget threatening to break Fred's fingers was an all time classic radio moment. I'm actually excited to see what comes of this.

goebbels was one thin lipped lookin ass muuug

he just attracts the lowest common denominator disses and emotions.

ditch the screenname, come back as a whoever and lay low

I love how he thought coming back here would end positively

He was on a radio show that encouraged bullying of a retarded bobo and revelled in abusing and ridiculing innocent people and now is talking about hate speech? Fuck this cunt. This sub worships a black chick and has at least one trans person who're both regular posters.

trans poster

Who might this be? They may need a stern talking to if you catch my drift.

They may need a stern talking to if you catch my drift.


I aint no snitch

We are just like the United Nations.....only fatter.

THANK YOU. That's EXACTLY what I noticed about his slimy method, seeing other people fall for it en masse was disturbing to watch but instructive. What dumb fucking cattle, no wonder they have arrogance toward you. But there's a certain shamelessness that characterizes these people that's so foreign and disgusting it's hard for us to even imagine someone is capable of it to the degree they employ it, let alone pull up our defenses routinely when bombarded with it. What a psychic effort, what a waste of time, wouldn't it be better to not even have to deal with it in the first place? And that's not just him being a psychopath, it's >50% of any given ethnic Ashkenazim.

It's not meds or alcohol or a rough patch in middle age, it's how he acted in his 20s and will continue to. It's inherited.

It’s war like Neanderthal dna. They spent years at war with cro magnons and they still have the remnants of that dna.

It makes them warlike with goys and it also has a related psychopath and victimization gene.

You're a fucking retard.

You referenced the psychopath gene, where do you suspect it comes from?

Do the research.

While we're on the topic of that particular genealogy, I recently came across this guy who the movie Talk Radio was based on. Barely passes for a human being.

it's endlessly amazing to me that Greg Lansky is still alive and that event (that guy was murdered) happened only 30 years ago

Have you been reading Conan the Barbarian off your Clozapine again? We've talked about this.

He's just hurt because he thought he had a captive audience that would pander to him and be interested in his dogshit podcast.

Once it was clear he has nothing of interest to offer and this place inevitably turned on him as it always does, he has once again himself to still be the thin-skinned jizz rag he's always been.

Back to obscurity with you, silly kike.

How ironic would it be is Anthony had to pay Danny 5k for getting the sub shut down

Danny is a worthless jew faggot.

What's our backup plan if that little fucker gets us shut down?

Jesus christ, can somebody just give him a central bank to manage or something.

No surprise there. The kike piece of shit pulls this every single fucking time.

He misses the attention, so he comes here with some half ass knowledge about inside shit from a decade ago on a nonexistent radio show. People love him for about a week, then he pulls this same old shit.

Amazing how people keep falling for this needy cunts cry for attention. Fuck off already danny.

Gas the kikes race war now

I find it weird he challenges people to fights and to say shit to his face... pretty sure anyone from this sub actually would. The guy is a balding 5'4" goblin. He'd have trouble biting a woman

He’s lost his shit lol. Although I don’t understand some people’s real anti-semitism on this sub, being that most of us imagine are from the greater New York City area. I certainly fuck around with Jewish people I know & joke about their stereotypes but some people here seem to authenticity hate the Jews, which is weird because is you live anywhere in the tri-state area there’s no way that Jewish people haven’t intermarried into your family or you never went to school or hung out with them. Being a second generation Italian American from Brooklyn, I can tell you the Jewish kids were basically the only other kids we got along with because we definitely weren’t gonna hang with the Russians.

Yes we do live around jews. That’s why we don’t like them.

No, more like family members who are Henry Hill-like marrying Jewish Karen types. I have at least 6 or more Jewish people in my extended family, even my brother married a Jew. But mostly I’m talking about just knowing them as friends & neighbors my whole life that I can’t hate them. If I had to criticize them I’d have to say they were the biggest pussies in all Brooklyn besides the hipsters but the same could be said about any white affluent Manhattan guys who were usually of WASP background which were almost always universally pussies.

Nice infiltrated family, stupid.

Nice retardation, dummy. It’s not like my brother or anyone else married a Hasidic Orthodox Jewish person, which would be a major lifestyle change, they married people who are indistinguishable from our family & friends. I imagine you probably think of Jewish people like the people from Borat’s Kazakhstan village but they are actually much more anglicized & vanilla than the typical Italian. To the typical italian dating a Jew broad is not unlike dating an all American bore.

I’m 34 & grew up in Bensonhurst, Bath Beach to be exact (parents still live in same house), I had little parental supervision growing up & once had a full on shot out with our Albanian rivals & almost got killed & scenes like that would happen at least a few times a year. I never lived a day of my life in the suburbs which I believe is basically a pussy making bitch boy factory which is evident when you compare the average American mal from the past to today is clearly linked to population demographic shifts to the burbs.

No idiot, most of us are not from the NYC area. Joo lover.

Yes we are, now get lost before we fuck you up you hick!

what the fuck? You didn't see me insult you

Yes I did & love you Jon lover.

Thats the bit!!

Being a second generation Italian American from Brooklyn, I can tell you the Jewish kids were basically the only other white kids we got along with because we definitely weren’t gonna hang with the Russians.

Why? They called you out for being a faggot too much?

Yes, that’s exactly why. Has anyone ever told you how hilarious you are? You should really think about perusing a career in comedy because I am positive you could get a job on any television show as a comedy writer seriously. Basically all you’d have to do is just summit this post you sent me as evidence of how outrageously knee-slapping hysterical you are & then you’ll be hired no doubt. You got what it takes kid.

