I Made a Mistake and I'm Sorry

130  2018-03-30 by NateJay82

I subscribed to Compound Media for a month. I missed hearing Anthony on O&A and seeing Bill & Joanne on Red Eye. My nostalgia got the better of me.

The AA Show is just constant 70's references, Sopranos impressions, and old hacks laughing/wheezing at nothing. Every other show (including Bill & Joanne) is just full of smarmy z-list nobodies talking about how cool and relevant they are for living in the disgusting shithole that is New York City.

But yesterday's AA show was the final straw. Anthony talked for 20 minutes about how disgusting women his own age are. He explained how "compatible" he was with teenage girls and how dating them is totally fine.

I thought this place was exaggerating for laughs. But the man is sick. I cancelled my subscription before the month was over. I'm disgusted with myself for giving $9 to this unapologetic sexual predator. Please forgive me.


If that was the final straw for you, you are one stupid motherfucker.

...and nobody knows this final straw shit better than a killer Kuhn. FACE!


For real. That old nigga has been talking the same shit for decades about older woman and dating young girls. Him saying it on the paid basement podcast is not new.

We don't care.

Then get out of my thread faggot.

You shouldn't have made it.

It's my Good Friday litany of confession.

claim that shit bro. this is YOUR thread.

what do you wanna do with it? this thread can be as big as your imagination

I care...

Hey double G, you seem nice. Want to grab a beer sometime?

Do ya?

y u gotta be mean 2 night guinness

I hate these "confession" posts.

I'm disgusted with myself for giving $9 to this unapologetic sexual predator.



Well said man, you live and learn. I was a subscriber when he first started. But it didn’t take me long to cancel either. At this point I don’t even take the time to find out what happens on the show. Unless it’s posted on here. The same goes for Jim and Sam. I do a free trial every month for Sirius/XM for Hockey and Mad Dog radio. But I have no desire to listen to either of them.

I watched some early TACS. He looks so much worse now. It's almost as if his inner sickness is finally escaping his wrinkly african body.

It did, the second that he realized he was no longer a celebrity and will never be hired to do radio again.

Yeah, there's a portrait of him somewhere getting younger and handsomer.

The picture of boring and gay

Just subscribe to my podcast Live From The 405, FREE on iTunes or anywhere you get podcasts. (Except Soundcloud)

lol 'I do a free trial every month'

He is not a racist. He apparently is a huge fan of jb smoove. He googles Jb smoothe every day hes not a racist

And every night he googles Lexington Steele...

Would you expect this from a racist man?

I once knew a racist that hired me to babysit his shitty little monster kids and I did, but I also went on his computer to snoop around when the kids busied themselves hitting each other and yelling about who's turn it was to play a video game.

His internet was off so I couldn't do much but search through shit he had saved. Then I found that he had what may have been an entire website's worth of videos where gigantic black gorillas violate tiny white women in groups of 3 or 4 to 1.

I think of that hilarious discovery often when I hear Ant ramble about your blacks. I know in my heart of hearts, in my heart of gold, that that man has saved and often watches the entire collection of My Daughter's Fucking Blackzilla.

Well so do I and I'm not racist

The fact that he likes JB Smoove proves he's an ignorant fucking racist. JB Smoove is just a slightly better known Sherrod Small. He's an unfunny douche and any time I see him in a movie or TV show I instantly turn it off.

I liked him on the radio in GTA5.

I liked him when he was that guy from The Onion

herbert kornfeld is the realest nigga

So that means you stopped watching Curb many seasons ago? Terrible decision.

I was never a big fan of it. Watched a few episodes and was just like meh. Pretty much the same basic storyline every episode. Larry David acts the same way every time. Just not interesting to me.

Have you considered giving Danny (or me) your money?

In fact just give it to me. Please.

No. At least the pedo used to be funny.

Quality name sometimes when I'm making a point to someone and they have no comeback after two seconds of silence I say in my head 866-Ron-Zero-Fez that's 866-Ron-Zero-Fez.

aw peckaz


What too much free speech and traditional family values for you? Typical libtard..

