
38  2018-04-19 by garypip


Movies starring actual pigs in a real life, tend not to do well.

Babe was a hit

Child stars always grow up to be train wrecks.


Amy's first movie role before going into stand up.

That'll do pig.

They really gussied up Miss Piggy.

Man look at that photo. Look how advanced editing and special effects software has become. She looks like the chubby girl you'd fuck to get your friend laid. How many man hours do you think it took to make her not look like a pile of unsliced deli meat?

Does she ever look back and wonder what her career would be if she didn’t backstab her fan base for the SJW crowd that rejected her?

Better to be king for a day, than a schmuck for a lifetime

With seemingly no understanding of how tone-deaf it might be to cast a straight, white, able-bodied blonde like Schumer as victimized by society’s judgment, the lazily written “I Feel Pretty” takes a talented comic and casts her in the worst possible light (and I don’t mean that literally — she looks fine).

I hate the pig but I might hate the author of this article more.

And the author is probably from the same crowd that constantly complains about the treatment of white, straight able-bodies women and makes them out to be victims. Not to defend this pile of shit movie, but it is not their responsibility to create a message aimed at every last “victim” in society.

This broad? No way!

(Never fails, does it?)

Problem glasses, frizzy hair, thin lips

I'd fuck her

you have a good chance, she's probably into polyandry

i actually agree with the author. if they made this movie with an actual retarded person i might watch it

"how can i shit on this movie while still calling her funny and brave and beautiful?"

I had the same thought. Everyone wants to "out victimize" everyone else

It's a good sign, it means they're starting to eat their own.

Can't say Hollywood doesn't deserve this. There was a time when untalented A-list actresses were at least nice to look at, but now they're giving talent-less human sows like Amy movies? Who the fuck keeps giving this cunt roles, and why.

Ninja Edit: Just realized her uncle is Senator Chuck Schumer. No wonder she gets tons of undeserved shit.

Jewish nepotism strikes again.

Chuck Schumer may not help out in the movie world but he certainly had her charges of grand larceny dropped when she was twenty one and a thief.

Jew York.

I couldn't even make it through the trailer...just awful

Amy could've had more credibility if she told these people to kick fucking rocks and really dissected them in her comedy. But she's still trying to be like "#METOO, RIGHT GUYS?".

You pray to the cult of SJW and Political Correctness; you eventually get crucified at the altar.

The runaway success of Trainwreck and her Comedy Central show feel like such distant memories now. She will hopefully serve as a lesson for industry tastemakers: you have to allow a marination period to take place before you shoehorn new people onto the A-list in your mad, desperate rush to cultivate fresh stars.

The cliche, "The revolution always eats its young" applies here. She pandered hard to social justice, but it could be a year it could be more, but they'll always turn on you for being 'problematic', for not being 'woke enough'. It doesn't matter who you are, if you play the social justice game, the mob will tear you to pieces eventually. I'm amazed she has gotten the lead in this movie if only because she's a terrible actress.

I might hate the author for using the word "glamazon", twice, more than I hate Schumer.

And the author is probably from the same crowd that constantly complains about the treatment of white, straight able-bodies women and makes them out to be victims. Not to defend this pile of shit movie, but it is not their responsibility to create a message aimed at every last “victim” in society.

i actually agree with the author. if they made this movie with an actual retarded person i might watch it

"how can i shit on this movie while still calling her funny and brave and beautiful?"

I had the same thought. Everyone wants to "out victimize" everyone else

It's a good sign, it means they're starting to eat their own.