Not come here then maybe? Jesus, what a dope.

In the event that this place is shut down, where will we all congregate to have a light chuckle about the people we hate? This is a serious question. Please respond in a timely manner. Thank you for your service.

4chan but we will all be anons

All the Goebells quotes I ve seen online have been strangely on point, he might have looked like a scrawny rat but what a clear intellect, I think even Speer admired him and he denounced all of his nazi buddies in his book, which is an interesting read ,audioversiobn available on torrents I think.

Danny doesn't know shit about meta Reddit drama, spez doesn't care about hate speech.

Trolling aside, at this point it would be weird for someone to NOT be an anti-semite.

In an internet fight with Jews, it's only a matter of time before they threaten legal action or a shut down. Just like how with blacks it's only a matter of time before they bring up "much did".


He clearly doesn't like us. And he certainly is not GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION!!

Him thinking hes in any way physically intimidating is whats funniest to me. Many of us have listened to you through the years to know what a weak skinned crybaby jew you are

Call the internet police Danny! You fucking fag! Trying to laugh of the jew-remarks at first like it's not bothering you, you're not a real you goddamit, you are an "atheist". It's fucking hilarious how fucking predictable all of you kikes are.

'You think I'm going to sit here and let some kike try to fuck my mother? Its not going to happen Danny not on my watch. You see this? It means not welcome.


I know its hard to do at times. Shit, I need to do it myself in some aspects of my life. Take your gear bag and go home.

Can always come back when calmed down but for the moment you gotta take a break.

Danny, the correct reaction would be to counter troll with "yeah jews do run the world loser". Instead you melted down like a 13 year old girl. THIS WOULD HAVE NEVER HAPPEND IF IT WERENT FOR MY DAVID. YOU WOULD ALL BE DEAD.

Hey, Boredghost77, just a quick heads-up:
happend is actually spelled happened. You can remember it by ends with -ened.
Have a nice day!

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I want to teach you real human emotions so i can kill you bot fag.

I've got my eye on you, robot.....


you can't come to a sub, post that Anthony was a literal pedophile and sex criminal, then turn around and say we need to be shut down for saying nasty things to people

“An anti-Semite used to mean a man who hated Jews. Now it means a man who is hated by Jews.” ― Joseph Sobran

"Big nosed peckas" - Lyle Chipperson

Gradually I began to hate them

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Opie and Anthony: Danny Is A Fag. +3 - Wow quite the breakdown, I guess we should shut this place down since he is too sensitive to handle a guy saying kike to him everytime he posts
Chappelle's Show - The Niggar Family - Uncensored +1 -
Steve Kane on 60 Minutes with Alan Berg +1 - While we're on the topic of that particular genealogy, I recently came across this guy who the movie Talk Radio was based on. Physiognomy barely passes for human.

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Someone needs a hobby

Now I hate Danny. Fucking kike nosed kike kike

Danny is upset over this shit because back in the day, he used to be the one who attacked people relentlessly on air with O&A and was basically immune because he was part of the group. Now, he's upset because he has nothing and he's taking all sorts of hits from the fans.

He's right you know.

ehhh all yall niggas bitches talking about Danny is like talking about a fly that's annoying you with its buzzing. Swat it and move on.

what a surprise.

Yes timely advice from one of the slimiest cunts to ever exist.

I’m beyond happy that the turning has begun. Been saying Danny should go for weeks now.

Hilarious how this guy pretty much tries to make money off people here / promote his shitty podcast, by talking shit on decent guys like Travis and Erock. People who was apparently friendly with, but cries after below par insults from fucking anonymous idiots on here.

guys a loser piece of shit who is jealous where his shitty life has fallen while others are happy and doing alright for themselves. your production work fucking sucks too btw

Amazing he's almost 40 and spends so much time on reddit

This thread makes me so happy.

Patrice called it years ago, Danny has always been scum.

Does Danny want total war?

Anytime ya load of bitches, you.

/u/justneedtologin wakes up, thinks about me, posts about me, makes cute little collages of my posts and I'M the loser!


Keep going. I love it. I have this whole sub all hot and bothered. U mad? lolol

You’re panicking, sir.

Yeah that's what I'm doing as I edit.

Straight panic.

What a faggot: I cut him some slack in the past but this is Anthony levels of butthurt, being shot through the stratosphere into my phone. Nothing funny about an unfunny guy trying to be tough.

The jew thing seems to trigger this moron. I guess he's trying the tough guy approach. Yeah, not buying it big nose little guy.

This nigga thirsty for sum lemonade

Thank you to all the people who washed his balls not that long ago for giving him an unwarranted sense of self importance. Now he’s back to showing his true colors. Just another Anthony in Jewy disguise

I THOUGHT he was a little bitch. Didn't understand why the sub let him in the way it did.

Wtf Danny? Ok now i've turned on him. What a loser.

the amount of kike, jew, nigger, faggot etc

Calling someone a jew is hatespeach now?

That's what I said silly goose


Hey, Boredghost77, just a quick heads-up:
happend is actually spelled happened. You can remember it by ends with -ened.
Have a nice day!

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I want to teach you real human emotions so i can kill you bot fag.

I've got my eye on you, robot.....

He certainly was according to Anal Cunt.

Seems possible :(

Thats the bit!!