Compound Media is $9 a month now? lol

It's one of the worst planned video podcasts I've ever seen. How in God's name is he justifying $9 a month? That's almost as much as Netflix or HBO. We're supposed to pay monthly to hear the same old tired talking points from a drunk boomer? What an out of touch idiot. There's so much free shit out that's 100x better.

He's so out of touch that the paid subscription revenue pays for his entire operation. What a moron he is. He should get a cubicle job or be a truck driver and make a fraction of what he does now. God he's stupid.

He's so out of touch that the paid subscription revenue pays for his entire operation.

Link me to the proof on that.

He is out of touch though.

Internet content creators typically offer their shows/podcasts for free and rely on ads, optional paid content, and optional donations to stay afloat.

Anthony is an aberation in that he charges a premium (and yes, $9 is premium for internet content) to view anything produced on his network.

Okay, so that alone doesn't mean he's doing it wrong. But, I can name a dozen content creators who don't charge their viewers/listeners directly and are wildly successful. Which of these two are honestly more successful: Anthony Cumia, or Red Letter Media? And which one offers their content for free?

I've said this before but I don't even think Anthony is greedy to charge $9/mo for his show. It's that he genuinely doesn't believe a free content system could work, because he's an old fuddy duddy who spent too much time in the world of satellite radio, where customers had to shell out every month to listen to what he was saying, a paradigm that is outdated 2018. You bet your sweet bippy he's out of touch.

PS neither you or I have access to his subscriber count but if he isn't subsidizing CM, I'll eat my hat (pardon my language)

Just in the past week alone, I watched 2 Scorsese films, 3 Tarantino movies, and Better Call Saul S3 on Netflix and that delusional moon-faced whop has the fucking nerve to charge the same for that flaming hot diarrhea on a screen he tries to pass off as entertainment. You are better off giving bobo your money.

The raised the price to afford Artie but not to fix the shitty network.

great, now keith and tranpa are going to release everyone's personal info who has canceled in the past couple of days to find one those darn trolls

What a darn shame..

Darn Counter: 497087 | DM me with: 'blacklist-me' to be ignored


Kys autistic faggot

I hope your creator is no longer alive.

Beep boop, I am a bot, darn it.

Darn Counter: 497139 | DM me with: 'blacklist-me' to be ignored

You stupid fucking cunt. WHERE DID YOU LEARN YOUR TRADE?

Darn it Kenn_Kennerson, I am not a stupid darn bot... :c Beep boop, I am actually a cool bot.

Darn Counter: 497196 | DM me with: 'blacklist-me' to be ignored

This bot would get along with Opie.

Beep boop, I am a bot, darn it.

Darn Counter: 497279 | DM me with: 'blacklist-me' to be ignored

I was gonna cancel too! Then I remembered that I don't subscribe to that horseshit, but, instead, download it illegally from various & sundry sources. Golly, was my face red when I realized my paux fas!

“Im sorry I did that. I’m embarrassed that I did that.”

That's terrible.... I'm sorry.

You folks fell on yer face! Ya get an f minus in m’book.

He explained how "compatible" he was with teenage girls and how dating them is totally fine.

Did this fucking piece of shit ghoul actually specify "teenage" on the show or was it inferred?

Teenage was implied when he said he loves that "Fresh-Out-Of-The-Huggies" phase that girls go through when they are the most seductive.

It died as soon as Gavin left.

Yeah, I miss the old Gavin too.

Anthony talked for 20 minutes about how disgusting women his own age are.

That part is true though. Women 20 years younger than him are also pretty gross.

Welcome back to the light.

The unforgivable part is missing Bill & Joanne on Red Eye.

Nice paying him for 3 additional months, stupid

Before you leave, check out burning Bridges and esd

Yeah, if you want to see the two worst things humanity has ever done.

I lasted one month after the initial network launch. Declined to respond when they sent an email asking why I unsubscribed. Was fearful that they would exploit my financial info if I answered with brutal honesty.

