Is there anything more faggoty and pussy than DMing someone and then blocking them before you can respond?

53  2018-04-24 by Yaseetheo

I'm talking about Pocky Dennis aka Anthony.


Yes, posting on this sub


The cunts here who block people and report posts.

Haha back to obscurity with you!

Sucking that tranny’s little dick is up there.

Jim's asshole off the top of my head.

Wearing Jim’s asshole as a hat is quite gay.


Remember on the show how he used to say when he’d block someone on Twitter he would yell out “bllllllllock?” I bet he’s added pew pew pew sound effects when he sends someone back to obscurity.

I’m guessing getting deep dicked in the butthole by a confused young man who thinks he’s a woman, and then buying said lady-boy breast implants is more faggoty.

Denying it despite some strong evidence is more pussy.

I think this is his Reddit account. You can send him back to obscurity if you like

I think that's his turtle faced prostitute, Missy.

Reads just like SixGlassJoggers and YimmysFknFootThing, doesn't it?

Not visiting your dying mother?

You're talking about Anthony Cumia aka The Pocked Crusader?

fucking a mentally ill boy i think is up there

Probably complaining when Twitter does the same thing to them?

It's something coddled pre-teens would do. So pretty much everybody in the O&A is included.

I guess Ant's girlfriend's are rubbing off on him.

That faggot redditor gallowboob did that to me. I really hope that he has a kid and it gets Jon Benet Ramsey’d.

Making a reddit thread about it


Having sex with a boy pretending to be a girl is gayer.

He’s a 60 year old with the mentality of a teen girl. You should hear his last periscope where he’s drunk as fuck and complaining not enough people are watching him live. His voice is real high and has that up and down jr high girl tone.

Legit this guy is a total loser who just happens to have $

It's something a woman would do.

Eww why do you fags DM public figures?

Wearing Jim’s asshole as a hat is quite gay.