FACT: This sub is much funnier than the Howard Stern sub.

115  2018-03-31 by Friend_of_Kramer

Worthless victory, but a victory none the less.


Well yea

We are crows picking at a roadside carcass ... the other sub is ballwashing an on-air personality.


Decided to lurk a bit and found a thread about Robin talking back to Geraldo Rivera about not speaking out about harassers or whatever. This was in the OP:

Robin is amazing sometimes... I just love Robin said this right to Geraldo's face.

Here are the three highest voted comments in that thread:

Number 1!

She’s a badass and I so admire her fearless attitude. I wish I was that brave.

Number 2!

It's funny, she'll be in a coma for months at a time and then suddenly wake up. She's been on a roll recently.

Number 3!

Robin is a hero.

Just don't ask her to run a marathon.

Is that the guy from Witcher

Well done

Vuury gud

old school fans fucking hated robin. God that show sucks

I was just going to say that.

Real old school fans still hate Robin.

But she has her moments - I enjoy every time she'd pick at Howard and get to him, which not a lot of people can successfully do.

But beyond that, she's as dense as the rest of them and as flighty with her hobbies as a 15 year old boy.

she is an arrogant, out of touch, dried up old annoying hag.


Robin always just seemed like a shrill voice echoing Howard that you would learn to tune out. Occasionally she would get too confident and get annoying and occasionally people would actually acknowledge her in the room and tell her to shut up. I cannot for the life of me get into the head of someone who legitimately enjoys her presence.

Howard became mainstream which leads to boring fans. O&A never had that success so their fanbase remained mostly angry white trash Long Islanders.

And Bostonians.

And Spics. points to self

Pinche paisa

And negroes. Points at negroes*

gross, get out

gross, get out

You need us tokens.

Not really

We don't need tokens.

Jimmy does.

Southern Cali people enjoy them

We would have a census

Rochester NY Ovah here DUHHDE


And Canadians.

The Howard sub skews a lot older. If they had an avatar it would be Melrose Larry Green. We skew younger and are more like Pat from Moonachie. Stern fans are shrill, repetitive wind bags and the weirdos here are by comparison charming and funny but bigger losers in life probably and also more chemically altered.

There are also a healthy proportion of legitimately mentally ill people posting in both places and again Stern fans are more sociopaths whereas we're more anti-social if that makes sense. Like they are weirdos who are into spinning out on conspiracy theories and getting everyone involved in a web of their bullshit whereas we want to see the world burn. Also there is a lot of crossover.

Chemically altered or counting days.

Nice metanalysis, queermo

The difference: Stern's fans still like him.

That’s not true at all

Well I guess that's your opinion.

Stern's core audience abandoned him years ago. Audience turn might be the one place O&A truly beat Howard. This sub is like a more savage version of what happened with him and his old fans.

Dawg's Saloon / Shed was on par with this sub. They used to prank radio shows with hate references. Attacked personal stuff too like Stern's daughter and Beth.

They are a boring bunch. Mostly baby boomers.

Off topic but related, the Carolla sub is sort of a mix between the two and is an odd mix of old ballwashers who love hearing the same tired rants and not quite as old “haters” who grew up with Loveline but now ridicule Adam, who really has become an insufferable bore.

used to be huge fan. can't stand carrola anymore

I think about that a lot. They still do in-jokes from the show.

hoo hoo fans are pathetic. there's one in my building, me and my cousin Jizz threw eggs at his door.

Lucky it wasn’t bra bombs

Next time throw some hot oil on them

Hey Stanley...


To be fair, this sub is funnier than anything Howard Stern has done post-1996.

Stern was great almost daily for decades, it's amazing how seemingly over night he turned to a boring fuck

Sub? This sub is much funnier than the Howard Stern show

We control realityyyyyy

We need Fred Norris in this sub

Fred would fit right into this sub. He gets the bit, even when it's hard to find one in the HSS. Radio gem that Fred Norris is.