It really is disquieting, comparing the Anthony of today with the guy we used to relish hearing. He’s no longer funny, interesting, or human, but tries to sucker listeners/viewers into thinking he’s generating worthwhile discussion through a manic, overeager, grotesque delivery.

I was very close to subscribing soon after he started CP Media. I listened to some of the free content - it was kinda funny. Listened to some more, then quickly realized it was extremely boring. Then he started adding all these random shows with more boring people. It's a really really crappy "Network". He has a lot of balls charging anything more than $1 a month. It's very low effort content, not to mention Anthony has clearly gone full blown alcoholic. At least with the Sirius job he had to be sober half the time, not to mention there was SOME kind of format/agenda.

Ant actually believes young women find him attractive.

To be fair, women his age are very disgusting. So is the thought of sexual relations with a 14 year old.

I canceled my sub last Jan when I found a site with the audio that's updated daily.


Nice try Keith.

His brother appreciates the spittle of youngsters.

hes got your info now brotherman. careful he doesnt recharge you

why do all you neck beards all of a sudden think its terrible for a man to date younger chicks? I thought we all want this... to a certain extent...

Sad reality - he's still going to bill you.

I’ve never seen such a collection of misguided, envious morons. The guy made millions with his radio schtick and continues to stay in the black (no pun intended). Do the math. $108/yr x 20,000 subs. that’s 2M plus/yr. A book deal, and advertising/merch. Who gives a fuck what he does with his personal life? He’s crushing it professionally. Be less emotional and more subjective. His core audience isn’t YOU. It’s boomers that hang on his and Artie’s every word. You enjoy his ‘cast as much as he enjoys your music. Reality folks. Live there.

I agree that he has to be killing it on the network or else he would have shut it down by now.

From what I hear (very inside), He’s got some serious financial advisors. Parlayed what he made in radio several times over without ever touching it. No family to support except his money grubbing brother. He really doesn’t have to work another day in his life. If he was hemorrhaging cash he would’ve been told to shut it down and he’s a smart enough guy to have listened. This sub can think what they want but as usual, they’d be wrong re: his success as a podcaster and network owner.

You're not fooling anyone, Joe.

As in Kid spit Samcro cosplay Joe? Or you talking Materese? Rogan maybe? Are my writing skills that bad? Ok. I guess I’ll be a Joe then. This should get interesting.

Not Joe's writing style at all. Clearly Tranthony or a great imposter.

Its such a smashing success of a network when Opie was fired no article mentioned it, they just mention Anthony had also been fired.

Its such a smashing success when Artie had health and legal problems the articles that covered it failed to mention Cumia or his network and Artie is the topbilled talent on the "network"!

There are tons of multi-million dollar businesses that don’t get any press.

In the entertainment field?!

That’s a good point...maybe I’m way off but I just don’t see him continuing it if it’s draining all his cash...he would have pulled the plug a long time ago. Just my opinion though.

His ego and pride are bigger than anything else at his point.

Otherwise he'd have apologized, dine anger management training and have kept his million dollar salary at Sirius.

We know he took a second mortgage out on the McMansion and we know he owes back taxes too. But he keeps throwing good money after bad on this failure just to prove he was right.

Ego and pride? Probably the least egotistical broadcaster out there. He’s never been an attention seeker.

You people just make shit up. It’s astounding! You’re talking about $8,000 that he rolled into his mortgage refi? The 8k that he used for a home improvement project? He’s a multi millionaire. He’s dropped 8k on a single hand of blackjack. Back taxes?!?! Where do you ladies get your info? His finances are handled by the very best advisors available. They’ve parlayed his earnings from terrestrial and satellite radio several times over with investments that you and I can’t afford to make.

Fact: Sirius didn’t want an apology. They wanted O&A to be ended. Sirius saw an out and made a shitty business decision. They were stupid enough to think that w/o A, O and J would still float as a show and they’d get away with saving a boatload of money by cutting A. There was never any opportunity or offer for A to apologize. Not that he would have anyway, he was the victim in that NYC circumstance and he stood his ground with SXM. Pride and ego had nothing to do with it. It’s called having principles and standing up for yourself.

