its cool that sam likes wrestling. wrestling is cool, and not gay.

61  2018-04-09 by Calumdamit


You circled a boner. That's fuckin' gay, man.

in my defence, i found the picture with the boner circled. but i do love cocks.

you use 'defence'. Fucking queer

like i said, i do love cocks.

Well they are 69ing.

Who wouldn't boner with the Undertaker's cock pressed on your face? Stop being fresh.

Nice "boner" as a verb, stupid.


"Look at these pants! I have never seen a bunch up like this in my life. This is like a five inch bunch up I got here."

That episode is classic.

It's like the first one, so yes it is.

Curb reference? Get outta here 🐜

Now I am gonna defend Sam a little. The Undertaker was the 90's.

He seems to have made some lifestyle changes since then

Dead Man Walking fuck yah

Most people with AIDS are.

The Undertaker was never cool, faggot.

Yeah he really was.

The Undertaker was the shlt in 90's

Nice nostalgia filters, fags.

Ref having an existential crisis, yelling at the floor.

gettin a nice whiff of deadman nutsack

What’s worse is I listened to a show hosted by a guy who finds this to be top level entertainment & collects sneakers. Granted I t only took me a few weeks before I completely abandoned ship but it’s still humiliating in retrospect.

"Mister, you best take your gay porn and walk right out of this bar."

Fake wrestling, fake homo sapien linage

There's fags on this very sub that defend old wrestling as if it wasn't gay. Some have already commented. They are fags.

I watch wrestling and admit that it's gay but I also watch crossdressers fuck each other in the ass on the internet.

Which of those would you consider more gay?

Probably wrestling. No femininity, just oily men.

I had no idea the Undertaker was this old. Oof.

The true meaning of five knuckle shuffle

Gotta love the Ref's head being strategically placed in the shot, too.

It's like they rehearsed this for Brazzers, or something. it's gay that the one gentleman's short foldage makes it appear that he has an erection, but nothing about the guy with his crotch in the face of another guy?

  1. it's not cool.
  2. it's gay.

it's almost as if that's what i was implying the whole time.

Rest this piece

That episode is classic.

you use 'defence'. Fucking queer

Curb reference? Get outta here 🐜