I was always quite fond of Mr. Nukis.

The King of Mars has more class than O&A ever did. Even when Opie perpetuated that stupid "war" between shows, Fred was nice to all of them, which even Opie had to concede on-air.

Everyone stop saying sub.

But you just said sub

Stern is funny.. but besides the interviews and robins news, its just a bunch of inside joke bullshit about his interns.
I didnt listen for years, then i had a chance to listen with a new work car, and its all just bullshit about bengie and this one and that one. I dont give a fuck

What makes it worse is they all fucking take it and he gets nothing back, despite his insecurities worsening as he ages. Because no one speaks up on his staff, his mom impersonations, his self-loathing jew agent character and his intern voice impersonations go on for twenty minutes at a time. It's a fucking rough listen that almost makes you wish for the interviews.

Did Stern somehow end up ripping off Opie? sniff sniff Sherrod

People somehow respect Stern. Or at least fear him. The Wrap Up show is just unlistenable ballwashing pontification.

He sold his show to the masses, he can't talk about anything in the news or shit on anyone notable or big boy will get in trouble. So he inverts it to his own staff, keep the ball busting self contained so nobody calls you a jerk for mocking their favorite shitty celebrity. He's such a bore now, it's a tragedy this show comes from the guy who had the entirety of hollywood terrorized in fear.


No one on Howard's sub has murdered their own child after triggering a court case involving manipulated screenshots, accused pedophile Joe Cumia, and racists forming enforceable contracts. Top that, Hoo Hoo ballwashers.

We aren't burdened by liking Opie or Anthony.

I haven't listened to Stern in 2 years, and then it was just 1 notch above Opie's show.

/r/HowardStern is the same audience as /r/OpieAndAnthony but 10 years older and with a wife and children

/r/MillionDollarExtreme on the other hand is /r/OpieAndAnthony but 10 years younger and way more autistic

The most accurate post.

What the fuck was that place?

Where does /r/cumtown fall?

They are the one in their mid 20's who doesn't have a job but doesn't bitch as much as their faggy political gay brother /r/ChapoTrapHouse

You have to have an audience to qualify for this and they do not.

The other day I shit on Luis for no reason and wondered why I got heavily downvoted until I realized it was in the LOS sub and not the cum one. Got thrown off because the thread actually had comments.

shockingly unfunny wannabe cumboys

just discovered MDE. autistic is a great way to put it. funny though

We're probably funnier than pre-Norton O&A.


Who’s less like their former selves: Howard Stern or Jim Norton?

He made fun of Ronnie for going jet skiing with his girlfriend. That was one of those subtle things that stuck out to me. Stern is a real cunt's cunt. His show is fucking terrible. From legend to embarrassment. He's Groucho Marx II.

Coinsider dis: Opie said he’d sick the pests on Howard one day and ruin his show.

Never happened.

Also Howard is still on and Opie is not.

TLDR Howard wins. Not that he wasn’t ever winning to begin with.

Howard has a sub?

Howard fans and haters are an extraordinarily lazy, unmotivated bunch.

This sub is wall-to-wall go-getters.

I was skimming over all the shit I'm subscribed to and found some hoo hoo coon spouting shit about how Howard's more tolerable to LGBT than he used to be but can still sound like a 12 year old boy when talking about the gays. What the fuck are they doing over there?!

A trifling victory, but a victory nonetheless

At least Howard was smart enough to realize Artie, and Stuttering John were no longer good on the air talents.

That’s not true at all

Stern's core audience abandoned him years ago. Audience turn might be the one place O&A truly beat Howard. This sub is like a more savage version of what happened with him and his old fans.

Dawg's Saloon / Shed was on par with this sub. They used to prank radio shows with hate references. Attacked personal stuff too like Stern's daughter and Beth.

Lucky it wasn’t bra bombs

Next time throw some hot oil on them