Typically, Opie decided self preservation was more important than preserving the brand, and here we are. Out of the old show, A has been the most successful. There’s no arguing that. Opie and his brilliant pop up Video, Jim and Sam, or Anthony? Two of them are unwatchable/unlistenable.


It’s astounding!

Confirmed as Tranth. He thinks astounding is a really smart sounding word.

Fact: Sirius didn’t want an apology. They wanted O&A to be ended.

Oh, right. So they just allowed Opie/Jim and Jim/Sam to continue leeching off the O&A legacy because they wanted to no trace of you?

You've been hanging around/sucking the dick of Alex Jones too long Anthony. Keep making up blatant lies to support your lazy narrative will keep your audience dwindling.

P.S.- Stop trying to fuck children.

Just admit it's you, stupid old asshole

Whether you have the inside info or not I do believe this. He’s such a financially minded capitalist and, although he throws down ridiculous amounts of cash gambling at times, I think he’s got plenty. The few subscribers I’ve met in real life don’t even know how to get on reddit so I doubt this sub represents his audience. I don’t subscribe but good for him if he’s making good cash at it. Gas Digital copied the formula so that has to mean something.

He doesn't have 20000 subscribers.

No one is jealous of him.

He is irrelevant.

Right. He may be irrelevant to you, and many on the sub, but to his (average) 20-30k paying subscribers, he’s relevancy is worth the $108/yr. each. BTW, those numbers are legitimate, not pulled out of my ass for comic effect like most of the comments here

He doesn't have anywhere near 20K subs. No way.

Chevy Citation needed

First you said 20k now you say 20-30k, I'd be surprised if you had 3k subscribers

Prove it, pissed eyed little spaghetti-fearing faggot

No one is evnious of your horrid life. You a drunk who hangs out with old men leech trash, you're one of the ugliest men who ever lived, you have to bite in fights with 80lb girls, and you can't even own a gun like a real man. Pathetic.

Y’all think you know everything! Writing style, using the word astounding! All a dead giveaway that it’s Tranpa !!! Oh, this is fun. None of y’all have any idea who I am. Same way no one knows who you are (or do they?) I only wish I was the misguided millionaire. I’d at least spend his $ on worthwhile shit. gaming with sone of you fags at 60? Mildly retarded. I don’t give a shit what you think he does in his private time, I only want to make it clear that he’s not hurting for money at all. Just another load of bullshit dumped by shit talkers on this stupid fucking sub.

What a long and bothered comment from someone who doesn't care!

Lmao hi Ant. This is you because you write long explanations with lots of exclamation marks and trailing off the point.

Dont drop your lip plate on the keyboard, nigger

Say y'all again so there's no way you could be Ant.

No one will suspect a thing.

$8.50 of your $9 is going into Artie’s arm

Artie snorts China white because he’s too pussy to inject.

Prob the reason he’s still alive.

Hey double G, you seem nice. Want to grab a beer sometime?

He's so out of touch that the paid subscription revenue pays for his entire operation.

Link me to the proof on that.

Do ya?

He is out of touch though.

Internet content creators typically offer their shows/podcasts for free and rely on ads, optional paid content, and optional donations to stay afloat.

Anthony is an aberation in that he charges a premium (and yes, $9 is premium for internet content) to view anything produced on his network.

Okay, so that alone doesn't mean he's doing it wrong. But, I can name a dozen content creators who don't charge their viewers/listeners directly and are wildly successful. Which of these two are honestly more successful: Anthony Cumia, or Red Letter Media? And which one offers their content for free?

I've said this before but I don't even think Anthony is greedy to charge $9/mo for his show. It's that he genuinely doesn't believe a free content system could work, because he's an old fuddy duddy who spent too much time in the world of satellite radio, where customers had to shell out every month to listen to what he was saying, a paradigm that is outdated 2018. You bet your sweet bippy he's out of touch.

PS neither you or I have access to his subscriber count but if he isn't subsidizing CM, I'll eat my hat (pardon my language)