Nice multiple addictions, stupid.

46  2018-04-07 by RBuddCumia


Bobby's a turd. He preaches about how stopping drinking and drugs - when he was like 15 - saved his life. Now he has a wife and a kid, yet smokes cigars and weighs 700 lbs. Enjoy the cancer, Shades.

I also hates how he calls them "Bats"

People who call cigars 'bats' are horrible people.

and "sticks"

"Isn't it funny when you see someone go to McDonalds and order six double cheeseburger and then get a Diet Coke."

Only fat people drink Diet Coke

which is why dumb people look at longitudinal studies of diet pop consumption and think "oh no, diet coke makes you fat"

it won't make you fat by itself but there have been studies that show that it makes you crave sweet foods even more which probably doesn't help

Those studies haven't convincingly established causation, stupid

I'm waiting for a thorough meta analysis of RCTs before coming to a conclusion, stupid.

ya got your lattitude, ya got your fattitude... boom, who's keepin' track?

Probably, I just read the headline

Its because you dont want the extra 500 calories on top of your 4000 calories

Cancer would take longer than he has at his current rate

Just imagine all the great material he'll get after a few heart attacks

He's also one of those "aspartame is a sweet carcinogen" nutjobs. His grasp of nutrition science is stuck in 1987.

Bobby, I'm pretty sure even if there's a 90% chance of aspartame causing cancer, it's still orders of magnitude healthier than whatever shit you're currently putting in your body.

it's impossible to not look like a douche while smoking a cigar that big.

Not even suge knight could pull that off.

I wonder if smoking cigars reminds him of some of his mother's boyfriends.

I'd be puking my insides out if I had a cigar that enormous.

Don't forget a breath mint before you kiss your boyfriend.

Before or after I fellate his pendulous cock?

Cigars are for try hard fruits. Joe List is the goods though

whats with these ultra thin straws?

Joseph has a very small mouth.

I heard Joseph Cumia is a humongous racist


Colonel Kurtz!

Colonel Kunt

He's addicted to nicotine, fast food, and looking like a glans.

*looking like Sister Ping

**looking like Mister Pig

What's the appeal to cigars?

It's a penis substitute - note Joe's limp wrist.

I'm reminded of the Carlin bit. It gives you a buzz right?

What, cock?

I mean, I assume so.

Relaxing and gives you a nice buzz. Although I always wake up next day and all I can taste is stale smoke.

Kingpin-wannabe looking ass.

list is funny on podcasts but his netflix special was shit.

"i'm awkward guys, isn't that funny"

Bob Kelly loves food more than his family.

When did the fags on this sub start concerning themselves about others health.

Ant's alcoholism destroyed the show.

just a couple of guys sucking dicks

Jesus Bobby....

He's mouthing that cigar like a fucking popsicle. Your lips are not supposed to reach the fucking band on a cigar.

He had a lot of practice growing up in those homes.

Smoked ham.

you know what duuude, you got your cigars, you got your 42 grams of sugar in the cola then BOOM chest pains outta nowhere

Yeah, really fat guys should definitely smoke cigars. Especially the ones who claim to love their young children. Because heart disease doesn't exist, dude.

And all of them are food.

Of course Bobby has two drinks

Those glasses are fucking stupid. And his head is way too clean shaven. Oh and he’s fat

This is cocksucking 101.

Bobby just likes smoking cigars to remind him of when he sucked a cock for a steak. Fat faggot.

The gayest photo taken ever. Joe List really gets away with being a moderately funny SJW.

Man, cigar clubs are for fucking faggots.

This is douche level "Hey im holding this beer up for a picture"

Even expensive cigars taste and smell like shit. They're for douchebags who think it looks manly to have an oral fixation that can only be sated by sucking on a six inch cylinder.

Joe should be put on a list.

Bobby's biggest addiction is living in the shadow of success.

I also hates how he calls them "Bats"

"Isn't it funny when you see someone go to McDonalds and order six double cheeseburger and then get a Diet Coke."

Cancer would take longer than he has at his current rate

Just imagine all the great material he'll get after a few heart attacks

He's also one of those "aspartame is a sweet carcinogen" nutjobs. His grasp of nutrition science is stuck in 1987.

Bobby, I'm pretty sure even if there's a 90% chance of aspartame causing cancer, it's still orders of magnitude healthier than whatever shit you're currently putting in your body.

*looking like Sister Ping